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Sedimentology & Stratigraphy:
3D modelling/reconstruction of depositional systems Accommodation space, subsidence rate, sea- level and sediment transport Immersive reservoir visualisation e.g. Hive, Cave, Visionarium... Fundamentals Database of good stratigraphic/biostratigraphic framework Sedimentology on core/logs Svalbard Outcrop: estuarine sediments with Tidal sand bars, from Force tidal project. Well 34/8-1 core: marine bioturbated shelf sediments in the Middle Jurassic, from NPD core photos. A palynomorph! for the biostratigraphers.
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy: Present status
3D modelling/reconstruction of depositional systems Accommodation space, subsidence rate, sea- level and sediment transport Immersive reservoir visualisation e.g. Hive, Cave, Visionarium... Fundamentals Database of good stratigraphic/biostratigraphic framework Sedimentology on core/logs Svalbard Outcrop: estuarine sediments with Tidal sand bars, from Force tidal project. Well 34/8-1 core: marine bioturbated shelf sediments in the Middle Jurassic, from NPD core photos. A palynomorph! for the biostratigraphers.
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy: Technology Gaps
Møre and Vøring basins ’Immature’ understanding of reservoir and source rock distribution (not many wells) Description of reservoir heterogeneities & true 3D models Geologically relevant upscaling to test the effects of merging heterogeneities at different scales into a geological meaningful model. True 3D models giving a definition of the palaeotopography Age dating & sedimentology expertise Maintain biostratigraphy expertise Norway has few consultant firms offering sedimentology or biostratigraphic expertise compared to UK/USA.
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy: Future Focus
Calibration in underexplored basins: Gathering data on stratigraphy, reservoir, source rock and thermal history in immature areas will spur research activity, and reduce exploration uncertainty. High resolution reservoir characterization: Integration of high resolution 3D sedimentological models into simulation will preserve detailed field heterogeneities, increase our understanding of reservoir performance and increase ultimate field recovery.
Structural Geology: Present status
In areas of poor seismic quality the interpretation of accumulations, reservoir presence and assessment of compartmentalization of the reservoirs is often difficult. Fault seal analysis has not evolved significantly during the last decade. Both in exploration and in field production our ability to predict fault behaviour is poor even though several commercial applications exist. Predicting reservoir performance in fractured reservoirs (e.g. chalk) is also still a challenge in the industry.
Structural Geology: Technology Gaps
Understanding the structural evolution in complex or obscured areas is limited by the quality of seismic data. Our focus in these areas should address the proper acquisition and processing of high-resolution seismic data. Predicting the reservoir performance in fractured reservoirs (e.g. chalk) is also still a challenge in the industry. Integrated interpretation of data from drilling engineering, logging and seismic is needed in order to close the gap in this area. Improvements in seismic data volumes and interpretation tools will increase the accuracy of structural/fault interpretation and reduce drilling and prospect risk. The integration of this high-resolution data into geomodels and simulation models remains a challenge, and advances in software handling are needed.
Structural Geology: Future Focus
Behaviour of faults and fractures on reservoir performance: Development of an integrated tool to handle both clastic and carbonate fault seal analysis, drilling engineering, logging, and seismic data. Fractured reservoirs, improved image log interpretation: Derive fracture permeability from image logs by integrating mud loss information from drilling records.
Geomechanics: Present status
Geomechanics has mostly been used in a reactive mode in the industry, often in response to drilling problems in field developments. The geomechanics software applications around drilling and wells are well established. Sand production evaluations for optimising completion design. The use of geomechanics in reservoir performance prediction is only rarely applied currently and is often poorly linked to the geomechanical processes over geologic time. The change in stresses in the Miocene overburden as predicted from a full field 3D continuum finite element model. Seismic 4D data showing how the waste injected into well A-25B is accumulating in the Lista shale formation above the injectin points in the Tor chalk. Well bore stability compaction/ subsidence. Casing collapse shows a 75% correlation to faults in Valhal.
Geomechanics: Technology Gaps
At present there is a lack of fully integrated geomechanics software for the oil industry and the work flows/’best practices’ for interpretation are not well established. In high pressure environments there is a higher risk that depletion will cause large changes in stress leading to drilling challenges. In order to investigate high pressure and temperature effects the laboratories have to develop the capability to simulate the same extreme stress conditions that exist in nature.
Geomechanics: Future Focus
Integrated geomechanics ‘software/work flows’: Make the geomechanics interpretation part of a truly integrated reservoir modelling work flow. Develop a tool to directly measure pore pressure in shale (low permeability rock): Improve well design by providing real, instead of predicted pressure data.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling:
A strong Norwegian environment has developed internationally renowned reservoir building and modelling software. Integration of different data types is continuously advancing such that oil, gas water flow rate, pressure and geological data are used together to provide a good understanding of fields. 3D visualization of data is standard. 4D seismic is commonly used to try and track the movement of fluids. We collect and store large amounts of different types of data. A permanent seismic array was installed during late summer 2003 Installation cost: million USD. The system allows for: Frequent time-lapse surveys (4-D) Structural imaging of crestal area. opportunities for passive monitoring. The system is an integral part of an overall reservoir surveillance scheme The seismic data provide a basis for active reservoir management 4 seismic surveys acquired to date Difference in seismic response between surveys acquired in 1992 and Bubbles indicate relative productions volumes. The colours inside the circle represent the phase of fluid produced. Green is oil, water is blue and gas is red. 4D seismic response may reflect contributions from individual perforations.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Present status
A strong Norwegian environment has developed internationally renowned reservoir building and modelling software. Integration of different data types is continuously advancing such that oil, gas water flow rate, pressure and geological data are used together to provide a good understanding of fields. 3D visualization of data is standard. 4D seismic is commonly used to try and track the movement of fluids. We collect and store large amounts of different types of data. A permanent seismic array was installed during late summer 2003 Installation cost: million USD. The system allows for: Frequent time-lapse surveys (4-D) Structural imaging of crestal area. opportunities for passive monitoring. The system is an integral part of an overall reservoir surveillance scheme The seismic data provide a basis for active reservoir management 4 seismic surveys acquired to date Difference in seismic response between surveys acquired in 1992 and Bubbles indicate relative productions volumes. The colours inside the circle represent the phase of fluid produced. Green is oil, water is blue and gas is red. 4D seismic response may reflect contributions from individual perforations.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Present status continued
New tools that allow top quality data integration and viewing are available. Utilise computing power. Extract the relevant data for interpretation/integration from large data piles. Limited ability to test alternative geological models and the impact these will have on flow characteristics.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Technology Gaps-introduction
Many of the identified gaps are related to the ability to quickly integrate and visualize diverse data types together so that realistic models can be used to optimise field production. 3D seismic 4D seismic Geomechanical information Flow data Modelling the history of oil and gas production in fields involves: Several ‘tools’ to interpret data Much more data is generated than can be successfully ‘integrated’ and interpreted with current systems
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Technology Gaps
There are no solutions that efficiently bridge the gap between different 2D and 3D applications in terms of resolution, gridding algorithms and upscaling routines. There is a need to manage uncertainty and flexibility in the History Matching process.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Technology Gaps continued
Software is not capable of providing a fully integrated Reservoir Model all the way from seismic, through geo model to flow model. Current upscaling in Reservoir Characterization tools eliminates details from the geomodels Enhanced Oil Recovery: tracking the movement of oil, gas and water through the field’s lifetime. Managing large data flows quickly Interpret and include in long term depletion strategy
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Future Focus
4D seismic and life of field seismic (LoFS): Both of these techniques are used to track the movement of oil, gas and water through time. Research data analysis techniques that could be used to position fluids’ subsurface location and other changes in the field (e.g. compaction). Integrated reservoir modelling and uncertainty management: Software applications we have today, are not capable of providing a fully integrated Reservoir Model all the way from Seismic, through Geo Model to Flow Model. We need to solve the problem of utilizing all significant data in work flows, and conduct probabilistic evaluation.
Reservoir Simulation & Modelling: Future Focus
In field heterogeneities: Identify the key heterogeneities and develop a predictive methodology to assess the effect on reservoir performance. Horizontal well modelling: Solve the challenges that exist in modelling of horizontal wells and the link between horizontal production/geology and the full field model. We continue to struggle to model horizontal wells correctly and use vertical dominated upscaling techniques.
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