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Solar System 4th Grade Students

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1 Solar System 4th Grade Students
Presenters: Sam Derr Vicki Kallenberger Brian Butteris

2 ASSURE MODEL A – Audience S- State Objectives
S- Select Media and Materials U- Utilize Materials R- Require Learner Participation E- Evaluate ASSURE MODEL

3 Audience Fourth Grade Students
Students can all be at different levels in what they know Students learn in different ways Some students may have learning disabilities ESL/ELL Audience

4 The Fourth Grade students will be able to name the planets after the lesson accurately.
The Fourth Grade students will be able to diagram the planets to scale after the lesson accurately. The Fourth Grade students will be able to compare the planet’s characteristics after the lesson efficiently. The Fourth Grade students will be able to define gravity, atmosphere, meteors, and comets after the lesson accurately. Students will be able to describe different terminology involved in the universe accurately State Objectives

5 Select Methods, Media, and Materials
The book, Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars Study Jams Website Crossword Newscast Video Who Wants To Be A Millionaire quiz show Glogster interactive poster Internet Games Select Methods, Media, and Materials

6 Astronaut Travel Introductory activity
Pretend you’re an astronaut…. 3,2,1… Blast Off!! Read a poem about the planet that you land on from The book, Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars Astronaut Travel

7 Study Jams and Crossword
s/jams/science/solar-system/solar- system-inner.htm Go over this as material, then give the students the crosswords to work on Inner Planets, Outer Planets, Earth’s Atmosphere, The Universe Study Jams and Crossword

8 We made this video as a newscast about the weather on each planet.
News Team 8

9 Glogster Interactive Posters
Allow the students to work in the computer lab on Glogster to create their own interactive posters Group activity Have the students present their posters in front of the class Also can be used for evaluation jroper/ Glogster Interactive Posters

10 While you and your students are still in the lab, a fun practice activity for your students to list the planets in order Remember “My Violent Evil Monster Just Scared Us Nuts” s/eng/Introduction/MainSessionPart1.htm Internet Games

11 Have the students play this as a chance to practice what they know
Also can be used for evaluation Review for test Go to power point Power Point Quiz Show

12 Require Learner Participation
Astronaut book reading Crossword Glogster interactive posters Answer questions Require Learner Participation

13 Evaluation Glogster interactive poster presentations Exam/ Quizzes
Class Discussion Evaluation

14 Questions? Comments? The End

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