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Agriculture For Kharif Campaign 2010
SWARNIM GUJARAT National Conference on Agriculture For Kharif Campaign 2010 (18-19 March-2010) 1
Gujarat Agriculture at a Glance
Total Geographical Area: 196 lakh hectares Net Area Sown: 101 lakh hectares Total Cropped Area: 128 lakh hectares Agro Climatic Zones: 8 Gross Irrigated area: 36% Net Irrigated area: 34.4% Total Operational land holder: 42.4 lakh Average land holding: 2.33 ha 2 2
Area in lakh ha.
Annual Rainfall – Gujarat
Gujarat Agriculture at a Glance
Major Crops Kharif Cotton, Groundnut, Seasamum, Castor, Paddy, Bajara, Maize, Tur, Green Gram, Rabi / Summer Wheat, Rice, Maize, Mustard, Gram, Groundnut, Bajara Sugarcane Horticultural crops Mango, Banana, Chiku, Pomegranate, Vegetables, Seed Spices Thrust crops: Cotton, Castor, Vegetables, Kesar Mango, Cumin, Isubgul
Production increased in Decade
Focus on crops performance
Kharif ’09 assessment Area Production Productivity 25.55 27.69 22.60
CROP Area Production Productivity Normal* Target Likely Achi** Cereals 19.31 20.18 16.66 24.71 29.18 1282 1446 1159 Pulses 6.24 7.51 5.94 4.36 4.87 3.63 696 648 611 Total Food grains 25.55 27.69 22.60 29.06 34.05 22.94 1138 1230 1015 Groundnut 17.53 18.62 16.58 23.94 27.04 1368 1452 1000 Total Oilseeds 24.15 27.59 24.31 32.20 38.51 25.88 1333 1396 1065 Cotton (Bales) 23.83 21.97 26.25 77.22 *** 89.59 77.98 551 693 505 * Last Three years average( to ) as per final forecast report Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes Productivity in Kg/ha. 8 **Second advance estimate ***Cotton prod. In lakh bales
Rabi ’09 assessment Area Production Productivity CROP
Normal* Target Likely Achi** Wheat 11.46 10.75 8.96 30.74 32.14 24.19 2664 2682 2700 Summer Rice 0.31 0.35 0.14 0.90 1.05 0.42 2974 2903 3000 Total Cereals 12.41 14.38 11.67 31.78 39.10 28.16 2543 2561 2413 Gram 1.96 1.71 1.51 1.91 1.75 1.37 979 974 907 Total Pulses 2.07 2.34 1.83 2.00 2.13 1.58 985 966 863 Total Food grains 14.48 16.72 13.50 33.78 41.23 29.74 2317 2333 2203 Rape & Mustard 3.26 3.80 2.09 4.54 3.50 2.61 1380 1393 1249 Total Oilseeds 4.35 6.19 2.90 6.64 5.00 3.74 1358 1526 1290 *Last Three years average( to ) as per final forecast report 9 **Second advance estimate Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes Productivity in Kg/ha.
Area Production Productivity
PROSPECT Kharif CROP Area Production Productivity Normal* Target Cereals 19.31 20.89 24.71 32.82 1282 1571 Pulses 6.24 8.01 4.36 5.80 696 724 Total Food grains 25.55 28.90 29.06 38.62 1138 1336 Groundnut 17.53 19.20 23.94 29.47 1368 1535 Total Oilseeds 24.15 28.44 32.20 42.11 1333 1481 Cotton (Bales) 23.83 21.97 77.22** 97.37** 551 694 *Last Three years average( to ) as per final forecast report 10 **Cotton prod. In lakh bales Area in Lakh Hact , Production in Lakh Tonnes
Prospect of Area : Kharif 2010 Area in lakh ha.
Sr. No. Crop Normal Area Target Kharif 2009 Achievement Planning for 1 Rice 7.01 6.70 6.78 7.90 2 Jowar 1.00 0.92 0.70 0.93 3 Bajra 6.66 7.21 4.74 7.58 4 Maize 4.30 4.97 4.28 5.09 5 Other cereals 0.33 0.38 0.16 0.39 Total cereals 19.31 20.18 16.66 20.89 6 Tur (Arhar) 2.63 3.36 2.75 3.44 7 Urad 0.96 2.17 0.99 1.30 8 Moong 1.88 1.22 1.69 2.29 9 Math 0.47 0.53 0.30 0.71 10 Other pulses 0.23 0.21 0.27 Total pulses 6.24 7.51 5.94 8.01 Total food grains 25.55 27.69 22.60 28.90
Prospect of Area : Kharif 2010 Area in lakh ha. Area in lakh ha.
Sr. No. Crop Normal Area * Target Kharif 2009 Achievement Planning for 11 Groundnut 17.53 18.62 16.58 19.20 12 Sesame 2.89 4.00 2.15 4.07 13 Soya bean 0.60 0.69 0.87 0.74 14 Castor 3.73 4.28 4.54 4.43 15 Other Oil seeds 0.10 0.17 0.0 Total oilseeds 24.85 27.59 24.31 28.44 16 Cotton 23.83 22.97 26.25 21.47 17 Tobacco 0.51 0.76 0.43 0.50 * Last Three years average( to ) as per final forecast report.
Prospect of Production : Kharif 2010 Prod. in lakh MT.
Sr. No. Crop Normal Production Target Kharif 2009 Achievement Planning 1 Rice 12.16 13.22 12.72 14.47 2 Jowar 1.28 1.1 0.77 1.20 3 Bajra 6.38 8.30 4.34 9.36 4 Maize 4.63 6.29 5.26 7.43 5 Other cereals 0.27 0.26 0.22 0.36 Total cereals 24.72 29.18 23.31 32.82 6 Tur (Arhar) 2.57 3.07 2.48 3.58 7 Udad 0.58 0.96 0.48 0.70 8 Moong 0.84 0.54 0.75 1.06 9 Math 0.18 0.21 0.33 10 Other pulses 0.19 0.09 0.15 0.14 Total pulses 4.36 4.87 4.08 5.80 Total food grains 29.06 34.05 27.39 38.62
Prospect of Production : Kharif 2010 Prod. in lakh MT.
Sr. No. Crop Normal * Production Target Kharif 2009 Achievement Planning 11 Groundnut 23.94 27.04 16.58 29.47 12 Sesamum 1.10 1.79 0.75 1.93 13 Soybeans 0.60 0.66 0.70 14 Castor 7.16 9.02 7.72 9.94 15 Other Oil seeds 0.10 0.13 0.11 Total oilseeds 32.90 38.51 25.88 42.11 16 Cotton 77.22** 89.59** 79.62** 97.37** 17 Tobacco 0.82 0.31 *Last Three years average( to )as per final forecast report. **Cotton prod. In lakh bales
1) Bring more area under food grain crops. 2) Increase productivity,
STRETEGY FOR Kharif-2010 1) Bring more area under food grain crops. 2) Increase productivity, Increase SRR Ensure seed treatment Efficient use of created irrigation potential Through better extension, Mass media, KCC, ATMA Timely availability of quality input, 3) Schematic support to farmers 4) Advice to farmers on …. Use of hybrid / improved seed Balance use of fertilizer , Promotion of IPM, INM To bring more area under micro irrigation Crop planning, Adoption of recommended practices Irrigation at critical stages. 5) Involvement of private extension 15
( avalibility , treatment , testing )
SEEDS ( avalibility , treatment , testing ) 16
Seed Requirement & Availability for Kharif 2009 (Quantity in Quintals)
Sr. No Crop Requirement Availability Surplus / Deficit SRR (Achie.) Target 1 Paddy 56500 84845 28345 37.32 27.29 2 Maize 50900 51843 943 100.00 4 Bajara 28206 34354 6148 5 Moong 12750 14883 2133 25.30 27.84 6 Urid 8300 31.06 35.77 7 Arhar 15500 15965 465 20.91 22.53 8 G.nut 98500 99535 1035 3.04 3.31 9 Sesamum 9250 10080 830 100 90.91 10 Hy.Castor 22150 30848 8698 11 Hy.Cotton 26360 28920 2560 12 Cotton var. 44582 73653 29071 85.97 53.78 No short fall for seed
Component - Seed Replacement Rate
Objective: To increase the seed replacement rate of different crops like Groundnut, Desi Cotton, Moong, Urid, Tur , Paddy, wheat, Gram etc. in the state and for that increase the certified seed production of above crops. To initiate the private seed producing companies for increasing the certified seed production programme. To make available enough quantity & quality of certified seed to the farmers of the state. For that purpose assistance should be given on the certified seed production as per the provision of the scheme. Rs lakh has been provided for the year
Implementation System:
The assistance will be available to the Government / Co-operative / Private companies & individual seed producers. The assistance will be available within the limit of 50% more quantity of certified seed produced by the respective seed producer institution / Company / Individual person during as against during the respective season except groundnut crop. The assistance will be available within the limit of 2000 quintals to any seed producer institution /Company/ Individual person during for the Groundnut crop only.
3 3500 2350 36 12150 Seed Testing Seed Testing Laboratory
Annual Capacity Year Progress Sales points Sample Analyzed Sub Standard 3 3500 2350 36 12150 20 20
100 % Seed Treatment Campaign in Rabi 2009-2010
Action Point Action Taken Name of the pesticides Industry Association Involved in the campaign Dhanuk Agritech Limited Whether the State/Gov./Pesticide Industry is making availability of seed treating material / machines to Farmers, if so, quantity and number thereof. Pesticides Industries given their seed treating material only for demonstration for the year , The state government has made scheme to make available Seed dressing drum to S C farmers. 3000 seed dressing drums have been supplied. Free of Cost 13900 Seed dressing drum. will be distributed to all grampanchayat under R.K.V.Y How may pamphlets / posters of awareness creation about Seed Treatment has been prepared and distributed among the Farmers. 95000 booklet distributed in Rabi 8000 Posters distributed in Rabi pamphlets distributed in Rabi Name and numbers of programs on Seed Treatment being telecasted / broadcasted on Doordarshana /AIR. 8 Programmes telecast on Doordarshana. 2 Programms broadcast on AIR Whether Field Demonstration plots for seed treatment have been selected, if so number thereof 1850 Field Demonstration plots has been arranged in Rabi Crops like Wheat ,Mustard, Cumin, Isabgol, Potato etc 21
Action Taken for Seed Treatment in Current Rabi conti….
Number of articles published in local newspapers on seed Treatment and its significance. 35 Number of exhibitions / Kissan mela / Gosthi organized, their venue and dates One Exhibition and 15 seminars arranged at Unjha and 26 Krushi Mela at Farmers Training Center and 210 farmers Training and Kisan gosty organized during Rabi Season. Number of Farmers made aware of seed Treatment significance through meetings, Demo, Kissan Fairs etc 95000 Farmers made aware Number of Farmers contacted through Kissan Call Centers/ Pesticides dealers and advised to adopt seed treatment. 35000 Farmers contacted through Kissan Call Centers What are the feedback mechanism for monitoring the progress made Joint Directors of Divisions are Reporting and Monitoring Scheme. 22
(with focus on quantification
NFSM (with focus on quantification of increased production and productivity) 23
NFSM -Extension Activities -2009-10
Activity Nos. TRAININGS TO FARMERS ON FFS PATTERNS Demonstration( Rice & Wheat) 1095 Minikits Demostration Rice 2326 Wheat 5070 BOOKLETS PRESS NOTES Programmes on Doordarshan 5 Programmes on Radio 2 SONGS AND DRAMAS FOLDERS Activity Nos. TRAININGS TO FARMERS ON FFS PATTERNS Demonstration( Rice & Wheat) 1095 Minikits Demostration Rice 2326 Wheat 5070 BOOKLETS PRESS NOTES Programmes on Doordarshan 5 Programmes on Radio 2 SONGS AND DRAMAS FOLDERS
Progress of NFSM (Rs. In lakhs)
Component Targe Achiv. Financial Target Amount Revalidated Amount Release Total Fund Available Total Exp. till Feb. 2010 Balance Available on 1/3/10 NFSM-Rice 176.65 45.50 191.95 241.33 00 65.40 175.92 NFSM-Pulse 455.17 167.01 329.57 1047 695.68 680.89 NFSM-Wheat 475.19 473.07 658.37 206.60 451.77 544.12 114.25 Total 685.58 777.50 971.07
Reasons for slow progress
Onset of monsoon very late (i.e.. from 12th July) Very long dry spell in August Month ( 25th July to 25th August) Total rainfall is only 73 percent against normal rain. About 45 % is under drill paddy in NFSM district. Most of area of pulses district ( 8 district out of 11) is under tribal belt, due to poor monsoon it affects work. The salary of PMT is very less, so employee leave job it affect mission work. The ten year experience consultant can not available for fix salary job, resulted most of the post vacant in NFSM.
Rashtrya Krushi Vikas Yojana Overall performance up to Jan.-10
(Rs. in Lakh) Sr.No. Year Earmarked Grant Grant Released by GOI Expenditure Exp. in % 1 100.00 2 91.80 3 44.54 Total 65.43 Rs crore Earmarked for the year
RKVY Performance of Rs crore earmarked for the year STREAM-I Rs crores released To implementing agencies Rs crores total expenditure up to January -10 STREAM-II Rs crores released. To implementing agencies Rs crores total expenditure up to December-09 Total expenditure of Rs crores has been made up to February 2010 30
Progress in preparation of DAPs & SAP
No of district 26 Fund Released by GOI lakh ( lakh utilize) No of district where fund directly given to district 3 ( Amreli, Banaskantha, Kutch) Nodal Agency Gujarat Agro Industries Ltd, Ahmedabad Consultant WAPCOS LTD, Gandhinagar Status of DAPs preparation Completion All - 26 Status of SAP preparation Prepared and Sanctioned by SLSC by dt and put on website 31
Introduction of cumin crops
Sr. No. Crops Before project After Project Area in ha Production in Qtl/ha 1 Kharif Jowar 350.00 5.00 360.00 6.00 Cotton 100.00 3.00 135.00 4.00 2 Rabi Wheat 1800 10.00 Gram 300.00 450 7.00 400.00 250 Cumin 270 Vegetable 3 15.00 Benefits Cropped area has been increased as the innunded area become open due to drained out the excess rain water from the area hence it can be cultivated in Kharif season. Supplementary irrigation facility has been created by harvested rain water in farm pond. Crop production has been increased due to supplementary irrigation facility and checking of Kharif crop failure due to long dry spell in monsoon. Cropping pattern has been changed as the farmers started taking cash and more remunerative crop like cumin, cotton and Amaranth. Soil condition has been improved due to green manuring and irrigation facility. Fertility and productivity of the agriculture land of the village has been improved. Employment opportunity for rural labourers has been generated. The agriculture became profitable hence the farmers diverted from other occupation to agriculture Migration of people has been reduced. Introduction of cumin crops Name of Farmer : Dineshbhai Govindbhai
Village : Pachchham Taluka : Dhandhuka District : Ahmedabad
Sources of Irrigation Area of Village (Ha.) Private Panchayat 143.00 Government 707.38 Forest --- Total Source Pre project Post Project No. Area irrigated (ha) Tank 4 107.00 6 156.00 Farm Pond 2 6.00 48 144.00 Total 113.00 54 300.00 Work done Farm pond Sim talavadi Farm Pond Expenditure incurred Farm Pond : Rs lakhs Sim talavadi : Rs lakhs
Micro Irrigation
MICRO IRRIGATION POLICY : 50 % amount as Subsidy
State Govt. is promoting drip irrigation through GGRC (implementing agency) POLICY : 50 % amount as Subsidy 45 % low interest long-term loan 5 % farmer’s contribution  Massive extension campaign of the micro irrigation with technological aspect at rural level carried out through State Agriculture Department in Krushi Mahotsav 2005, 2006, 2007, & 2009.
Year wise No. of beneficiaries and area (ha
Year wise No. of beneficiaries and area (ha.) covered under micro irrigation system Year DRIP SPRINKLER TOTAL No. Ha. 5037 13139 2180 2753 7217 15892 7590 18308 6215 8924 13805 27231 26334 18693 23926 32498 50260 27283 37607 12152 20120 39435 57728 (up to Feb. ‘10) 18094 28507 15345 25204 33439 54711 71809 123895 54585 81927 126304 205822
National Horticulture Mission (including impact assesment &
linkage to market) NHM
Pre- Mission – Base line & Destination
Years Fruits Vegetables Spices Total Area lakh ha. Production lakh M.T. 2.72 40.19 3.31 48.67 3.61 42.4 9.69 131.26 3.39 59.97 3.95 68.07 5.77 9.99 13.12 138.03 planing 4.50 81.40 94.50 6.66 11.45 16.75 192.65
Area expansion trend Average 13 % growth
Production trend
Consolidated strategies for Horticulture Development
Ensure availability of high Quality planting material Crop specific farm advisory Technical manpower development Emphasis on development of entrepreneurship and professionalism Increase capital flow and investment Involvement of private extension Stress on protected cultivation Prevent post harvest losses and value addition Strengthening of basic market Infrastructure in to Advance Product Development and processing Adoption of organic and GAP and export promotion for strategic produce Nourishing floriculture and aromatic sector Encase competitive advantage of unseasonable vegetable production Women empowerment Yield Gap Management
Agriculture Marketing ( with focus on reforms )
Agriculture Marketing Reforms
Major inclusion of provisions in the amended GAPM Act 2007 Private market Direct Marketing Special Market Farmer-consumer market Contract farming Common license Single levy Note: GAPM Act. was amended in tune with model Act in Finalization of rules is under consideration, meanwhile 19 adhoc licenses have are being issued for above new provisions.
Ad hoc licenses given for, 1. Setting up private markets
Guj. Agro. Ind. Corp.- Ahmedabad Premium Farm Fresh ltd.- New Delhi CWCL – Hyderabad Surat Agri. Hub Private Ltd. - Surat 2. Direct purchase from the agriculturists Reliance Retail Ltd Reliance farm fresh Ltd 3. Common licenses Reliance Retail Ltd. Janani Ind. Private Ltd. Jayant Agro Organics ltd. 4. E- market National Spot Exchange limited National APMC (total 19 companies have been given ad-hoc licenses till date)
Companies doing Contract Farming in Gujarat.
Agro cell Corporation Organic Cotton Mac Cain India Ltd Potato Desai cold storage Banana, Mango, Okra TATA chemicals - Jetropha IKF technologies Ltd Jetropha Gujarat Agro Ind. Cor Onion Godrej Agrovat Oil Palm
Grameen bhandaran (farmer godown) scheme :
Development /strengthening of Agricultural Marketing ((Infrastructure scheme) : ( MI – Scheme with unlimited 25% subsidy). Out of 15 non back-ended ( self finance) Proposals of APMCs from Gujarat worth Rs crores, 4 proposals with subsidy Amt. Rs lacs are sanctioned out of which upfront subsidy of Rs. 6.5 lacs for 1 project has been made. Gujarat allows direct marketing, the market fees of Gujarat are the lowest (0.5% to 1.0%) as comparative to other states. Grameen bhandaran (farmer godown) scheme : More than 1000 godowns has been approved. Operational guidelines from GOI was translated into local language and distributed to farmers in various fairs and during krishi mahotsavs
AGMARKNET SCHEME 319 Computers provided to yards and sub-yards free of cost Daily price of all nodes are sent to GOI for uploading on AGMARKETNET PORTAL of GOI. Gujarat portal will be developed by NIC. At present no new proposals have been recd. For new nodes. MRIN SCHEME ( MARKETING RESEARCH INFORMATION NETWORK(AGMARKNET ) Under this scheme Gujarat State Agricultural Marketing board was given grant of Rs Lacs in the year 2005, for undertaking various activities. The said grant has been fully utilized as per the activities approved by AMA ( GOI) Terminal Market complex Scheme In Gujarat Plans to set up 4 Terminal market complexes at Ahmedabad, Surat, Unjha and Rajkot for perishable commodities. Proposals shall be soon submitted.
( avaibility, testing, INM )
Fertilizer (availability, testing, INM) Fertilizer ( avaibility, testing, INM )
Fertilizer consumption & Requirement
Fig. in MT Sr. No. Fertilizer CONSUMPTION FOR CONSUMPTION KHARIF-10 (estimated) KHARIF RABI 1 Urea 920774 873415 925000 2 D.A.P. 484143 326158 480000 3 MOP 108788 131607 110000 4 SSP 50388 91454 60000 5 CAN 17465 15964 19000 6 AS 60327 66110 75000 7 1876 4152 2300 8 94819 99531 82500 9 8121 6780 7700 10 30325 42335 11 57508 54440 58000 Total
Nitrogen Phosphorous Potash Total N : P : K Ratio 10.53 4.25 1.46 16.23 7.20 : 2.91 : 1.00 10.69 4.65 1.83 17.17 5.84 : 2.54 : 1.00 10.68 4.83 1.87 17.38 5.71 : 2.58 : 1.00 N : P : K Ratio :4.26 :1.00 in 18.40 lakh SHC distributed
Fertilizer Quality Control
Laboratory Annual Capacity Progress Nos. of sale points Sample Analyzed Sub Standard 3 7500 5474 44 14210 51 51
Krushi Mahotsav
Krushi Mahotsav Key factor of Agricultural reform in the state Created Awareness Transfer of Technology in Agriculture and dairying Increase proximity between Agriculture Scientist and farmers -Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (Hon. Ex. President of the India) IEC – Officials & agriculture scientists move to all villages from the day of first sowing for a month, with knowledge inputs Dynamic Program ; Theme & Thrust change every year All schemes for farmers are converged and implemented. Soil health, organic farming and water management are thrust areas
Individual Beneficiary Scheme
New Approach Individual Beneficiary Scheme Tree Saplings Land Reform Kit Distribution Soil Health Card Healthy Live Stock Farmer Water Conservation Credit Vadi yojna 54 54
New Approach Community Oriented Scheme Optimum Use of Existing
Infrastructure Village Centric Activities Guidance to farmers Awakening the farmers Water Conservation Farmers Co-Operatives Self Reliance Environmental Awareness 55 55
Activities involved Input kits Soil sampling and Soil Health Cards
Kisan Credit Cards Kisan Shibirs Start Soil & Water conservation works Krushirath takes Visit of all villages during the mahotsav Promotion of Micro irrigation e-Gram project Animal vaccination Milk Cooperative Societies Land transfer documents Rural development through public private partnership 56
Agriculture Universities
Krushi Mahotsav–2010 to APMC KRISHI MAHOTSAV Government Agriculture Universities Private 57 57
Using APMC as a model -Soil health lab
Using APMC as a model -Soil health lab. -Permanent Exhibition hall -FLDs -Khedut Shibir -Drip irrigation and Net cultivation 58
Conversions of the schemes
Planning for 2010 Conversions of the schemes Training to farmers, students, Sarpanchs, Field staff Wide scale Demonstrations on high tech cultivation & micro irrigation- mulch Exhibition of farm implements & farm machineries Establishment of Soil health laboratories, farmers training and permanent exhibition at APMCs level Vermi-compost training at Fruits & Vegetable markets Entrepreneurship training for the farmers (4000 farmers) Formation of teams of Retired scientist/officers and students for farm advisory Distribution of Input kits 59
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