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Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20031 Practice of Quality Control Dick Dee Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA Goddard.

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Presentation on theme: "Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20031 Practice of Quality Control Dick Dee Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA Goddard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20031 Practice of Quality Control Dick Dee Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NCAR Summer Colloquium 2003

2 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20032 Outline Motivation QC procedures The background check The buddy check An adaptive buddy check algorithm The Bayesian framework Variational quality control Summary

3 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20033 QC Example 1: Rotated earth scenario

4 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20034 QC Example 2: Strange sat winds

5 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20035 QC Example 3: French Christmas Storm No. 2

6 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20036 Quality Control Procedures At the instrument site: –E.g. radiation correction for rawinsonde temperatures During the retrieval process: –E.g. cloud-track wind height assignment As part of preprocessing at the DAS site: –E.g. aircraft wind checks –E.g. hydrostatic checks for rawinsonde temperatures During the assimilation: Statistical quality control Background reading: Some of the early papers in numerical weather map analysis: Bergthórsson and Döös 1955; Bedient and Cressman 1957 More recent papers with a good general discussion of QC: Lorenc and Hammon 1988; Collins and Gandin 1990

7 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20037 Statistical Quality Control Since this takes place late in the data assimilation process, a lot of information is at hand: –Observations from various instruments –A short-term forecast valid at the time of the observations –Some information about expected errors Basic idea:check if each observed value is reasonable in view of all other available information Danger: rejecting good data / including bad data This is clearly a problem in probability theory..

8 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20038 Background check Bergthórsson and Döös 1955; Bedient and Cressman 1957 Compare each observation against its prediction based on first-guess fields (e.g. interpolated background) Flag or reject the observation if the difference is large (but what is large?) Example: rawinsonde observed-minus-forecast temperature residuals

9 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 20039 The background check as a hypothesis test Definitions:observations background data residuals In terms of errors: Assumptions: errors for ‘good’ data background errors Thereforein the absence of gross errors. For each single residual, the null hypothesis is Reject the hypothesis if for some fixed tolerance  Probability of false rejection:

10 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200310 Traditional buddy check Identify a suspect observation (e.g. using a background check) Define a set of buddies (e.g. based on distance, data type) Predict the suspect from the buddies (e.g. using local OI) Reject the suspect observation if it is too far from the predicted value (based on error statistics) See: Lorenc 1981

11 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200311 The buddy check as a hypothesis test Null hypothesis H0: Divide into suspects and buddies: Given H0, the conditional pdf of the suspects given the buddies is where Let Reject the null hypothesis if for some fixed tolerance  The choice of  determines the significance level δ of the test, which bounds the probability of false rejection of the null hypothesis:

12 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200312 Illustration of the buddy check

13 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200313 An adaptive buddy check algorithm Loop: End loop identify suspects predict suspects from buddies prediction error covariances null hypothesis: adjust the error estimates

14 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200314 Illustration with fixed tolerances true range (μ ± 2σ) expected range suspect observations predicted suspects rejected observations acceptable discrepancy

15 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200315 Illustration with adaptive tolerances adjusted range

16 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200316 Illustration with real data Fixed tolerances Adaptive tolerances

17 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200317 Some remarks on the adaptive buddy check Very little dependence on prescribed error statistics in densely observed regions … but reverts to a simple background check for isolated observations Cheap and simple to implement, although parallel implementation takes some care Not effective for detecting systematic gross errors (coherent batches of bad data) Does not incorporate prior information about instrument reliability … but that can be done, following Lorenc and Hammon (1988) The analysis is not a smooth function of the observations Quality control and analysis are treated as separate steps in the assimilation process

18 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200318 The Bayesian framework (1) For example, our earlier Gaussian error models: can also be written as See: Lorenc 1986, Cohn 1997 We can formulate the analysis problem in terms of conditional probabilities:

19 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200319 Example: Gaussian distributions Lorenc and Hammon (1988)

20 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200320 The Bayesian framework (2) The Bayesian framework is not restricted to Gaussian distributions and/or linear operators. This represents the most likely state in view of the available information. Actually we’d be happy with just the mode of the conditional pdf: When h(x) is linear, J(x) is quadratic and the solution is with For Gaussian distributions,

21 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200321 Error models that account for bad data Generalize the observation error model to account for possible gross errors: If G is the event that a gross error occurred, then: and This is no longer a Gaussian pdf, and the variational problem becomes non-linear. See: Purser 1984, Lorenc and Hammon 1988.

22 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200322 Example: Non-Gaussian observation errors Lorenc and Hammon (1988)

23 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200323 Variational Quality Control at ECMWF (1) After modification of p(y|x) to account for gross errors we have instead Assuming independent Gaussian errors, the contribution of a single observation is (cost) (gradient) Minimize cost function whereand It turns out thatis the a posteriori prob. of gross error

24 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200324 Example: Impact of an observation in VarQC Andersson and Järvinen (1999)

25 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200325 Some remarks on variational QC Strong dependence on prescribed error statistics Implementation for observations with correlated errors is much more complicated Not effective for detecting systematic gross errors (coherent batches of bad data) Incorporates prior information about instrument reliability In principle, the analysis is a smooth function of the observations … but not really (multiple minima) Quality control and analysis are done simultaneously – each can take advantage of iterative improvement during the optimization Requires a relatively strict background check to avoid convergence issues

26 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200326 Summary

27 Dee: Practice of Quality ControlNCAR Summer Colloquium 200327 Literature Andersson, E., and H. Järvinen, 1999: Variational quality control. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 125, 697- 722 Bedient, H. A., and G. P. Cressman, 1957: An experiment in automatic data processing. Mon. Wea. Rev., 85, 333-340. Bergthórsson, P., and B. R. Döös, 1955: Numerical weather map analysis. Tellus, 7, 329-340 Collins, W. G., 1998: Complex quality control of significant level rawinsonde temperatures. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 15, 69-79. Collins, W. G., and L. S. Gandin, 1990: Comprehensive hydrostatic quality control at the National Meteorological Center. Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 2752-2767 Dee, D. P., L. Rukhovets, R. Todling, A. M. da Silva, and J. W. Larson, 2001: An adaptive buddy check for observational quality control. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 114, 2451-2471. Dharssi, I., A. C. Lorenc, and N. B. Ingleby, 1992: Treatment of gross errors using maximum probability theory. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 118, 1017-1036 Gandin, L. S., 1988: Complex quality control of meteorological observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, 1137- 1156 Ingleby, N. B., and A. C. Lorenc, 1993: Bayesian quality control using multivariate normal distributions. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 119, 1195-1225. Lorenc, A. C., 1981: A global three-dimensional multivariate statistical interpolation scheme. Mon. Wea. Rev., 109, 701-721. Lorenc, A. C., and O. Hammon, 1988: Objective quality control of observations using Bayesian methods: Theory, and a practical implementation. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 114, 515-543. Purser, R. J., 1984: A new approach to the optimal assimilation of meteorological data by iterative Bayesian analysis. Proceedings of 10 th Conf. On Weather Forecasting and Analysis, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 102-105.

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