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Pharmacology Chapter 17. Pharmacology  Definition  The effect of drugs on the body and the effect of the body on drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmacology Chapter 17. Pharmacology  Definition  The effect of drugs on the body and the effect of the body on drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmacology Chapter 17

2 Pharmacology  Definition  The effect of drugs on the body and the effect of the body on drugs

3 Naming of Drugs  Each drug has 3 names Its chemical name  Specifies chemical structure Generic name  Name used by other companies Trade names  Name used by the company who received the patent for it.

4 Naming of Drugs (example)  Tylenol Chemical name  N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide Generic name  Acetaminophen Trade name  Tylenol

5 Classification of Drugs  3 classifications  Over the counter drugs (OTC) Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve  Prescription drugs (Rx) Naprosyn, Amoxicillin  Controlled Substances or scheduled drugs Both OTC and RX medicines fall under a schedule of drug

6 Scheduled drugs  Schedule I high abuse potential, no accepted medical use  Schedule II high abuse potential, accepted medical use  Schedule III Lower abuse potential, accepted medical use

7 Scheduled drugs  Schedule IV lower abuse potential than schedule 3, accepted medical use  Schedule V lowest abuse potential, some non prescription

8 Schedule drugs cont.  Examples Schedule I  Heroin, Marijuana, LSD Schedule II  Cocaine, Codeine, Morphine, Methamphetamine, THC Schedule III  Anabolic steroids,

9 Schedule drugs cont.  Schedule IV Valium, Xanax  Schedule V Cough mixtures containing codeine, Anti- diarrheal mixtures with opium

10 Common Therapeutic Categories  Analgesics  Antibiotics  Anti-hypertensives  Anti-inflammatory drugs  Asthma drugs  Anti-fungal

11 Analgesics  Pain Reliever  NSAID’s, Opioids

12 Antibiotics  Kills bacterial infections  Penicillin

13 Anti-hypertensives  Decrease blood pressure, hypertension, and relaxes  Beta 2- blockers, diuretics

14 Anti-inflammatory  Decrease swelling  NSAID’s

15 Asthma Drugs  Helps with controlling asthma  Albuterol

16 Anti-fungal  Kills fungal infections  Lamisil, Tinactin, Oral Diflucan (for ring worm)

17 Administration  Drugs can be administered many different ways Oral Sublingual or buccal Rectal Topical Inhalation Injection

18 Common Medications uses and differences  Tylenol Analgesic and anti-pyretic  Advil Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic  Bayer Asprin Anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-coagulant and analgesic  Aleve Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic

19 Drug testing  Drug testing is different in many different settings. Colleges  Each college usually has monthly drug tests that test for illegal/illicit drugs NCAA  The NCAA does their testing once a semester for anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing agents. Olympic  Test for all drugs including steroids, illegal drugs.  They use the world anti-drug agency’s list of banned substances Professional  Test for mainly illegal illicit drugs and steroids. They also have randomized testing that varies team to team.

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