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2 Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals 2010 Infodag Erasmus Mundus 5 March 2010 Adrian Veale Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

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2 2 Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals 2010 Infodag Erasmus Mundus 5 March 2010 Adrian Veale Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

3 3 One programme, three actions Action 1 Joint Master and Doctoral Programmes - implemented by EU and non EU universities - scholarships for non EU and EU students for the entire duration of the joint study programme Action 2 Partnership projects Scholarships for EU and non EU students at all higher education levels in a variety of disciplines Action 3 - Attractiveness Projects -Studies - Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association - Information activities of EM National structures Action 3 - Attractiveness Projects -Studies - Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association - Information activities of EM National structures

4 4 EM Call for Proposals 2010 One programme, three actions = one Call Call published 3 December 2009 Deadline 30 April 2010, Selection July 2010 Key documents: –Programme Guide –Guidelines for Applicants (Action 2) –Call for Proposals

5 5 Erasmus Mundus Programme Guide For project beneficiaries and scholarship grantees Programme objectives, activities, eligibility criteria, conditions for support Valid for 2009-2013 period For use with individual Calls for Proposals documents and Guidelines for Applicants (Action 2)

6 6 Erasmus Mundus Programme Guide – what’s new Harmonised Call timetables New or clearer glossary entries; tightening of definitions New section on Action 2 (two strands: ex-ECW; ICI) Rules on application and management for “branded” EMMCs (pilot phase) Summary sheet for EMMCs as well as EMJDs New weighting of award criteria

7 7 Erasmus Mundus Guidelines (Action 2) Lists geographical lots Budget per lot  minimum mobility flows Thematic priorities (disciplines) Specific criteria for partners/partnerships Types of mobility funded and duration

8 8 Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals (Official Journal) Brief programme description Targets and/or budget per Action Summary of award criteria Submission deadlines

9 9 Call for Proposals on the web

10 10 Action 1

11 11 Action 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Courses Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programmes Full-study scholarships for non-EU and EU students and academics

12 12 EM Call 2010 – Action 1 Action 1 Call targets –EMMCs: 36 Masters courses to be selected 15 new Masters, up to 21 renewals Last year: 15 renewals not selected out of 34 EM Brand Name procedure offered to non renewed EMMCs –EMJDs: 12 new Doctorates E-forms for final applications (mid-March) Summary sheets (on paper version) by 31 March 2010

13 13 Action 1 selection process Agency checks eligibility and selection criteria EM National structures check eligibility of –European HEIs without an Erasmus Mundus Charter –Recognition of degrees awarded under Action 1 programmes EU Delegations check eligibility of third-country HEIs involved

14 14 Action 1 selection process Assessment by external experts Selected by Agency after Call for expression of interest Two individual assessments are consolidated. If significant divergence, a third assessment Expertise in international HE cooperation plus thematic for Action 1(experience in assessment of RTD FP projects for joint doctoral programmes) Summary sheets help pre-select experts in correct fields

15 15 Action 1 selection process Selection Board (high-level academic authorities) assists selection of EMMCs and EMJDs Evaluation Committee (European Commission DG EAC with EACEA) Selection results late July 2010

16 16 Tips Read all documents (Programme Guide) in detail Ensure support of all partners and your own departments Strive for good balance of tasks and responsibilities Seek advice from National Structure and experienced colleagues: consult good practice

17 17 Tips All the required information must be there and complete – but concise Experts not obliged to read annexes –make sure everything is there New projects and renewals treated on same footing



20 20 Action 1 application form: what? Part 1 eForm, completed on line A: Identification of applicant & organisations B: Organisation and activities C: Summary data and decription of project D: Technical Capacity E: Degree-awarding summary Part 2 (scanned & attached) Declaration on Honour by Legal Representative Part 3 (scanned & attached) Consortium answers on award criteria Part 4Summary sheet (submission 31/03/2010)

21 21 Action 1 application form: when? 31 MarchSummary sheet of intended proposal (Part 4 Application Package, submit by email) 30 April, 12.00eForm (Part 1 with Parts 2 & 3 attached) On-line service shuts down at 12:00:00. 30 April, 23.59 (postmark/ local time) Post paper version to Agency: One original, including original signed Part 2, Part 3 and any other annexes Two complete copies of above 30 April, 23.59Email copy of application form (1,2,3) to Agency 30 April, 23.59Post and email application form (1,2,3) to National Structures of European countries involved

22 22 Action 2

23 23 EM Call 2010 – Action 2 Action 2: Strand 1 (former ECW instruments) 15 Lots for countries covered by ENPI, DCI, EDF, IPA 35 projects expected Total budget EUR 97.7 million Mobility for at least 3,716 individuals

24 24 S. Med, E.Europe & Russia 33M, 1165 sch Middle East 3M, 100 sch South Africa 4.8M, 150 sch Argentina 4.4M, 130 sch ACP 6M, 200 sch W. Balkans 12M, 720 sch Action 2: Regions and Lots (Strand 1) Budget (EUR) and min. scholarships Central Asian Republics 9.75 M, 350 sch 5 3 5 3 5 2 1 + 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ENPI DCIEDF IPA n = n° of projects to be selected Asia Regional 24.75 M, 1100 sch

25 25 EM Call 2010 – Action 2 Action 2: Strand 2 (Industrialised Countries Instrument) 5 Lots for countries covered by ICI 5 projects expected Total budget EUR 7.5 million Mobility for at least 165 individuals

26 26 US & CAN EUR 1 m 20 sch Action 2: Regions and Lots (Strand 2) Gulf EUR 2.1 m 50 sch JPN & KOR EUR 1.5 m 30 sch SE Asia EUR 1.4 m 35 sch AUS & NZ EUR 1.5 m 30 sch ICI EUR 7.5M, 165 scholarships

27 27 Action 2 award criteria: Strand 1 1: Relevance (25%) 2: Quality (65% total) –2.1. Partnership composition and cooperation mechanisms (20%) –2.2. Organisation & implementation of mobility (25%) –2.3. Student/staff facilities and follow-up (20%) 3: Sustainability (10%)

28 28 Action 2 award criteria: Strand 2 1: Relevance (25%) 2: Contribution to excellence (25%) 3: Quality (50% total) –3.1. Partnership composition and cooperation mechanisms (15%) –3.2. Organisation & implementation of mobility (20%) –3.3. Student/staff facilities and follow-up (15%)

29 29 Action 2 selection process Agency checks eligibility and selection criteria EU Delegations check –eligibility of third-country HEIs involved –Assess relevance of proposals in accordance with regional priorities External experts assess quality of proposal in relation to award criteria

30 30 Action 2 selection process Assessment by external experts Selected by Agency after Call for expression of interest Expertise in international HE cooperation plus geographic knowledge of target countries Two individual assessments are consolidated If significant divergence, a third assessment

31 31 Tips Be aware of management capacity, academic offers of the partners while designing the mobility flows Explain partner cooperation mechanisms Explore synergies and complementarities to bring out added value Focus on Call’s thematic fields – though partner needs may differ

32 32 Tips Ensure commitment at high level of the HEIs Draw on the experience and the capacity of partners who have been involved in earlier or other international grant programs; make clear how the non- EU partners without such experience will manage the project Explain in detail issues such as recognition, student recruitment strategies, students ‘support, role of staff mobility Impact at individual and institutional level – capacity building of third-country HEIs to manage international projects

33 33 Part A Identification of the applicant and other partners & associates participating in the project Part B Description of the project - Summary description of the proposal - Duration and grant amount requested - Type and number of individual mobility Part C Technical capacity of the applicant consortium - List of related projects/activities Action 2: application form

34 34 Part D Award Criteria (detailed under Annex 1) Part E Timetable for the implementation of the project activities Part F Declaration of Honour signed by the Legal representative of the applicant organisation, endorsing the proposal on behalf of the consortium. Part G - Checklist Action 2: application form

35 35 Annexes - Annex 1: Detailed questions reflecting the award criteria - Annex 2: Codes to be used in the form (country, regions, thematic fields) To be submitted to EACEA - Electronically (e-mail ) - On paper – 3 copies (one with original signature) Action 2: application form

36 36 Erasmus Mundus website Infoday site (with presentations and videos)

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