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(Autonomous) Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC Accorded “CPE” Status by UGC 1 SJGC (A), Kurnool.

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1 (Autonomous) Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC Accorded “CPE” Status by UGC 1 SJGC (A), Kurnool


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4 UGC Report on “Strategies & Reforms in Higher Education during XI Plan” suggested the introduction of CBCS - Chapter 8; item 2 Facilitates in NAAC accreditation for a better Grade and Score 4 SJGC (A), Kurnool

5  To provide more academic flexibility in the form of Electives & AOCs  To provide students multidisciplinary curriculum  To enable students to progress at their own pace  To develop an in depth knowledge in a selected area  To train a student in a specific skill, to equip for the job market.

6 What is Credit? Unit of Weightage to the subject/ syllabus in terms of hours of study (1 hour per week -1 Credit) Weightage depends upon Content & Duration ( Major paper- more hours – more credits Elective paper – less hours- less credits) Unit of Weightage to the subject/ syllabus in terms of hours of study (1 hour per week -1 Credit) Weightage depends upon Content & Duration ( Major paper- more hours – more credits Elective paper – less hours- less credits) SJGC (A), Kurnool6

7 Allotment of Credits Learning Experience Hours per Week (1-2)(3-4) Theory (Class contact hours, Library work, Seminars, Assignments, Tutorials etc.) 1 Credit3 Credits Practicals (Lab work, Field visits )1 Credit2 Credits 7SJGC (A), Kurnool

8 Awarding Degree - Number of Credits Minimum Credits required– 140 (Minimum no. for Pass) Advanced learners – up to 160 (Taking Add – on/ Certificate Courses offered by the departments in free hours from 3 rd Semester to 6 th Semester) Minimum Credits required– 140 (Minimum no. for Pass) Advanced learners – up to 160 (Taking Add – on/ Certificate Courses offered by the departments in free hours from 3 rd Semester to 6 th Semester) SJGC (A), Kurnool8

9 Curriculum-Parts Part - I: Languages Part – II: Foundation Courses & General Electives (AOCs) Part – III Major, Electives and Project work Part – IV: Extra-curricular Activities & Community Services 9SJGC (A), Kurnool

10 Curriculum Parts – Out lines PART-II Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning Basic Computer Skills Human Values & Professional Ethics Environmental Studies Citizenship Education Add-on Courses/General Electives PART – IV EXTENSION ACTIVITIES NCC/NSS/NGC/SPORTS ETC. PART-I ENGLISH TELUGU / HINDI PART – III MAJOR 1 MAJOR 2 MAJOR 3 MAJOR 4 (FOR B.COM) PROJECT WORK 10 SJGC (A), Kurnool

11 S. No. SubjectsB.AB.Sc.B.Com 1English08+02 22 nd Language (Telugu / Hindi)08 3Foundation courses + General Electives (AOCs) 06 + 206 + 02 4Major 1 & Elective30 + 624+04+ 08 96 + 12 5 Major 2 & Elective30 + 624+04+ 08 6 Major 3 & Elective30 + 624+04+ 08 7 Project works (3 Majors)03 8NCC/NSS; Games & Sports; Cultural activities 03 140 Credits Pattern 11 SJGC (A), Kurnool

12 Part - I: Languages 1. First Language – English 2. Second Language – Telugu / Hindi The OPM(Overall Percentage Marks) of this part is shown separately in Provisional / Degree Certificate with Class 12SJGC (A), Kurnool

13 Part – II Foundation Courses QAR – To develop Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning skills Human Values & Professional Ethics C S – To provide Computer Literacy ES – To create Environment consciousness (Environmental Studies) CE – Citizenship Education to promote awareness on citizenship roles 13SJGC (A), Kurnool

14 Part II - General Electives (AOCs) A student is required to opt 2 General Electives At least 1 Elective should be from Arts/Commerce dept for a science student Vice-versa for an arts / commerce student These are career & marketed oriented, skill enhancing Add on Courses (AOCs) These electives are offered in 3 rd to 6 th sems 14SJGC (A), Kurnool

15 Part III - Groups Major SubjectsCorresponding ElectivesProject Works 15SJGC (A), Kurnool

16 Part – III: Major Subjects 03 Major Optional subjects are to be taken basing on the choice of the group selected by B.A. & B.Sc., students 04 Major Papers in 1 st and 2 nd Years, 06 Major Papers in 3 rd Year by the B.Com. students 16SJGC (A), Kurnool

17 B.A. Major Subjects Conventional History, Economics & Political Science (Or) Restructured TTM, Economics & Advanced English SJGC (A), Kurnool17

18 B.Sc., Mathematical Stream (One of the combinations is to be selected) MPC – Maths, Physics, Chemistry : Conventional Restructured: MPCS – Maths, Physics, Computer Science MSCS – Maths, Statistics, Computer Science MPIC – Maths, Physics, Industrial Chemistry MPPC – Maths, Physics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry MPE – Maths, Physics, Electronics 18SJGC (A), Kurnool

19 B.Sc., Biological Stream (one of the combinations is to be selected) All are restructured: BMC – Botany, Microbiology, Chemistry BBtC – Botany, Biotechnology, Chemistry BZC – Botany,Zoology, Chemistry ZBC – Zoology, Biochemistry, Chemistry 19SJGC (A), Kurnool

20 B. Com., Conventional: B.Com., General Or Restructured: B.Com., Professional 20SJGC (A), Kurnool

21 Part – III: Electives Each dept offers 2-4 Electives in Papers – V, VI, VII and VIII based on the number of staff available Students have the choice of choosing the Elective one in each paper Electives are focused on area of higher learning in that particular subject Each dept offers 2-4 Electives in Papers – V, VI, VII and VIII based on the number of staff available Students have the choice of choosing the Elective one in each paper Electives are focused on area of higher learning in that particular subject 21SJGC (A), Kurnool

22 Part – III: Project Works Student –centric activity Research oriented Carry 4 credits 22SJGC (A), Kurnool

23 Part – IV: Extra-curricular Activities & Community Services 03 Credits are mandatory for awarding Degree Allotted 01 Credit each for Games & Sports; NSS / NCC and Cultural activities Meant for all round development of the students 23SJGC (A), Kurnool

24 Evaluation Through Continuous Internal Assessment & External Sem-end Exams Weightage ratio is 25:75 respectively The performance is converted in to Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) 24SJGC (A), Kurnool

25 Computation of CGPA Step – 1: Grade Points (GPs) for the subjects in Part – I and III separately Step – 2: Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) for 3 parts separately Step – 3: Over all Percentage of Marks (OPM) for Part –I & III separately Step – 4: CGPA at the end of the Course. 25SJGC (A), Kurnool

26 26 SJGC (A), Kurnool

27 Step 2: Computation of SGPA for the Subjects in Part-I SubjectMarksGrade Point (Marks/10) CreditsGP X Credits English787.80215.6 Telugu / Hindi858.50217.0 Total Credits= 04 ∑ (GPXCredits)=32.6 SGPA = ∑ (GPXCredits)/ Total credits = 32.6/4 = 8.15 (for 1 st semester) Similarly SGPAs are calculated for the remaining 3 sems 27SJGC (A), Kurnool

28 SUBJECTMARKSGPCREDITS GPxCREDITS Majors: MATHS989.8439.2 PHYSICS878.7434.8 CHEMISTRY868.6434.4 Electives: MATHS989.8219.6 PHYSICS969.6219.2 CHEMISTRY959.5219.0 SGPA ( 166.2/18) 9.23 Step 2 : Computation of SGPA for the Subjects in Part-III (For V&VI Sems) 28 SJGC (A), Kurnool

29 Step 3:Computation of OPM for Part - I Average of 4 Sems SGPAs of Languages X 10 2 Similarly OPM for Part – III is also calculated 29SJGC (A), Kurnool

30 Step 4: Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (After 3 years). Where CR= Total Credits of a course GP = Grade Points awarded for a course (FOR ENTIRE PROGRAMME) 30 SJGC (A), Kurnool

31 Results (Based on CGPA) CGPAGradeDescription 9.00-10.00OExcellent 7.50-8.99ADistinction 6.00-7.49BFirst Class 5.00-5.99CSecond Class 4.00-4.99DPass <4.00No GradeFail 31SJGC (A), Kurnool

32 Implications Feasibility of Physical facilities, Infrastructure & Human Resources Difference with other colleges Effect on employment Approval of UGC/AICTE Justification 32SJGC (A), Kurnool

33 Feasibility of Physical Facilities & Infrastructure Running the UG Courses in two shifts – Morning session: II & III years Afternoon session: I year along with PG Courses (in order to accommodate additional electives) Adequate infrastructure and learning resources are procured under CPE Scheme 33SJGC (A), Kurnool

34 Feasibility of Human Resources The number of Programmes – 16 Conventional – 03 Restructured – 13 No Additional Posts are required (Additional work load can be managed by utilizing services of the Guest faculty as there are more restructured Courses) 34SJGC (A), Kurnool

35 CBCS provides:More academic flexibilityBroad based educationMultidisciplinary curriculumJob oriented courses Opportunity to advanced learners to score more credits Difference with other Colleges 35 SJGC (A), Kurnool

36 Effect on Employment No technical objection will arise at the time of appointment/higher study (As the Degree Certificate and Marks Memos show not only the Grade Points but also Marks and Class) Results in, positive impact on employment ( As System includes Career based, Market oriented and skill enhancing Add-On/ Certificate courses) 36SJGC (A), Kurnool

37 Approval of UGC/AICTE Autonomy permits adopting CBCS. (So no special approval of UGC is required ) Approval from AICTE does not arise. ( as no Technical course is introduced) 37SJGC (A), Kurnool

38 Justification The system is more advantageous to the student community for progression Fulfilling the suggestions of UGC It gives more scope to secure a good grade with better score in NAAC assessment No additional Physical facilities, infrastructure, learning and human resources are required (to our college) 38SJGC (A), Kurnool

39 Plea Requested to accord permission to implement the CBCS in SJGC(A), Kurnool from current academic year i.e. 2013-14 itself. ( as the actual changes in the curriculum come in to effect from the 2 nd year Degree i.e. 2014-15) Requested to accord permission to implement the CBCS in SJGC(A), Kurnool from current academic year i.e. 2013-14 itself. ( as the actual changes in the curriculum come in to effect from the 2 nd year Degree i.e. 2014-15) 39SJGC (A), Kurnool

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