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THE GREAT OLYMPIC GAMES That includes Modern and Ancient Greece's Olympic games.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GREAT OLYMPIC GAMES That includes Modern and Ancient Greece's Olympic games."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GREAT OLYMPIC GAMES That includes Modern and Ancient Greece's Olympic games.

2 ANCIENT GREEK OLYMPICS  Did you know that the Greeks attended the Olympics naked and only un-married women were allowed to attend.  The only games where they weren’t naked were chariot racing and fighting each other.

3 Facts about Greek Olympics  If you won the Greek Olympics you would get some money and a crown of leaves.  If you were a chariot racer you could suffer broken bones or death.  The Olympics started in about 776 BC

4 Sorry the Romans took over Greece so the Olympics stopped Check that the text Lovely presentation and good information Zachary. is easy to read.

5 The modern olympic’s Modern olympic’s are a lot dithrit to the modern olympic’s diy coss we don’t go necid. And we do swimming and saling and lots more

6 OLYM PIC; S 2003  Awer oiymcip are very good we have gimnastck and boxing sackling runing in 2008 englid 47 meduls and we cam 4 and rusher cam 3 and USA cam 2 and we did it in Chqainer wurn.

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