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Romeo & Juliet By Jamar Jackson

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1 Romeo & Juliet By Jamar Jackson

2 Act 1 Scene 1 Verona. A public place.
Characters in this part are- GREGORY,SAMPSON, ABRAHAM, BENVOLIO, TYBALT LADY CAPULET, CAPULET, Lady MONTAGUE, MONTAGUE, PRINCE and ROMEO This is then part when the family fights and Romeo gets invited too a party from the family he dis-likes and that’s were he meets Juliet

3 Act 1 Scene 2 A Street. Characters in this scene is Capulet,Paris,Servant and Benvolio. This is the scene when Romeo has a talk with his soon to be wife about when they are going to get married but she has to wait 2 summers

4 Act 1 Scene 3 A room in Capulet's house
Characters are- Lady Capulet, nurse, Juliet and serving man. This is when lady Capulet wants to talk to Juliet about marrying Paris urges telling her he is the one for her. And the nurse is reminiscence about Juliet.

5 Act 1 Scene 4 A street. Characters Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio
This scene is about when Romeo went to the party that Mercutio invited him to. And he kept trying to get Romeo to dance but he didn’t because he was thinking about love and how he shouldn’t be at the party

6 Act 1 Scene 5 A hall in Capulet's house.
Scene 5 Characters are First serving man, Second serving man,Anthony,Pot pan, Capulet, Second Capulet, Romeo, Tybalt, Juliet, Nurse and Benvolio Basically this scene is really the first time her seen Juliet and says its love at first sight so he goes to talked to her and begged her for a kiss and then they both were called away.

7 Act 2 Scene 1 A lane by the wall of Capulet's orchard.
Characters are Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio Now this scene is when Romeo is on his way home from the feast and leaves his friends to go see Juliet

8 Act 2 Scene 2 Capulet's orchard.
The main Characters are Romeo & Juliet This is when Romeo is spying on Juliet and listening to her then he comes out and tells her how he feels. Juliet is worried for his safety then thinks he may be a deceiver. And lets him know she will send him a message tomorrow at 9 and Romeo goes to find help

9 Act 2 Scene 3 Friar Laurence's cell.
Characters are Romeo and Friar Laurence Friar tells Romeo that there are good times and bad times and Romeo says he has fallen in love with her and Friar tells Romeo not to jump so quick into love with Juliet when he still has Rosalina to love and also thinks the marriage will end the hate between the family

10 Act 2 Scene 4 A street. Characters are Romeo,Tybalt, Mercutio
This scene is about tybalt and mercutio mess with Romeo about love and mercutio bothers the nurse and she tells Romeo the message and complains about Mercutio.

11 Act 2 Scene 5 Capulet's orchard.
Characters are the nurse and Juliet This short scene is when Juliet awaits news from Romeo and when the nurse gets back she teases her by not telling her right away when she finally tells her she is to go to Friar to get married to him

12 Act 2 Scene 6 Friar Laurence's cell.
Characters are Romeo Juliet & Friar Laurence They tell each other how they feel and how much they love each other and are off to be married.

13 Act 3 scene 1 Characters: Romeo,Tybalt,Mercutio, Benvolio
On the streets of Verona Benvolio tries to tell Mercutio that it's best to stay out of the way of the Capulets but Mercutio jokingly claims that Benvolio is as much of a quarreler as anyone. Tybalt challenges Romeo to fight. Romeo don’t want to then Mercutio does and fights Tybalt. As Romeo is trying to stop the fight, Tybalt stabs Mercutio then runs away. Mercutio dies. Romeo is mad at himself for letting Mercutio fight and when Tybalt returns, Romeo kills him. Benvolio has a hard time getting the dazed Romeo to leave Benvolio tells the Prince what happened. Lady Capulet wants Romeo's life, but the Prince

14 Act 3 scene 2 Characters The Nurse and Juliet
This scene is when they know tybalt died and Romeo has killed him and banished and the way the nurse explains it Juliet thinks Romeo has died but them when she tells it the right way Juliet turns on him for killing her cousin then stands up for him afterwards then she remembers he's banished and makes her despair

15 Act 3 scene 3 Characters are Romeo Juliet The nurse and Friar Laurence
Romeo is wild with guilt at the pain that he knows Juliet is going thru he says that without Juliet he rather die its torturing him and he tries to stab him self the nurse tell friar to give Romeo the ring from Juliet and that’s what makes him feel better and leaves the cell to go see her.

16 Act 3 scene 4 Capulet and Paris
They make a promise that Paris and Juliet will marry the day after tomorrow

17 Act 3 scene 5

18 Act 4 scene 1 Characters are Paris Juliet and Friar
Paris is getting ready to make plans for the wedding when Juliet appears and Paris tries to play around with her trying to make her smile and tells her they will be married by Thursday and Juliet tells Friar that she rather kill her self then marry him and that’s when they come up with the plan for her to drink that drug which will make her look dead and Romeo can come and save her and take her to Mantua

19 Act 4 scene 2 Characters are Capulet Juliet
Capulet is making arrangements for the food for the wedding when Juliet begs and tells him that she will marry Paris and Capulet is so happy that he moves it to the very next day which is Wednesday

20 Act 4 scene 3 Characters : Juliet Lady Capulet and The Nurse
This is the scene when she wants her mother and the nurse to leave her alone and she thinks about should she do it or not and every thing that could go wrong and is scared when she visions graves and drinks to Romeo.

21 Act 4 scene 4 Characters: Servants Capulet The nurse and Paris
In this scene every body is getting ready for the wedding and they send the nurse to wake up Juliet

22 Act 4 scene 5

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