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Sit with your lab group in the correct spot Front Board Door Group 1 ComputersGroup 2 Computers Group 3 ComputersGroup 4 Computers Group 5 ComputersGroup.

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Presentation on theme: "Sit with your lab group in the correct spot Front Board Door Group 1 ComputersGroup 2 Computers Group 3 ComputersGroup 4 Computers Group 5 ComputersGroup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sit with your lab group in the correct spot Front Board Door Group 1 ComputersGroup 2 Computers Group 3 ComputersGroup 4 Computers Group 5 ComputersGroup 6 Computers Group 7 ComputersGroup 8 Computers (share) Teacher computer Printer / Back counter Bellwork- 1.finish cricket lab conclusion- complete sentences (FYI- PreAP rectangular tank really had 300 crickets, Bio 1-2 hexagon tank really had 200 crickets) 2. Bring to front to turn in & get BW stamp when finished!

2 Add to Procedures Sheet Computer Lab Seats Sit with your lab group. (Groups 1 & 2 in front, 3 & 4 in second row, 5 & 6 in third row, 7 & 8 in back) Front Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/8 8

3 Partner activity today Pair off in your group (if you have an odd number, look around for another group that has an odd number, too) Send one partner to get one instruction sheet (green) and one map (blank) & sign up for biome!

4 Biome research You will complete step I of the Biome Poster Project today- Research Use the computer to look up all required info- take notes on lined paper & ask if you want to print any diagrams Shade in the locations of your biome on a blank world map Arctic Tundra Arctic Tundra Arctic Tundra is a place with a climate that ranges from….

5 Closure- out loud with partner Summarize what you learned about your biome in 12 words or less

6 Bellwork 1.What makes a good poster? Give at least 3 things. 2.If you didn’t get all the info about your biome on Mon. in the computer lab….where could you get it today? 3.How can you check SPELLING before putting it on your poster? 4.What should you do if you finish early?

7 Update your Ecology Divider Ecology Unit 1.Notes 2.Labs 3.Assignments 4.Tests -What is Life Notetaker -Energy Flow Notes -Trophic Levels & Rule of 10 Notes -Biome Research Notes -Biome Poster Notes -Aquatic Macroinvertebrates & Water Quality -Population Notes -Cricket Mark & Recapture Lab -Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Lab -What Is Life Quiz

8 Make your poster! Look @ section II (Create a poster) on green sheet Put both names on back Due today!!! (Textbooks available- see Ms. D if you need computer)

9 Closure Draw a simple food chain showing different trophic levels from your biome Label at least one of each- producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer

10 Bellwork 1. What does each letter in TERM stand for? (As it relates to experiment questions) 2. Identify each part, TERM, from the following question: “Does the amount of light affect a plant’s height?” T= E= R= M= 3. Is this a high school level science fair Q? Explain why or why not.

11 Bellwork 1. What does each letter in TERM stand for? (As it relates to experiment questions) Treatment, Ethical, Repeatable, Measurement 2. Identify each part, TERM, from the following question: “Does the amount of light affect a plant’s height?” T= Amount of light E= Yes, it’s ethical R= Can be repeated M= Plant height 3. Is this a high school level science fair Q? Explain why or why not. NO!!!

12 On lined paper- add to notes in 3 ring binder & color map Biome Notes Biome Name: Definition/Description: Plants: Animals: 3 adaptations for this biome:

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