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Evaluation of HIV specific legal services together with beneficiaries IDLO – Health Law Program Asela Kalugampitiya Health Law Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of HIV specific legal services together with beneficiaries IDLO – Health Law Program Asela Kalugampitiya Health Law Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of HIV specific legal services together with beneficiaries IDLO – Health Law Program Asela Kalugampitiya Health Law Program

2 Global HIV epidemic Over 33 million people living with HIV: Over half are women 2.6 million newly infected in 2009 740,000 people living with HIV in China The national HIV prevalence is 0.1% Epidemic continues to be driven by high-risk behavior within particular sub- populations 2

3 Health Law program To address national HIV responses to reduce discrimination and increase access to justice, including legal aid for people living with HIV and vulnerable populations OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).

4 Process and support to local partners Needs Assessment Stakeholders Consultation Project Designing and Planning Implementation / Monitoring Evaluation Financial Support Technical Support Financial Support

5 Technical support on M&E The program is implemented in eight developing countries, Benin, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nepal, and Papua New Guinea IDLO provide technical support to set up a M&E system for the project, to conduct evaluations.

6 China, Yunnan Province Yunnan University HIV Legal Aid Center, Kunming Legal information and advice Peer counseling Outreach to drug users Lawyers trained for pro bono services Unique in Yunnan and rare in China – due to close May 2011 6

7 Mid-term evaluation Objectives of the evaluation: To identify what the project stake- holders achieved during the period to be reviewed To identify what worked and gaps in achieving the project objectives To make recommendations for year 2 and beyond

8 Mid-term evaluation Key principles: Local people are active participants, not just sources of information. Stakeholders evaluate, outsiders facilitate. The focus is on building stakeholder capacity for analysis and problem solving.

9 Mid-term evaluation Evaluation team: Representatives of the stakeholders -Donors -Implementers -the community -Beneficiaries -other service providers -the government

10 Mid term evaluation Evaluation process: -Develop the evaluation process/ methodology -Select the evaluation team -Start communication with the team -Share documents to review with the team/ translation -Field work -Finalize the field work schedule -Data collection through FGDs -Analysis/ presentation to stakeholders -Dissemination of findings

11 Mid term evaluation Evaluation methodology: -Literature review -Data collection from key informants through FGDs Beneficiaries, implementers, community groups, outreach centers, government, other service providers, donors etc -Analysis -Presentation to stakeholders -Report writing

12 Mid term evaluation Lessons learnt: -Communication process to work with non evaluators -Empowered evaluation team, whom can be used for future evaluations -Participatory tools allow more qualitative data -Multi stakeholder team able to collect more reliable data from their own communities -Participatory evaluation makes easier for implementation of recommendations

13 Mid term evaluation Next steps: -Recommendations were presented to the implementers -Implementers are in the process of incorporating recommendations -Final evaluation of the first phase is due in June 2011 -Use results for fund raising for the next phase

14 IDLO Contacts Thank you very much Asela Kalugampitiya – International Development Law Organization Rome, Italy

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