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Supporting development of mining and metallurgy sector in Kazakhstan: how we can make coal mining a safer business David Vint, General Manager, Coal Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting development of mining and metallurgy sector in Kazakhstan: how we can make coal mining a safer business David Vint, General Manager, Coal Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting development of mining and metallurgy sector in Kazakhstan: how we can make coal mining a safer business David Vint, General Manager, Coal Operations 4 July 2012

2 Disclaimer Forward-Looking Statements This document may contain forward-looking information and statements about ArcelorMittal and its subsidiaries. These statements include financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “target” or similar expressions. Although ArcelorMittal’s management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of ArcelorMittal’s securities are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of ArcelorMittal, that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include those discussed or identified in the filings with the Luxembourg Stock Market Authority for the Financial Markets (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) made or to be made by ArcelorMittal or the entities to which it is successor (including Mittal Steel Company N.V. (“Mittal Steel”), including Mittal Steel’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC. ArcelorMittal undertakes no obligation to publicly update its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

3 Agenda Overview of ArcelorMittal’s coal operations in Kazakhstan Key challenges Key initiatives and progress Summary

4 Overview of ArcelorMittal coal mining in Kazakhstan

5 4 Mining business portfolio * Includes share of production ** Includes purchases made under July 2010 interim agreement with Kumba (South Africa) Geographically diversified mining assets

6 5 ArcelorMittal coal mining in Kazakhstan Acquisition in 1996 by Ispat Karmet 15 coal mines at takeover, now 8 in 2012 High grade coking coal + thermal coal Characterized by gaseous seams Major incidents in coal mines in 2004, 2006, and 2008 ???

7 6 Key challenges in Kazakhstan Cultural barriers and people Legislative restrictions –Review of mining regulations –Review of Labor Code of Kazakhstan –Introduction of World Class Equipment / Practices Geological make-up of coal seams –Region characterized by high methane content of coal – up to 35m3/t –Risk of gas outbursts Challenging barriers to be overcome Journey to Zero Shared Vigilance

8 7 Focus on safety – Global picture * World steel association -standard: Fr = Lost Time Injuries per 1.000.000 worked hours; based on own personnel and contractors Safety remains the No1 priority for ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal Mining segment injury frequency rate*ArcelorMittal Group injury frequency rate* (Steel and Mining) –Mining Segment Safety performance has also improved significantly –Trending towards world class standards –Group Health and safety performance has improved significantly since 2007 –LTIF rate has more than halved and group is on track for 2013 objectives Long term safety targets trending towards world class

9 8 Focus on safety – Kazakhstan picture * World steel association -standard: Fr = Lost Time Injuries per 1.000.000 worked hours; based on own personnel and contractors Safety remains the No1 priority for ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal Temirtau LTIs and LTIFR (Coal) Recent developments in Health and Safety (H&S) Health & Safety policy launched after merger Executive remuneration linked to safety performance Maintaining significant levels of H&S investment Injury tracking and reporting database to monitor injuries, lost days and significant events in place Fatality prevention and process standards, and ‘golden rules’ introduced ‘Shop Floor’ auditing procedure rolled-out Fourth annual H&S awareness day held (April 2010) Global H&S agreement signed with trade unions (June 2008) ‘Journey to Zero’ initiative launched (September 2008)

10 Key initiatives and performance

11 10 Modernisation programme for coal mines Mining modernisation programme progressing: –Committed $674 million during 2000-2011 –Investment in 2012 will be in line with programme During the economic crisis Health and Safety –Investment was not compromised Continued support in Kazakhstan for Steel, Coal and Iron Ore operations World Class techniques and equipment purchased and commissioned in the coal mines Eickhoff SL 300 coal cutter

12 11 Technology upgrades Exploration –3D seismic survey undertaken at Tentekskaya mine –Exploration holes to be drilled in 2011 Geological modelling –Introduced computerised Geological Modelling Package –Information from 3500 boreholes to transfer Mine Planning –Investigating leaving safety pillars –Review mine layouts to introduce best practice Roadway Support –Completed Stress Measurements in Coalfield –Introduced anchor bolt support technology in mines - increased safety now 24% of driven using this technology Block Model-Kazakhstanskaya Mine

13 12 Technology upgrades (continued) De-gassing equipment –Programmed renewal of degassing pumps –Cross Measure drilling techniques trialled and implemented –Investigation of permeability of coal seams to remove methane before mining Methane monitoring and detection –World class 24/7 real time mine environmental monitoring commissioned plan for all mines by 2011 Ventilation equipment –Replacement of main and auxiliary ventilation systems –Review of ventilation planning Machinery / transport replacement –Long wall production equipment –Road heading equipment –Conveyors –Transport systems Kostenko Mine - Production Complex

14 13 Improving culture Own employees: Internationally renowned safety specialists, Du Pont, engaged for last 4 years Behavioural training – Managers, supervisors and employees OHSAS 18001 implementation, full certification in June 2011 Auditing procedures implemented internally and externally Sharing best practice Golden Rules Health initiatives Our partners: Conference on methane control and utilization, Karaganda, June 2011-2012 EBRD Health and Safety Conference-Astana December 2010 Breaking through the cultural barriers

15 Safety viewed through employees’ children

16 Summary

17  Mining is a clear, strategic priority of the Group  Operating in Kazakhstan is valuable but complex  Clear progress in our own performance and operating culture but challenges remain  Reducing risk to as low as possible Summary

18 Q&A

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