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Coming – April 17 & 18 A Marriage Seminar. Do you and your spouse agree? “Besides “Love,” name the #1 reason why you decided to get Elmhurst.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming – April 17 & 18 A Marriage Seminar. Do you and your spouse agree? “Besides “Love,” name the #1 reason why you decided to get Elmhurst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming – April 17 & 18 A Marriage Seminar

2 Do you and your spouse agree? “Besides “Love,” name the #1 reason why you decided to get married?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)Companionship b)Start a family c)Declare a public commitment d)Family Pressure e)Financial Security

3 Do you and your spouse agree? “If you lived one day in your spouse’s shoes, what would be your main take away?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)A new respect for their patience. b)Let’s swap roles permanently! c)I love my life. d)I should help out more. e)They are amazing! f)I shouldn’t be so judgmental.

4 Do you and your spouse see eye to eye? “What can you focus on now, to best ensure your marriage will last a lifetime?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)Forgive one another b)Pray together c)Make compromises d)Choose to trust each other e)Be objective when solving problems f)Make each other a priority

5 v Do you and your spouse see eye to eye? “What are you most proud of in your relationship?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)Our commitment b)Our ability to laugh c)Our foundation of faith d)We’re best friends e)Our teamwork f)Our family

6 v How would your spouse answer? “I know we’re bound to disagree on things. I just wish they would be more…” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)Fair b)Civil c)Direct d)Tactful e)Objective f)Patient g)Open-minded

7 v “Assuming your children were to write a book about your marriage. What would be it’s title?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage® April 17 & 18 a)War and Peace b)Pride and Prejudice c)Romeo and Juliet d)Bleak House e)One Hundred Years of Solitude f)Crime and Punishment g)The Notebook How would your spouse answer?

8 v “What’s the biggest dream you have for your relationship?” @ Elmhurst CRC on FRI 7-9:30 p.m.& SAT 9:-4 p.m. Register today @ ELMHURSTCRC.ORG/EVENTS Join us for the Art of Marriage ® April 17 & 18 (fill in the blank) Do you know your spouse’s answer?

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