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P t G T P ersistence t o G raduation T ool A tool designed to identify students who may be off-track for graduating.

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2 P t G T P ersistence t o G raduation T ool A tool designed to identify students who may be off-track for graduating.

3 I WILL KNOW… 1.WHY there is a PtGT WHY 2.WHAT PtGT is used for WHAT 3.WHERE PtGT is found WHERE 4.WHO can use PtGT WHO 5.WHAT PtGT report looks like WHAT 6.ACTION STEPS state district school statedistrictschoolstatedistrictschool 7.WHO to contact WHO LEARNING TARGETS

4 VISION The Kentucky Department of Education’s mission is to prepare all Kentucky students for next-generation learning, work, and citizenship by engaging schools, districts, families, and communities through excellent leadership, service, and support.

5  The Kentucky Board of Education envisions that all students will GRADUATE ready for college and careers.  Their vision is driven by data that says 80% of jobs now require training beyond high school and 67% of those jobs require a post-secondary degree.  YET…in 2010 only 76% of our students graduated and only 34% were college and career ready. WHY

6 Senate Bill 1 (2009)  Charges the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Council on Post-Secondary Education (CPE) with developing a UNIFIED PLAN to reduce the number of students in need of remediation after high school by 50% and increase college completion rates by 3% by 2014. Highlights of Senate Bill 1 LEGISLATIO N

7 RELATED LEGISLATION  House Bill 176 (2008) requires KDE to identify the persistently low-performing schools and provide intensive support to promote student learning in those schools.  Senate Bill 2 (2008) supported a statewide focus on the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, which allowed KDE to focus on alignment of middle and high school experiences for students.  Senate Bill 168 (2009) supported intervention strategies for accelerated learners; individualized learning opportunities for secondary students; and intensive intervention systems for learners who struggle to meet standards measured by the Educational Planning and Assessment System (EPAS).

8  Revision of content standards that will focus on critical knowledge, skills, and capacities fewer, more in-depth standards to facilitate mastery learning evidence-based research standard alignment from elementary to high school to post- secondary education  Establishment of a statewide school and district accountability model to include new measures for GRADUATION COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS CPE and KDE College and Career Readiness Unified Plan FOCUS OF THE UNIFIED PLAN

9 Unbridled Learning College and Career Readiness For AllPLAN


11 2015 To increase the percentage of students who will GRADUATE College and Career Ready (CCR) Target Goal #1

12 2015 To increase the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate (AFGR) Target Goal #2

13 Achievement Gap Growth Graduation Rate Overall Score Percentile Rank CATEGORY College/Career Readiness DISTINGUISHED 90th %-ile & higher PROFICIENT 70th - 89th %-ile NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Below 70th %-ile ACCOUNTABILITY RANK

14 ElementaryMiddle High Achievement30%28%20% Gap30%28%20% Growth40%28%20% Readiness for College/Career n/a16% Graduation Raten/a MEASURE UP 20% 20%


16 1. Persistence to Graduation 2.Course and Assessment Alignment 3.Accountability Model 4.Targeted Interventions 5.Career Readiness Pathways 6.Acceleration 7.College and Career Advising 8.Priority Schools STRATEGI ES


18 WHAT PtGT … ……is an early warning indicator system for i ii identifying students who may be off-track to graduate ……will provide critical student-level data to identify specific students in need of additional intervention and/or support

19 PtGT can be used by…  Directors of Pupil Personnel (DPP)  District dropout prevention personnel (where applicable)  Building principals and counselors  Special education administrators WHO* * Determined by IC access rights

20 PtGT is embedded in WHERE Launch date: July 22, 2011 (release E.1126.3)

21 System Administrator KY State Reporting KDE Reports Persistence to Graduation REPOR T

22 RISK FACTORPOINTS Truancy 6-9 days (excused/unexcused) 1 Truancy >9 days (excused/unexcused) 2 Retained in last 2 years1 Migrant1 LEP1 Homeless1 Gender: Male1 Age: 2 years older/younger than expected 1 Behavior: Expulsion1 RISK FACTOR (Failing grades in last 2 years)* POINTS >10%1 >15%2 >25%3 >35%4 >45%5 >55%6 DATA* *credits attempted versus credits earned  All students are included in the tool In the report, each student will have a risk value. The higher the risk value, the greater the risk of the student becoming a dropout.

23 PtGT Data

24 PtGT will…  provide a complete list of all students based on the calculation of risk factor points.  show students at higher risk in descending risk point totals.  allow Districts to filter the report in excel format to get customized results.

25 ACTION STEP  district level PtGT  Should be generated at the district level  Create a baseline report for rising ninth grade class at beginning of school year  Follow-up reports can be run at any time during the year for any grade level cohort

26 PtGT  Data analysis and root cause analysis  Determine necessary and appropriate supports and interventions for students who may be off-track for graduation  Provide targeted interventions to at-risk students  Utilize available resources at community, district, state, and national levels ACTION STEP  school level PtGT Toolkit

27 Training  On data analysis/root cause analysis  On the joining of evidence-based strategies and/or interventions with the identified risk factors ACTION STEP  state level PtGT Toolkit

28 Ongoing Development  The Office of Next-Generation Learners (ONGL)  Update state level data  Develop survey for users ACTION STEP  state level

29 Feedback  Until development of survey is complete, KDE and ONGL would to hear from you! PtGT  Can your district personnel offer any other feedback to KDE/ONGL related to PtGT ? ACTION STEP  district level

30 EXIT SLIP! PtGT ? 1.Does your district utilize the PtGT ? PtGT 2.Does your district use the data on the PtGT to analyze root cause for individual students and/or student cohorts? PtGT 3.Who is the primary user (s) of the PtGT in your district? PtGT 4.What is the primary reason you use the PtGT in your district? PtGT 5.How does PtGT impact your College and/or Career Ready (CCR) graduation rate? PtGT 6.How does PtGT impact your Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate (AFGR)? PtGT 7.Does your district personnel need more training to be able to fully utilize PtGT ? PtGT 8.How can KDE help in making the PtGT a more effective tool for your district? ACTION STEP  NOW!

31 Bonnie Tomberlin (502) 564-4970 ext. 4159 CONTACT

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