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Rock Detective Webquest ~Teacher Information~ I am glad that you decided to use this webquest as a supplement to your rocks and minerals unit! Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock Detective Webquest ~Teacher Information~ I am glad that you decided to use this webquest as a supplement to your rocks and minerals unit! Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock Detective Webquest ~Teacher Information~ I am glad that you decided to use this webquest as a supplement to your rocks and minerals unit! Students will be working together in small groups to locate information on the three different types of rocks, the rock cycle, and minerals. I am glad that you decided to use this webquest as a supplement to your rocks and minerals unit! Students will be working together in small groups to locate information on the three different types of rocks, the rock cycle, and minerals.

2 Learners  This webquest is set up for a 3 rd-5th grade classroom.  Georgia Standards cover rocks and minerals in 3 rd grade  Offers differentiation: small group work, peer work, hands on, and technology based  May have to adapt slightly for students with certain LD’s or ELL

3 Standards Science ~ Investigates rocks and minerals ~ Investigates rocks and minerals Writing – ELA3C1 ~ Establishes a focus and develops main points with supporting ideas ~ Establishes a focus and develops main points with supporting ideas ~ Arranges ideas in a clear order with distinct introduction, body and conclusion ~ Arranges ideas in a clear order with distinct introduction, body and conclusion Research- ELA3C1 ~ Uses reference materials to gather information

4 Standards  http://www.georgiastand http://www.georgiastand http://www.georgiastand  Click here to find a complete listing of Georgia’s Performance Standards.  The students will also assess their peers with a collaboration rubric. This will help to teach participation within a small group setting.

5 Process 1  First of all, you will split the students up into groups of three. (If there is a needed to have a group of four, I suggest pairing your lower leveled learners with a higher leveled student and they may work together as one)  The students will need to have access to a computer lab or computers in your classroom. The students will work together to figure out who will be each rock detective. There are three detectives: Sir Sedement (sedimentary rocks), Iggy (igenous rocks), and Matty (metamorphic rocks)  Once they have chosen which detective they will represent, each student will be guided through a process underneath each detective’s section.

6 Process 1 (cont.)  The students will be guided to print out their detective log (or if you choose, have them printed out previously; see resource section of this powerpoint).  Then, they are guided to use their textbook (under the assumption it contains this information) and the web links to fill out their detective log. Time should be allocated for web searching. Notes may be taken while searching; make sure they visit all the sights and read the valuable information! Note: each detective’s section is specific to his or her assignment.

7 Process 2  Once each detective has filled out his/her investigation log, the group is to meet back together. They are to share their findings, allowing time for each person’s input and information. As a group they are to make sure they have enough valuable information to present.  The group will put together a powerpoint, showcasing the information they found. This may take some time, as each detective may have to go one at a time to create the slides (Note: the group should decide what type of background to use and of course graphics. Knowledge of powerpoint is beneficial to the completion of this project)  While one detective is working on the powerpoint, the other two students will be independently working on the rock cycle diagram worksheet and creating an ad to advertise their specific rock. They should use the information they researched to guide their creation.

8 Process 2 (cont.)  Last, make sure to encourage creativity on the creation of their advertisement.  The students will then present their posters and powerpoints to the class. I encouraged my students to dress like their certain detective… it makes for a very interesting presentation.

9 Materials  The following is a list of items you will need in order to implement this webquest:  Science textbook w/ appropriate materials  Computers/Internet access  Microsoft Powerpoint  Posterboard  Investigation Log for each rock  Markers, crayons, or colored pencils  Pencils  Rock Cycle Diagram Worksheet

10 Additional Information  My characters are derived from an educational program from The Mineral Information Institute. I encourage that you visit their website and put to good use the FREE resources they offer! Also, they have a video that is available for purchase called Rock Odyssey. My students loved the storyline and they still sing the catchy songs. Thank you!

11 Resources Below you will find a list of the websites that are included in this webquest Sedimentary Rocks y.html y.html

12 Resources- Igneous Rocks amorphic.html amorphic.html s.html s.html htm htm s.html s.html

13 Resources – Metamorphic Rocks ous.html ous.html l l htm htm s.html s.html

14 Worksheets and Rubrics  Rock Cycle Diagram  Sedimentary Outline  Igneous Outline  Metamorphic Outline  Grading Rubric  Collaboration Rubric ** Links are located in the Teacher Intro Section on the webquest

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