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BRIEF LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF THE REHAB ACT 1920 -- Smith Fess Act – – Considered the beginning of the Public VR Program – Allocated monies for vocational.

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Presentation on theme: "BRIEF LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF THE REHAB ACT 1920 -- Smith Fess Act – – Considered the beginning of the Public VR Program – Allocated monies for vocational."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRIEF LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF THE REHAB ACT 1920 -- Smith Fess Act – – Considered the beginning of the Public VR Program – Allocated monies for vocational guidance, training, occupational adjustment, prosthetics, and placement

2 Brief History 1936 Randolph Sheppard Act – Provided individuals who were blind with opportunity to operate vending stands in Federal buildings. Individual had to be licensed to become a Randolph Sheppard “operator.”

3 Brief History 1943 -- Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1943 – Expanded services to include physical restoration – Required States to submit a written state plan to the Federal government – Expanded provisions to include the provision of VR services to individuals with mental retardation and mental illness

4 Brief History Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1954 – Made significant changes in the funding of the Public VR Program Created funding formula that considers state population and per capita income. – Created project grant programs for research and demonstrations – Created provision by which Federal government provided monies to train staff for VR Agencies

5 Brief History Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1965 – Eliminated the provision which required that an individual have a economic need for services – Expanded services to reach a broader population such as Individuals with a substance abuse Individuals with a “socially handicapping condition”

6 Brief History 1973 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Created the mandate for Public VR Program to serve individuals with severe disabilities – Created Affirmative Act Programs in Title V—Sections 501, 502, 503, and 504 501 Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action in Federal Employment 502 Empowers the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB) to enforce accessibility standards for Federal bldgs. 503 Requires contractors to comply with affirmative action requirements 504 Requires entities that accept Federal funding must not discriminate against individuals with disabilities in programs.

7 Brief History – Established the “Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program” (IWRP) to ensure that the consumer be involved in the development of the rehabilitation process.

8 Brief History Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1978 – Created the IL Program and the establishment of IL Centers Concepts of Peer Counseling, Advocacy emerged

9 Brief History Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986 – Concept of Supported Employment as a viable VR outcome was introduced as demonstration program – Enhanced support from Rehabilitation Engineering services Created clear definition of “rehabilitation engineering services.”

10 Brief History 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act – Clearly outlined the intent of Congress with Findings, Purpose, and Policy (Sec. 2 (a), (b), and (c). – Focused program on concept of “consumer choice” relative to career options. – Focused Public VR Program that the outcome for program was competitive employment – Created State Rehabilitation Advisory Council

11 Brief History Created “presumptive eligibility” for individuals receiving Social Security SSI or SSDI benefits – Individual must still intend to achieve an employment outcome “consistent with unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice."

12 …and Finally Today’s Version Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 – Rehab Act became part of “Workforce Investment Act” (WIA) – Title IV Sec. 402 – establishes – Linkages between State VR Programs and WIA programs – Gives special responsibilities to the Sec. of Education for the coordination of all activities with respect to individuals with disabilities within and across programs administered by Federal Government

13 Future?????????? 2003 Reauthorization will not be completed. – Proposals in both House and Senate took $$$ from VR Programs to fund “infrastructure” of One-Stops— House version would allow Governor to take 1.5 percent from One-Stop Partners appropriation—i.e., VR monies Senate version created a phase for VR contribution to infrastructure—1 st year no contribution; 2 nd year.75 percent; 3 rd year 1 percent; 4 th year 1.25 percent; and finally 5 th year 1.5 percent.

14 What to Expect in 2005 Begin reauthorization process from the beginning. – 109 th Congress will most likely be even more conservative than the 108 th. – Current Administration will push for infrastructure monies from partners to fund One-Stops; push for Block Grants will be strong – In Rehab Act downgrading of RSA Commissioner from Presidential appointment, Senate Confirmation position to one appointed by the Secretary of Education – Continued push to undermine authority of RSA

15 ADVOCACY WILL BE NEEDED Your voice will be needed when called upon You cannot sit by the sidelines You can energize your peers, consumers, friends, family Every voice will be needed

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