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Ms. Patricia Ramsey, University of Central Florida Dr. Tace Crouse, University of Central Florida 9/24/2012 SAIR 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Patricia Ramsey, University of Central Florida Dr. Tace Crouse, University of Central Florida 9/24/2012 SAIR 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Patricia Ramsey, University of Central Florida Dr. Tace Crouse, University of Central Florida 9/24/2012 SAIR 2012 1

2 9/24/2012SAIR 20122

3  Decennial and Fifth-Year SACS Reviews  Revisions in standards  Revision in CR 2.8 9/24/2012SAIR 20123

4  The number of full-time faculty members is adequate to support the mission of the institution and to ensure the quality and integrity of each of its academic programs.  …it includes the number of full-time faculty, disaggregation by academic program and mode of delivery, and location of full-time faculty… 9/24/2012SAIR 20124

5  Full-time faculty members  Adequate number  Academic Program 9/24/2012SAIR 20125

6 9/24/2012SAIR 20126

7 7

8 9/24/2012SAIR 20128 All users view the same version Available when the user is ready to view – no lost.pdfs Various tabs for term vs. annual User can filter to meet their needs

9 9/24/2012SAIR 20129  1) Report by Location  2) Make Web a new location  3) Pull out GEP Foundation Courses  4) Organize data by Program not Dept  Each course has a CIP – set up a mapping table to assign each CIP to a program offered Departments had never seen SCH data organized in this manner before!!

10 9/24/2012SAIR 201210 SAS Enterprise Guide: Pull off courses from Master Schedule, identify CIP code and all instructors. Identify instructors as Full-Time Faculty, Adjunct, GTA Sum Student Credit Hours for each course section by each instructor type Data cleanup!

11 9/24/2012SAIR 201211 Add current year to prior years so history is available in portal Code course CIPS to ‘Program CIPS’ for report display Pull web courses out in unique location, Flag low percentages for review.

12 9/24/2012SAIR 201212 Add current year to prior years so history is available in portal Choice of Display What courses are Foundation? Areas of Concern Detail to support explanation

13 SAIR 201213

14 SAIR 201214 Red values in Full-Time Faculty % SCH are below the threshold and need explanation

15 SAIR 201215 Dept. can focus attention on these areas for detailed review

16 SAIR 201216

17 SAIR 201217 To respond to requirements of the mid-cycle report, departments were provided with a pivot table so they could drill down to the detail.

18 9/24/2012SAIR 201218 By reviewing the detail, they can provide an explanation and if appropriate, a course of action 2 large sections were taught by PT Faculty at this location. Do they have special skills that make them the best choice?

19  Small number of CIP assignments needed adjustments  Special categories ≠ programs  Quality and integrity of programs can be maintained with varying numbers of FT faculty 9/24/2012SAIR 201219

20 9/24/2012SAIR 201220

21  UCF Office of Institutional Research   Phone:(407) 823-5061  Ms. Patricia Ramsey:  Dr. Tace Crouse 4SAIR 201221

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