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Minority Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC) NSPAA Technical Assistance Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Minority Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC) NSPAA Technical Assistance Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minority Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC) NSPAA Technical Assistance Workshop June 2 – June 4 1

2 1.MSRDC Overview: What is the MSRDC Consortium? 2.MSRDC Overview: The Value to Your Institution. 3.Technical Objectives: Request for White Papers. 4.How does an Institution Receive Funding? 5.How to Become a Member of the MSRDC? 6.Where do we go from Here? Agenda 2

3 3 Total R&D Funding: FY 2008$31.2B Other than HBCUs$30.8B HBCUs$448.2M Average Funding (Top 20)*$506.5M Average HBCU$8.1M *There are no HBCUs in the Top 20 Source: National Science Foundation: Academic R&D Expenditures FY 2008 State of R&D Funding to Historically Black Schools

4 $86M Cooperative Agreement to engage MSIs in applied & advanced research for DoD and other agencies Started with and developed under the authority of Section 252 of the National Defense Authorization Act: Establishment of program to enhance participation of historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions in defense research programs Section 252 Objectives Enhance R&D programs and capabilities in scientific and engineering disciplines critical to national security functions of DoD Encourage participation in Defense Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation (RDT&E) Encourage research and educational collaboration with HBCUs/MSIs, majority institutions, government defense organizations, and the Defense industry Membership Organization specifically dedicated to basic, applied and advanced research project funding MSRDC Overview: What is the MSRDC Consortium? 4

5 IMMEDIATE FUNDING AVAILABLE: Call for White Papers Call for White Papers at and enter Keyword / Solicitation #: W911SR1420001 Sponsored by the US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) To pursue technology advancement in areas of importance to ECBC, DoD and other Federal agencies engaged in science and engineering research Free and open to all MSIs Immediate Benefits: Direct quick and easy research funding vehicle for government agencies Introductions to collaborative partners in academia, defense industry & others Exposure to Congressional level interest in the program Fast track opportunity to build research capacity and resources for faculty and students MSRDC Overview: The Value to Your Institution 5

6 Funding is available in 3 budget categories: 6.1 Basic 6.2 Applied 6.3 Advanced There are two main methods to receive funding: 1.Respond directly to Calls for White Papers (for consortium members only) Review the Technology Objectives Review the ECBC Annual Report Reference: If necessary, identify partners to strengthen your research approach Submit a White Paper response, followed by a solicited research proposal 2.Market the use of the Cooperative Agreement to any agency sponsoring research Particularly relevant for expertise that is beyond the focus of ECBC Negotiate a direct award via Business Development Proposals How Does an Institution Receive Funding? 6

7 Topic 1: Models for use in Predictive Toxicology (Evaluating Organophosphate Compounds) Overview Need for the development of models to generate data on the toxicity of various commercially available organophosphate compounds (Pesticides and Rodenticides) Models can include both in vivo and in vitro systems GOAL: To generate high-throughput/high content screening technologies and Systems Biology approaches to develop robust and flexible tools to screen compounds Data generated can include: Information relating to cell toxicity (cell culture or primary cells), metabolism (Cytochrome P450 and other metabolic pathways), genotoxicity, hERG inhibition Cell types can include: Brain, Heart, Lung, Liver and Kidney and/or Skeletal Muscle Areas of Interest In vitro – in vivo correlation and validation Cross species correlation and validation In silico – in vivo correlation and validation Technology Objective: Request for White Papers 7

8 Science of Chemical and Biological Protection Overview Protective clothing, respiratory protection, and hazard mitigation processes Includes development of novel multifunctional materials that perform multiple functions such as absorption, catalysis and sensing Development of advanced personal protective equipment (such as masks), novel air filtration and purification technologies, and associated enabling materials/research New chemistries for hazardous material decontaminants as well as further elucidation of the methods and processes by which decontaminants and contaminants interact with materials Research areas include, but are not limited to: 1.Novel filtration media 2.Integrated protective fabrics 3.Dynamic multifunctional materials 4.New decontamination formulation development 5.Decontamination profiles (contaminant-material-decontaminant interactions) 6.Reactive coatings Technology Objective Area #2 8

9 Science of Chemical and Biological Sensing: Overview The science of CB sensing and the capability to correctly categorize or identify CB agents Involves the exploration and exploitation technologies that are capable of detection agents in multiple states of matter (solid, aerosol, vapor, liquid) and in various areas (surface or air) Thrust ranges from a hand held detection system that can sample air or detect threats on a surface to a network of low cost, low power detection systems that communicate with each other to a larger network, to a hand held diagnostic system that performs genetic sequencing to confirm if someone has been exposed Technologies that enable a low cost all-hazard environmental collection capability are also desirable Involves the capability of multiple sensor information to be fused into comprehensible decision management systems May include: analytical, computational or numerical, or experimental means to integrate knowledge across disciplines and improve rapid processing of intelligence and dissemination of information Technology Objective Area #3 9

10 Science of Chemical and Biological Sensing Continued Research areas include but are not limited to: 1.Novel detection methods for chemical and biological agents 2.Miniaturization and ruggedization of detection components 3.Universal sample collection, preparation, and preservation for environmental and/or clinical applications 4.Chemical and biological diagnostics 5.Low cost long shelf life biological reagents 6.Environmental biological sensors (distinguish between biological and viral, real time low cost lightweight) 7.Mass spec for biological detection and/or diagnosis 8.Algorithm development for enhanced data fusion of detection data 9.Technologies for attribution of chemical and biological events Technology Objective Area #3 Continued 10

11 Smoke and Obscuration Science - “Funding is Subject to Availability of Funds” Overview Develop materials and demonstrate weaponization feasibility to provide full spectrum screening (as required) to defeat or degrade threat target acquisition, ranging and marking, tracking, anti-tank guided missiles, and directed energy weapon systems Involves developing the capability to provide effective obscuration in the UV, visible, IR, and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Combinations of these four regions (multi-spectral) are also of interest. ECBC is interested in innovative concepts to address the following areas of study: High yield visual, IR and microwave obscurants on the battlefield; Dispersion technology for nanoparticles (conductive flakes and fibers); Improved screening material packaging, compaction, feed, and deaglomeration technologies; Visual, IR and microwave obscurants that are environmentally safer and/or less toxic than current materials; Identification of candidate multiband screening material; Improved dissemination of materials; Techniques to measure screening effectiveness and obscurant generating equipment effectiveness; Aerosolization of obscurant materials; Effects of smokes and obscurants on the battlefield; Vulnerability analysis of threat sensor systems versus obscurants; Nanoparticle obscurant candidates (ultrathin conductive flakes or submicron-diameter conductive fibers that can be aerosolized). Technology Objective Area #4 11

12 Must be a Minority Serving Institution as determined by the Depart. of Educ. Establish a primary school representative or POC Each institution must complete and submit the membership application and click on Become a Member Complete and sign the Consortium Membership Agreement (CMA) Agreement between school and MSRDC that formalizes Membership Addresses roles and responsibilities of both parties, including ownership and licensing of intellectual property, copyrights and patent rights Complete the Capabilities Matrix Submit a list of capabilities, including past performance and faculty research expertise Additional Membership Opportunity – Technology Committee Opportunity to shape the Technology Objectives Seat at the table with the government technology points of contact, majority schools, customers and major defense industry partners How to Become a Member of the MSRDC? 12

13 Submit your application for membership Even if you don’t intend to submit for the current White Paper still submit documentation quickly to position yourself for additional calls Sign and return your CMA Gather and submit your in-depth Capabilities Statement Prepare and submit your White Paper responses Participate in Annual Meeting Questions and Answers Contact Information: Where do we go from Here? 13

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