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Climate and Biodiversity Chapter 7 Key Concepts Factors influencing the Earth’s climates Factors influencing the Earth’s climates Effect of climate on.

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2 Climate and Biodiversity Chapter 7

3 Key Concepts Factors influencing the Earth’s climates Factors influencing the Earth’s climates Effect of climate on Earth’s major biomes Effect of climate on Earth’s major biomes Characteristics of major biome types Characteristics of major biome types Human impacts on the biosphere Human impacts on the biosphere

4 Blowing in the Wind Benefits of wind - distributes heat, transports nutrients Benefits of wind - distributes heat, transports nutrients Hazards of wind - transports pathogens & toxins, fungi kills coral Hazards of wind - transports pathogens & toxins, fungi kills coral “Red tides” = red algae blooms in FL. can be caused by iron-rich dust “Red tides” = red algae blooms in FL. can be caused by iron-rich dust Asian pollution contributes up to 10% of west coast smog Asian pollution contributes up to 10% of west coast smog Volcanoes and climate- “global cooling” Volcanoes and climate- “global cooling” Everything is connected Everything is connected Dust storm- Sahara Desert

5 Blowing in the Wind Saharan dust can become soil nutrients in Amazon or FL. air pollutants

6 Weather and Climate Climate - average temp. & precip over long term (30 yrs) Climate - average temp. & precip over long term (30 yrs) Weather - short term temp, precip, humidity, wind, cloud,.. Weather - short term temp, precip, humidity, wind, cloud,.. Major factors determining climate (LAPTOP) latitude, altitude, prevailing winds, topography, ocean currents, proximity to water Major factors determining climate (LAPTOP) latitude, altitude, prevailing winds, topography, ocean currents, proximity to water Major factors determining air circulation Major factors determining air circulation 1. Uneven heating of Earth’s surface - equator gets more direct sun 2. Earth’s rotation - equator rotates faster than poles- deflects air movement (Figure 5-3) 3. Properties of air, water, and land- leads to 6 major convection cells

7 Earth’s Climatic Zones Ocean currents redistribute heat

8 Animation Climate and ocean currents map

9 Animation Air circulation and climate animation. Study this animation!

10 Cell 3 South Moist air rises — rain Cell 2 South Cool, dry air falls Cell 1 South Moist air rises, cools, and releases moisture as rain Cell 1 North Cool, dry air falls Cell 2 North Moist air rises — rain Cell 3 North Cold,dry air falls Polar cap Arctic tundra 60° 30° 0° 30° 60° Polar cap Evergreen coniferous forest Temperate deciduous forest and grassland Desert Tropical deciduous forest Equator Tropical rain forest Tropical deciduous forest Desert Temperate deciduous forest and grassland Global Air Circulation and Biomes Cold,dry air falls

11 Animation Air circulation interaction.

12 Effects of Water, Wind, and Land on Climate Ocean currents and wind- re-distribute heat, nutrients Ocean currents and wind- re-distribute heat, nutrients Gases in the atmosphere Gases in the atmosphere Greenhouse gases and the Greenhouse EffectGreenhouse gases and the Greenhouse Effect Topography and local climate- rain-shadow effect Topography and local climate- rain-shadow effect Microclimates in urban areas- “heat island” more haze, smog, higher temps, lower wind speeds in urban areas Microclimates in urban areas- “heat island” more haze, smog, higher temps, lower wind speeds in urban areas

13 Animation Coastal breezes interaction

14 Animation- Upwelling on Pacific Coast of North America This is IMPORTANT & not covered in your text

15 Animation - El Ni ñ o (ENSO) El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) interaction. Also IMPORTANT & not covered in your text.

16 El Ni ñ o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1. Offshore surface winds weaken 2.Upwelling of cold, deep, nutrient-rich water weakens 3.Surface waters warm off of South America 4.Decrease in nutrients reduces primary productivity 5.If pattern lasts 1 year or longer, it can disrupt plankton, fish and seabirds in upwelling areas and trigger extreme weather changes over much of the globe. Consequences of 1996-1998 El Ni ñ o 1.CA- huge waves, torrential rains, flooding & mudslides 2.Peru - floods & mudslides : hundreds dead, 1/4 million homeless 3.Drought Brazil, Indonesia & Australia = wildfires 4.Fewer hurricanes in S.E. USA

17 (a) Rays of sunlight penetrate the lower atmosphere and warm the earth's surface. (b) The earth's surface absorbs much of the incoming solar radiation and degrades it to longer-wavelength infrared (IR) radiation, which rises into the lower atmosphere. Some of this IR radiation escapes into space as heat and some is absorbed by molecules of greenhouse gases and emitted as even longer wave-length IR radiation, which warms the lower atmosphere. (c) As concentrations of green-house gases rise, their molecules absorb and emit more infrared radiation, which adds more heat to the lower atmosphere. Natural Greenhouse Effect

18 Animation Increasing greenhouse gases interaction.

19 Prevailing winds pick up moisture from an ocean. On the windward side of a mountain range, air rises, cools, and releases moisture. On the leeward side of the mountain range, air descends, warms, and releases little moisture. Rain Shadow Effect Dry habitats Moist habitats

20 Biomes Climate effects on biomes Climate effects on biomes 12 major biomes 12 major biomes Biomes are not uniform (“mosaic of patches”) Biomes are not uniform (“mosaic of patches”) Effects of latitude and longitude Effects of latitude and longitude

21 Dry woodlands and shrublands (chaparral) Temperate grassland Temperate deciduous forest Boreal forest (taiga), evergreen conif forest (e.g., montane coniferous forest) Arctic tundra (polar grasslands) Tropical savanna, thorn forest Tropical scrub forest Tropical deciduous forest Tropical rain forest, tropical evergreen forest Desert Ice Mountains (complex zonation) Semidesert, arid grassland Tropic of Capricorn Equator Tropic of Cancer Earth’s Major Biomes


23 Precipitation and Temperature Affects Biome Type Polar Subpolar Tropical Chaparral Grassland Desert Scrubland Savanna Dry Cold Tundra Coniferous forest Decreasing Temperate precipitation Decreasing Deciduous forest Tropical seasonal forest Wet Hot Rain forest temperature

24 Mountain Ice and snow Altitude Tundra (herbs, lichens, mosses) Coniferous Forest Tropical Forest Deciduous Forest Tropical Forest Deciduous Forest Coniferous Forest Tundra (herbs, lichens, mosses) Polar ice and snow Latitude Effects of Altitude and Latitude on Climate and Biomes

25 Biomes: Climates and Life Deserts Deserts Grassland Grassland Forests Forests Mountains Mountains Aquatic biomes Aquatic biomes

26 Deserts What is a desert? What is a desert? Tropical deserts Tropical deserts Temperate deserts Temperate deserts Cold deserts Cold deserts Human impacts on deserts Human impacts on deserts

27 Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Fungi Gambel's quail Red-tailed hawk Collared lizard Jack rabbit Yucca Kangaroo rat Agave Roadrunner Diamondback rattlesnake Darkling beetle Bacteria Prickly pear cactus Temperate Desert Ecosystem

28 Temperate Desert in Nevada, USA

29 Large desert cities Soil destruction by off- road vehicles and urban development Soil sanitization from irrigation Depletion of underground water supplies Land disturbance and pollution from mineral extraction Storage of toxic and radioactive wastes Large arrays of solar cells and solar collectors used to produce electricity Major Human Impacts on Deserts

30 Grasslands Effects of drought, herbivores, and fires Effects of drought, herbivores, and fires Savanna Savanna Grazers and browsers Grazers and browsers Temperate grasslands Temperate grasslands Prairies Prairies Tundra Tundra Permafrost Permafrost

31 Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Fungi Bacteria Golden eagle Prairie dog Blue stem grass Coyote Grasshopper sparrow Pronghorn antelope Prairie coneflower Temperate Tall-grass Prairie Ecosystem

32 Animation Prairie food web interaction.

33 Replacing Temperate Grassland with Farms

34 Arctic Tundra in Winter and Summer

35 Natural Capital Degradation Grasslands Conversion of savanna and temperate grasslands to cropland Release of CO 2 to atmosphere from burning and conversion of grassland to cropland Overgrazing of tropical and temperate grasslands by livestock Damage to fragile arctic tundra by oil production, air and water pollution, and off-road vehicles Human Impacts on Grasslands

36 Forests Types of forests Types of forests Tropical rain forests Tropical rain forests Broadleaf evergreen plants Broadleaf evergreen plants Temperate deciduous forests Temperate deciduous forests Broadleaf deciduous forests Broadleaf deciduous forests Evergreen coniferous forests (boreal and taigas) Evergreen coniferous forests (boreal and taigas) Muskegs Muskegs Coastal coniferous (temperate rain) forests Coastal coniferous (temperate rain) forests

37 Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Fungi Bacteria Bromeliad Ants Tree frog Green tree snake Katydid Climbing monstera palm Squirrel monkeys Blue and gold macaw Harpy eagle Ocelot Slaty-tailed trogon Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem

38 Animation Rainforest food web interaction

39 Harpy eagle Toco toucan Wooly opossum Brazilian tapir Black-crowned antpitta Shrub layer Canopy Emergent layer Understory 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Height (meters) Stratification of Niches in a Tropical Rain Forest Ground layer

40 Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Bacteria Fungi Wood frog Racer Shagbark hickory White-tailed deer White-footed mouse White oak Gray squirrel Hairy woodpecker Broad-winged hawk Long-tailed weasel May beetle Mountain winterberry Metallic wood- boring beetle and larvae Temperate Deciduous Forest Ecosystem

41 Temperate Deciduous Forest in Fall and Winter

42 Bacteria Bunchberry Starflower Fungi Snowshoe hare Bebb willow Moose Wolf Balsam fir Blue jay Great horned owl White spruce Pine sawyer beetle and larvae Marten Evergreen Coniferous Forest Ecosystem Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers

43 Evergreen Coniferous Forest in Alaska

44 Natural Capital Degradation Forests Clearing and degradation of tropical forests for agriculture, livestock grazing, and timber harvesting Clearing of temperate deciduous forests in Europe, Asia, and North America for timber, agriculture, and urban development Clearing of evergreen coniferous forests in North America, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Siberia, and Russia Conversion of diverse forests to less biodiverse tree plantations Damage to soils from off-road vehicles Human Impacts on Forests

45 Mountains What is a mountain? What is a mountain? Ecological importance of mountains Ecological importance of mountains “Islands of biodiversity” “Islands of biodiversity” Climate regulation Climate regulation Mountain glaciers and effects on sea level Mountain glaciers and effects on sea level Impact on hydrologic cycle Impact on hydrologic cycle Human impacts on mountains Human impacts on mountains

46 Forests near Mt. Rainer, Washington

47 Natural Capital Degradation Mountains Landless poor migrating uphill to survive Hydroelectric dams and reservoirs Increasing tourism (such as hiking and skiing) Air pollution from industrial and urban centers Increased ultraviolet radi- ation from ozone depletion Timber extraction Mineral resource extraction Soil damage from off-road vehicles Human Impacts on Mountains

48 60ºN 30ºN 0º 30ºs 60ºS Cold deserts Westerlies Forests Hot deserts Northeast trades Forests Equator Hot deserts Forests Southeast trades Westerlies Cold deserts Fig. 5-3, p. 80 Earth’s Rotation and Climate Fig. 5-3, p. 80

49 Ocean hemisphere Land-ocean hemisphere The Ocean Planet- oceans cover 71% of earth’s surface

50 Aquatic Environments: Types and Characteristics  Aquatic life zones  Saltwater (marine) systems- estuaries, coastlines, coral reefs, coastal marshes, mangroves, oceans  Freshwater systems- lakes, ponds, rivers and inland wetlands

51 Mangroves Coral reefs Rivers Lakes The Aquatic World

52 Coral Reef and Mangrove Forest

53 A.Importance of Oceans: 1. Covers 71% of Earth’s surface 2.Regulates Earth’s temperature a. distributes solar energy through ocean currents b. reservoir for CO 2 3. Key player in the hydrological cycle - evaporation 4. Important (required ) for nutrient cycles 5. Habitat for approximately 250,000 species of organisms 6. Source of minerals and fossil fuels 7. Dilutes many harmful toxins in the environment Importance of Oceans

54 Natural Capital Ecological Services Climate moderation CO 2 absorption Nutrient cycling Waste treatment and dilution Reduced storm impact (mangrove, barrier islands, coastal wetlands) Habitats and nursery areas for marine and terrestrial species Genetic resources and biodiversity Scientific information Economic Services Food Animal and pet feed (fish meal) Pharmaceuticals Harbors and transportation routes Coastal habitats for humans Recreation Employment Offshore oil and natural gas Minerals Building materials Marine Ecosystems

55 High tide Low tide Coastal Zone Estuarine Zone Continental shelf Open Sea Sea level Sun Euphotic Zone Bathyal Zone Abyssal Zone Photosynthesis Darkness Twilight Major Life Zones in the Ocean Learn this diagram!

56 Coastal Zones 1. Shallow - high tide mark to edge of continental shelf 2.Warm 3. Nutrient rich 4. High primary productivity 5. 90% of all marine species and most fisheries  Plenty of sunlight and nutrients from land get mixed by wind and water currents estuaries, coastal wetlands, coral reefs, barrier islands, and beaches Ocean Life Zones

57 Open Sea 1.Extends from continental shelf to deep ocean 2.> 90% of the ocean’s area, contains < 10% of all marine species 3. Low nutrient availability 4. Low primary productivity per m 2 - lack of sunlight 5. Three vertical zones a. Euphotic - approximately 0-200 meters, photosynthesis occurs b. Bathyal - approximately 200-1500 meters, “twilight” c. Abyssal - approximately 1500 meters, ocean floor Note: average ocean depth is 3.8 km = 2.4 miles Ocean Life Zones (continued)

58 A.Major Oceanic Issues 1. Coastal zones a. Habitat Loss b. Pollution c. Erosion 2. Open Sea a. Overfishing b. Pollution 3. Overall a. Global Climate Change d. Overfishing Ocean Related Issues

59 Organisms in Aquatic Life Zones -Plankton = Floaters -Nekton = Strong swimmers -Benthos = Bottom Dwellers -Decomposers = Fungi & bacteria

60 Factors Limiting Life with Water Depths -Temperature -Sunlight (photosynthesis, euphotic zone) -Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) -Nutrients (Net Primary Productivity)

61 Sediment Plume in an Estuary Estuary = a semi-enclosed coastal body of water where salt water and fresh water meet and mix. Betsiboka River, Madagascar

62 Sand Dunes & Costal Erosion Roots of grasses that colonize dunes help hold sand in place. Development should be allowed behind second strip of dunes.

63 Ecological ImportanceThreats 1.Support > 25% of all marine species (66% fish) 2.Coral Bleaching - Suspended sediment caused by erosion of soil on land smother polyps, blocks sunlight 2.Aesthetic beauty 3.Development of coastal zones 3.Protect 15% coastline from erosion (reduce wave energy) 4.Ocean warming/ Global warming 4.Cycle carbon - require CO 2 for shell formation 5.Oil spills mining, damage by tourists, chemical pollution, nuclear testing, and anchor damage 5.Produce chemicals useful for medical research 1.Dredging, overfishing, dynamite fishing Coral Reefs

64 Ocean warming Soil erosion Algae growth from fertilizer runoff Mangrove destruction Coral reef bleaching Rising sea levels Increased UV exposure from ozone depletion Using cyanide and dynamite to harvest coral reef fish Coral removal for building material, aquariums, and jewelry Damage from anchors, ships, and tourist divers Major Threats to Coral Reefs Coral requires temps 64-86°F (range of tolerance)

65 Marine Ecosystems Half of coastal wetlands lost to agriculture and urban development Over one-third of mangrove forests lost since 1980 to agriculture, development, and aquaculture shrimp farms About 10% of world’s beaches eroding because of coastal development and rising sea level Ocean bottom habitats degraded by dredging and trawler fishing boats Over 25% of coral reefs severely damaged and 11% have been destroyed Natural Capital Degradation Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems

66 Freshwater Life Zones

67 Life Zones in Lakes  Littoral zone -shallow, sunlight, near shore (rooted plants)  Limnetic zone - open sunlight water away from shore  Profundal zone - Deep, dark water  Benthic zone- bottom, cool temp, low O2  Littoral zone -shallow, sunlight, near shore (rooted plants)  Limnetic zone - open sunlight water away from shore  Profundal zone - Deep, dark water  Benthic zone- bottom, cool temp, low O2

68 Lake zonation interaction Animation

69 Freshwater Systems Ecological Services Economic Services Climate moderation Nutrient cycling Waste treatment and dilution Flood control Groundwater recharge Habitats for aquatic and terrestrial species Genetic resources and biodiversity Scientific information Food Drinking water Irrigation water Hydroelectricity Transportation corridors Recreation Employment Natural Capital Major Services of Freshwater Systems

70 Nutrients in Lakes: Oligotrophic

71 Nutrients in Lakes: Eutrophic Fig. 6-41b, p. 136

72 Lake Stratification & Turnover Water is MOST dense at 4°C In the Fall, water cools to 4°C and sinks to bottom. This drives Fall turnover.

73 Human Impacts on Freshwater Systems  Dams, diversions and canals  Flood control levees and dikes  Wetland destruction  Pollutants from cities and farmlands  Dams, diversions and canals  Flood control levees and dikes  Wetland destruction  Pollutants from cities and farmlands

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