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Title I-D, Subpart 2 Neglected, Delinquent, and At- Risk Youth Program ESEA Odyssey Summer 2013 Russ Sweet Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I-D, Subpart 2 Neglected, Delinquent, and At- Risk Youth Program ESEA Odyssey Summer 2013 Russ Sweet Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I-D, Subpart 2 Neglected, Delinquent, and At- Risk Youth Program ESEA Odyssey Summer 2013 Russ Sweet Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education

2 Today’s Outcomes Overview of the Program ODE and NDTAC Resources Program Calendar 2013-14 o CIP Budget Narrative o October Caseload Data Count o Monitoring o Data Collections Wrap-up and Questions

3 Overview of Title I-D Title I-D is part of the ESEA 2001 reauthorization. Title I-D has two subparts. Subpart 1 provides for state agency programs designed to serve the needs of students residing in state funded facilities for neglected or delinquent children and youth. Subpart 2 provides for districts having local facilities for neglected or delinquent children or youth within district boundaries.

4 Purpose of Title I-D Improve educational services for neglected, delinquent, or at-risk children so they can meet challenging State academic content and achievement standards Provide these youth services so they can successfully transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment Prevent students from dropping out of school

5 Introducing NDTAC

6 Resources available are mostly targeted to state education agencies, but can also assist districts. Sample Topics o Dropout Prevention o Family and Parental Involvement o Learning and Behavioral Management Strategies o Transition, Re-entry and Aftercare o Teacher Quality and Professional Development o Other Topics on At-risk Youth

7 Program Functions 2013-14

8 CIP Budget Narrative Budget Narrative o Describe key activities supported by Title I-D funds o Include FTE o Materials and supplies Spending by categories Due by September 15, 2013 Carry over opens November 15, 2013

9 October Caseload Count Can begin as early as September 2 or as late as October 31 Must be for 30 consecutive days (one of which must be in October) The LEA should monitor attendance from September through November to determine which 30 day period would yield the highest number of students enrolled in the institution

10 October Caseload Count The data collection window is October 31, 2013 – December 16, 2013 Collection will be through a web application as it was in 2012 There will be a webinar in October to further explain logistics of the collection (look for information to come in early September)

11 October Caseload Count You can find information about the October Caseload Count at the NDTAC website:

12 Desk Monitoring Desk Monitoring Title I-D, Subpart 2 LEAs being desk monitored Fall 2013: o Baker SD (Elkhorn) o Crook County SD (Central Oregon Extension for Recovery) o North Wasco County SD 21 (NORCOR) o Oregon Trail SD (Son Village) Title I-D, Subpart 2 LEAs being desk monitored in Spring 2014: o Corvallis SD (Yes House) o Lincoln County SD (Lincoln County JDEP)

13 2013 Monitoring 2013 Monitoring Document Submission by the LEA is due to ODE October 7, 2013 Exit interviews October 25, 2013 Notification of which districts will be visited in person during the spring will be made by October 25, 2013

14 Data Collections Consolidated District Performance Report (CDPR) The CDPR data collection will open May 8, 2014 and will close June 23, 2014. Title I-D collections will have changes. Webinar training will be scheduled prior to the opening of the data collection.

15 Technical Assistance Our goal is to host at least two webinars per year. Focus webinars on technical assistance and professional development around timely topics. We also publish a newsletter twice yearly. Please e-mail us to suggest topics.

16 Contact Information Russ Sweet, ESEA District Support Lead Email: Phone: (503) 947-5638 Emily Swope, Administrative Specialist Email: Phone: (503) 947-5642

17 Thank you for attending today’s Session.

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