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Education of adults with autism at the FORUM Club in the SYNAPSIS Foundation Michał Waligórski SYNAPSIS Foundation Warsaw, Poland LISBON, 12 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Education of adults with autism at the FORUM Club in the SYNAPSIS Foundation Michał Waligórski SYNAPSIS Foundation Warsaw, Poland LISBON, 12 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education of adults with autism at the FORUM Club in the SYNAPSIS Foundation Michał Waligórski SYNAPSIS Foundation Warsaw, Poland LISBON, 12 May 2006

2 established in 1990 by professionals the name derives from Greek word synapsis (contact, bond) non-governmental organisation non-profit organisation different sources of financing (public subsidies, national & European grants, sponsoring) The SYNAPSIS Foundation About us

3 SYNAPSIS CHILDREN & YOUNGSTERS WITH AUTISM diagnosis & therapy ADULTS WITH AUTISM social & work activities PARENTS support & trainings PROFESSIONALS trainings, seminars OTHER NGOs trainings, advocacy system solutions – goverment and adminsistartion parliement advocacy international cooperation PUBLIC OPINION social campaigns & publications Our activities

4 Short introduction into the FORUM CLUB Life-long education at the FORUM Club in the SYNAPSIS Foundation

5 since 2003 day activities (FORUM Club of Adults with Autism) pilot projects on job training social trainings, communication trainings integration with peers sport activities (rock climbing camps) arts expositions & events from 2006 our specialists diagnose the Asperger Syndrome in adults (including functional diagnose) … Adults with autism


7 The FORUM Club in the future… 2006.October. – New building for 24 persons: –The FORUM Club (hobbies, therapy, education…) –SOCIAL ENTERPRISE (exclusively work)


9 1)Adults with autism want to learn and work, 2)They want to understand their environment better, 3)Learning prevents them from stagnation and regression, 4)Learning decreases the number of difficult behaviours, 5)Learning increasing their efficacy increases motivation 6)It enables them to fulfill their ambitions and interests lifelong learning creates EMPOWERMENT! According to our experiences, lifelong learning is so important, because:

10 LIFELONG EDUCATION in the FORUM CLUB The first stage: defining the needs of the FORUM Club member on the same scale of categories (regardless of his/her level of functioning) Categories: „theory”, „social skills”, „practise” Person-centerd education The second stage: determining the priorities of education. The third stage: way of realisation

11 LIFELONG LEARNING LIFELONG LEARNING OUR „OPERATIONAL DEFINITION” Lifelong education („theory”) Applicable competences („practise”) Training of social skills and communication Practical competences are our priority!

12 lifelong education („theory”) Continuation of the school education – we select the subjects important for the Club member (interesting for him, professionally applicable) „Theoretical education” concerning work „Theoretical education” concerning everyday activities (important information, hobbies)

13 Training of social skills and communication Learning the social skills and communication - essential for proper social functioning and social inclusion

14 Practical competences: work Practical competences: everyday activities (hobbies, selfmanagment) Organising the free time Applicable competences („practise”)

15 The stages of the lifelong education 1.Defining the needs 2.Determining the priorities of education 3.Way of realisation - confrontation with the reality… 4.Realization of the priorities (partly in the Club, partly individually – hobbies, spare time)

16 Lifelong education in the education system BARRIERS: Lack of the complex solutions in the education system. Very few places like the FORUM Club, therapeutic workshops. Lack of places enabling to develop skills, hobbies etc. Lack of assistance for Aspergers at schools Lack of educational and professional support (job coaching) for persons with Asperger Syndrome Lack for proffesional staff and trainings for staff Lack for IT programmes (ex. Comunication, mind reading etc.) Lack of evaluation instruments SOLUTION: CooperationCooperation of the specialised organizations supporting the educational and/or professional priorities of adults with autism. Constant analysis of the actual needs regarding the lifelong education by the client and his main therapist (to a highest possible degree)

17 Scientific support of the lifelong education Scientific support of the lifelong education Person, B. (2000). Brief report: A Longitudinal Study of Quality of Life and Independence Among Adult Men with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30 (1), 61-66. Measured the impact of the lifelong education (TEACCH programme; 2,5 years) on the autistic adults Method: AAPEP scale Participants: -mean age 32,3 -no experiences with structured education and pictograms RESULTS - statistically important augmentation of: -practical skills -social competences -independence -frequency and quality of the adaptative behaviours -quality of life Never too late to start education…

18 Thank you for your attention!

19 Michał Waligórski Psychologist, job coach, therapist SYNAPSIS Foundation Phone/fax +48 22 825 86 33, E-mail: Contact

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