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Relativistic Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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Presentation on theme: "Relativistic Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relativistic Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
C.E. Aguiar, T. Kodama U.F. Rio de Janeiro T. Osada,Y. Hama U. São Paulo Outline Relativistic hydrodynamics Relativistic SPH Entropy-based SPH Shocks and artificial viscosity

2 Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Energy-momentum conservation Baryon-number conservation

3 Baryon number conservation:
comoving derivative:

4 Energy-momentum conservation:
enthalpy per baryon:

5 Momentum equation: Energy equation:

6 Entropy conservation:
s = entropy density (rest frame)

7 Lagrangian Equations

8 SPH Developed to study gas dynamics in astrophysical systems.
Lagrangian method. No grids. Arbitrary geometries. Equally applicable in 1, 2 and 3 space dimensions. - L.Lucy, Astron.J. 82, 1013 (1977) - R.Gingold, J.Monaghan, MNRAS 181, 378 (1977) Reviews: - J. Monaghan, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 30, 543 (1992) - L. Hernquist, N. Katz, Ap. J. Suppl. 70, 419 (1989)

9 Smoothing h x Error:

10 nb = baryon number of ''particle'' b
Particles "Monte-Carlo" sampling nb = baryon number of ''particle'' b

11 Different ways of writing SP estimates
(we omit the SP subscript from now on):

12 Derivatives No need for finite differences and grids: D D i-1 i i+1

13 More than one way of calculating derivatives:

14 Moving the Particles

15 Momentum equation Energy equation

16 Energy and Momentum

17 Entropy equation

18 Particle Velocity ? equation for g:

19 RSPH Equations

20 Baryon-Free Matter

21 Lagrangian equations:

22 Entropy-based RSPH

23 Ultrarelativistic Pion Gas

24 Pion Gas Rarefaction Wave

25 Pion Gas Landau Solution

26 Shock Waves shock wave x numerical calculation

27 Pion Gas Shock Wave

28 Artificial Viscosity

29 Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamically normal matter: Thermodynamically anomalous matter:


31 Dissipative RSPH

32 Pion Gas Shock Wave

33 Pion Gas Rankine - Hugoniot:

34 QGP + Pion Gas

35 QGP + Pions Rarefaction Shock

36 QGP + Pions Rarefaction Shock

37 QGP + Pions Rarefaction Shock

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