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9/6/20151 Current School Configuration Research and Presentation: Dr. Cheryl Ortiz.

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Presentation on theme: "9/6/20151 Current School Configuration Research and Presentation: Dr. Cheryl Ortiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/6/20151 Current School Configuration Research and Presentation: Dr. Cheryl Ortiz

2 9/6/20152 Introduction Purpose of this presentation –Objective: To Research studies that relate to our current school configuration. –Outcome: There are perceived advantages and disadvantages to the current school configuration. There is no one perfect configuration. 7,11,13,15,16,18

3 9/6/20153 Grade Span Configuration There is minimal empirical research that deals with the relationship between academic achievement and grade span configuration. 1,11,12,13,14 Case studies are not designed to suggest causal effects of grade span. 1, 9,12,14,15 No empirical research has been done to test the effects of other factors that may contribute to academic achievement. 1,13

4 Grade Span Configuration Cont. Cause and effect relationship between grade configuration and academic achievement would require a more extensive type of research and therefore is not performed. 18 9/6/20154

5 Grade Span Configuration Cont. Most research is done using middle school grades because it is where the most significant decrease in achievement is found. 9,10,14 Comparison of K-2 and K-6 configuration, K-2 contributed to superior student achievement in 4th and 5th grades 10 9/6/20155

6 6 Factors that Contribute to Academic Achievement Leadership 3,10,13 Quality of teaching staff 3, 4,10,13,15 High Expectations 4,10,12,13,15 Staff Development 13,15,16

7 Factors that Contribute to Academic Achievement Cont. Quality of instructional programs and practices 3, 4,5,8,9,12,13,14,18 Supplemental services 13 Strict Discipline 4 Smaller size schools(300<) 7,10,15,17 9/6/20157

8 September 6, 20158 Changing Grade Span Configuration May simply mask the root of the problem such as ineffective teaching. 6,17 May be looking for a quick fix. 6,7 Change takes a minimum of 3-5 years with same leadership and same staff to see improvement. 13

9 9/6/20159 Improving Current Configuration When schools are accountable for performance they produce better results 10 Communication between schools is critical. 5,6,7,9,12 Transition plans are critical: visit new school, present rules and expectation, introduce teachers, administrators 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,18 Consistency between schools eases transitions. 5,6,12,14

10 9/6/201510 Perceived Advantages of Current Configuration Better concentration on educational and psychological needs of students 10 Equalize class sizes 8,10,13 Facilitate multilevel instruction in reading and math 10 Improved discipline 10 Improved student interaction 10,15 When students move they don’t change schools

11 9/6/201511 Perceived Advantages of Current Configuration Cont. Students can be matched to teachers according to learning and teaching styles. 13 Students can be matched to other students that work well together 13,18 Separate students that don’t work well together 13,18 Teacher collaboration for grade level 13,18

12 Perceived Advantages of Current Configuration Cont. Teacher mentoring for grade level 13,18 Able to create learning communities with small age groups 10,18 One elementary school to one middle school experience less achievement loss than multiple elementary to one middle school. 2 9/6/201512

13 Perceived Disadvantages of Current Configuration Number of Transitions 6,7,8,9,10,11,13,17,19 Less parental involvement 6,7,8,10,13,17,19 Challenge to create a sense of community 11,15,16,17,18 New school, building, teachers, administrators, rules 6,9,19 9/6/201513

14 Perceived Disadvantages of Current Configuration No cross age activities with older and younger students 8,10,15,18 Overlap in scheduling of activities in schools involving same families 10,13 No vertical alignment from grade to grade 13 Good behavior not modeled by older students 6,8,10,13,15,18,19 9/6/201514

15 References 1.Dove, MJ, Pearson, L.C. Relationship Between Grade Span Configuration and Academic Achievement, Journal of Advanced Academics Num. 2 Winter 2010 2.Alspaugh, J.W. Achievement Loss Associated with the Transition to Middle and High School, Journal of Educational Research, 1 Sept. 1998 3.Abramson, P., Problems with Middle Schools (A Final Thought), School Planning and Management, 1 May 2004 4.Bowie, L, Charter Schools: Success Stories Setting Example, Baltimore Sun, 28 Sept 2004 5.Coladarci, T., Hancock, J. Grade-span Configurations: The (Limited) Evidence Regarding Effects on Academic Achievement, Occasional Paper no. 41 College of Education & Human Redevelopment at the University of Main and the Penquis Superintendents’ Association 6.Saleh, A., Grade-Span Configurations: What Should We Do With the Children? Research Briefs 2006 9/6/201515

16 References 7.Brown, E.L., The Effect of Number of School-To-School Transitions on District Performance, Dissertation Ohio University 2004 8.District Administration, Grade-Span Configuration, 2005 9.Colararci, T., Hancock, J., The (Limited) Evidence Regarding Effects of Grade-Span Configurations on Academic Achievement: What Rural Educators Should Know, ERIC Digest 2003 10.McEntire, N. Grade Configuration on Early Education and Parenting, CEEP Popular Topics 2002 11.Renchler, R. Grade Span, Clearinghouse on Educational Policy and Management, Trends and Issues: School Organization 1999 12.Coladarci, T., Hancock, J., Grade Span Configuration, Journal of Research in Rural Education, Winter 2002 Vol. 17 No.3 13.Simpson, L., Elementary Grade Configuration Report, December 2003 9/6/201516

17 References 14.ERIC Development Team, The(Limited) Evidence Regarding Effects of Grade-Span Configurations on Academic Achievement: What Rural Educators Should Know. ERIC Digest 2002 15.Renchler, R., Grade Span, National Association of Elementary School Principals 2000 16.Renchler, R., School Organization: Grade Span. Trends and Issues, ERIC Clearninghouse 2002 17.Gregg, K., Elementary School Grade Span Configuration: New Evidence on Student Achievement, Achievement Equity, and Cost Efficiency, 2002 18.Paglin, C., Fager, J., Grade Configuration: Who Goes Where? Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 1997 19.Hopkinton Public Schools, Report on Grade Span Configurations Research 2010 9/6/201517

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