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GSN Station Operator Technical Training Program (TTP 2005) Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory ASL.

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2 GSN Station Operator Technical Training Program (TTP 2005) Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory ASL


4 Training Installation, maintenance and operation training are conducted during the initial installation of the station. Refreshed during any maintenance visit.

5 Glossary ASL – Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Comm-link – Remote system connection from DAU to DPU DA or DAU – Data Acquisition (Unit) of a Remote system. DAU/DPU – Combined Data Acquisition Unit and Data Processing Unit (Local System) DCC – Data Collection Center DP or DPU – Data Processing Unit. The recording portion of a Remote system. GPS – Global Positioning Satellite

6 Glossary Continued GSNMAINT –Technical personnel at ASL that handle Global Seismograph Network Maintenance I/O – Input or Output to a module or device IRIS – Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology LISS – Live Internet Seismic Server QC – Quality Control UPS – Uninterruptible Power System

7 Training Agenda Effective communication with ASL System hardware descriptions Software operation Maintenance procedures Trouble shooting Data analysis Grounding and lightning protection Shipping hardware to ASL

8 Contacting ASL By E-mail Send all station specific messages to: This is a mail list of all technical persons at Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Use the format below to help us sort mail and quickly respond to your station problems. Subject: CODE Problem description

9 Why Do We Use Mail Lists? More than one person is aware of the problem. Multiple points of contact. Maintenance priority is assigned. Actions taken. Data quality is verified. Mail List is notified when the problem is solved.

10 Problem Handling Flowchart

11 Data Flow from SAML to ASL

12 GSN System

13 Q330 Recording System Example

14 Detailed System Hardware Descriptions and Training Conducted by Field Engineers on hardware systems matching the specific configuration for each participating station.

15 Local Power System

16 Power System Component Descriptions Voltage Regulator –Used to regulate AC voltage. –Corrects for low or high commercial power. Constant Voltage Transformer –Conditions the input AC voltage to the DC UPS (battery charger).

17 Power System Component Descriptions DC UPS (Battery Charger) –Converts commercial AC power to 24 VDC to the operate the DA and charge the stationary batteries. Stationary Batteries –Power for the DA and seismometers during a commercial AC power outage.

18 Power System Component Descriptions Battery Preventive Maintenance –Keep the battery terminals clean and dry. –Check for proper voltage in “loaded” and “unloaded” conditions. Battery Replacement –Report any abnormal conditions to GSN Maintenance for replacement instructions.

19 Photo Voltaic (PV)Power System and VSAT

20 GSN Q680 System

21 Q330 and Packet Baler

22 Equipment Installed in TA Vault

23 VSAT Antenna and PV Array Examples

24 Seismometers Borehole Installations –KS54000i –CMG3-TB Surface Installations –STS-1/VBB –STS-2 –CMG-3T –FBA-23 (Accelerometer) –Episensor (Accelerometer)

25 Seismometers Basic Information –NEVER move a seismometer without locking the mass. –Prevent temperature changes to seismometer and inside vault. –Eliminate seismic noise near seismometers.

26 Seismometers Operator Maintenance Requirements –Depends on the type of seismometer –Monitor the data quality –Check the mass positions (if data is available) –Center the masses (not possible on all seismometers) –Align the seismometer if it has been replaced (surface instruments only) –Troubleshoot problems

27 Seismometers STS-2 –Monitor the data for problems –Check mass positions on status screen Center all masses if any mass is more than + or- 5 volts from zero. Use the current procedure provided by GSN Maintenance –Center the masses whenever power is lost to the seismometer –Troubleshooting If data is noisy or spiking, check for moisture problems and re-level the instrument If there is no seismic or mass position data, this is most likely due to a faulty Host Box Request help from ASL



30 Grounding Grounding is for protection of personnel and reliable equipment operation. Lightning or equipment failures can cause voltage transients that can damage equipment or kill you. All equipment is grounded to one place: Single Point Ground Maintain the integrity of the grounding system installed with the GSN equipment.

31 Grounding The importance of correctly installing and maintaining a reliable grounding system is explained. Exothermic welding connections are demonstrated.

32 System Software Training conducted by Software Engineers and Field Engineers. On hardware systems configured for the specific stations. Running the station operational software.

33 Quality Control Quality Control analysts explain how they verify seismic content of the data. Field Engineers and Quality Control analysts demonstrate and explain the capabilities of data analysis software.

34 System Maintenance Training is conducted by Field Engineers on hardware configurations for each specific station. Test systems are setup for any unique hardware configurations.

35 Trouble Shooting Conducted by Field Engineers to locate common problems. Present solutions for possible temporary repairs to keep the station operational.

36 PRIMARY PROBLEM TROUBLESHOOTING POINTS Before contacting ASL for technical assistance with a station problem please insure the following troubleshooting procedures have been completed.

37 1.Is power available at all equipment locations? Has there been a commercial power outage? 2.If power is available but a component is not functioning, are fuses blown? 3.Verify normal operation of all LED’s on the system and make notes to inform GSN Maintenance if they are ON or OFF or FLASHING.

38 4.Note status of Radio or Modem comm- link LED’s if you have this hardware. 5.Inform GSN Maintenance of any electrical storms that may have been in the area when the problem started. 6.If you are not familiar with the above actions ask for guidance from GSN Maintenance.


40 LIGHTS ON THE QUANTERRA SYSTEM (Example of a Troubleshooting Checklist) CPU Central Processing Unit Board –FAIL (red) OFF = Normal Operation. –STATUS (yellow) FLASHING = Normal operation. –RUN (green) FLASHING = Normal operation. –SCON (green) ON = Normal operation. MVME 712/M Interface Module –Visible through a hole in the front panel are two lights (yellow and green) ON = Normal operation. –The light in the terminator connector on the front panel (green) ON = Normal operation QPWR Quanterra Power Module –The top light (yellow) OFF = Normal operation. –The top light is a blown fuse indicator for the incoming power and will also illuminate when the top power switch is turned off. –The center light (yellow) OFF = Normal operation. –The center light is also a blown fuse indicator. ON = 24 VDC power is lost to the QAP modules. –The bottom light (green) ON = Normal operation. –If the bottom light is not illuminated, there is less than 20 VDC available at the input connector. QDP Quanterra Digital Processor Modules –All 3 (red) lights Flashing brightly each second = Normal operation. –All 3 lights on continuous = CPU has Reset. –Lights flashing rapidly = Memory failure. –Any light flashing dimly indicates that the Digital Processor is trying to send data but the CPU is not accepting the channel. This could also mean a QAP module failure. QVI Quanterra VME Bus Interface Modules –The top light (green) ON For 1 second duration at each minute = Normal operation. –This occurs when the 1 PPM (1 Pulse Per Minute) signal is received from the GPS receiver. –Note: The GPS receiver will not output signals until it has locked onto a satellite. –Middle light (yellow) Flashing brightly and rapidly once each second = Normal operation. –The bottom light (red) Flashing brightly and rapidly once each second = Normal operation.


42 Operator Responsibilites Tasks to monitor station operational Daily Weekly Periodic These general tasks are tailored for each station.

43 Contacting ASL By E-mail Send all station specific messages to: This is a mail list of all technical persons at Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Use the format below to help us sort mail and quickly respond to your station problems. Subject: CODE Problem description


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