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Administrative Services Department FY 2013-14 Budget Worksession July 15, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Services Department FY 2013-14 Budget Worksession July 15, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Services Department FY 2013-14 Budget Worksession July 15, 2013

2 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

3 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

4 Organization Chart Director – John Terwilliger Fleet Management David Roussel Fleet Management David Roussel Capital Projects Sara Flynn-Kramer Capital Projects Sara Flynn-Kramer Purchasing & Contracts Johnny Richardson Purchasing & Contracts Johnny Richardson Fiscal & Operational Support Anne Kulikowski Fiscal & Operational Support Anne Kulikowski Business Development Errick Young Business Development Errick Young Real Estate Management John Terwilliger (Acting) Real Estate Management John Terwilliger (Acting) Facilities Management Rich Steiger (Acting) Facilities Management Rich Steiger (Acting) 298 Positions

5 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

6 Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Current FY 2013$ Change Proposed FY 2014 Personal Services$17.7M$600K$18.3M Operating Budget$48.2M($2.3M)$45.9M Budget Change(2.5%) Staffing2971298

7 Current FY 2013$ Change Proposed FY 2014 Capital Improvement Projects $16.7M($12.1M)$4.6M Budget Change(72%) Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget

8 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

9 Accomplishments Capital Projects In FY 13, managed over 125 projects with total project costs of approximately $91 million. Major current projects include: – Fire Station #84 – Coalition for the Homeless – Men's Shelter – Corrections Kitchen, Laundry and Staff Dining – Holden Heights Comm. Center – Public Works Three Points Maintenance Facility

10 Facilities Management –Maintained 6 million square feet of space and handled 51,000 work orders in FY 12. –Developed and implemented energy saving projects Completed 16 lighting retrofits Purchasing & Contracts –Achievement of Excellence In Procurement (AEP) Award in 2012. Accomplishments

11 Fleet Management –Maintained over 3,600 pieces of automotive and heavy equipment in FY 2012 98% in service at all times Completed 18,100 work orders –Technician Productivity remains at over 90% (benchmark = 85%) –Orange County one of lowest cost per vehicle spent among Counties in Florida Accomplishments

12 Real Estate Management –Coordinated appraisals, performed reviews and closings for 46 Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) purchases and 66 re-sales. –Completed agreement for the Gary Sain Memorial Bridge. Accomplishments

13 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

14 Budget Challenges Capital Improvements Program: Major Projects Include: –Courthouse Smoke Controls Retrofit & BAS $3.0M –Admin. Center HVAC (Phases I-IV)$2.9M –Corr. D,E,F Smoke Controls and BAS$2.6M –Courthouse Heater Boxes (Bldg. C)$1.7M –Mable Butler Building Roof$540K –CH Interim Court & Hearing Rooms$403K

15 Budget Challenges Fleet Management –Fuel Costs Volatile fuel market and current uncertainty in the Middle East make forecasting fuel prices very difficult.

16 Budget Challenges Fuel Budget – Average Cost Paid Per Gallon $2.34 $1.86 $3.65 $3.55

17 Budget Challenges Business Development –Disparity Study MOU with Partners approved 07-02-13  RFP issued 07-10-13  Takes approximately 24 months  Partner with others in our MSA* City of Orlando Orange County School Board GOAA *Metropolitan Statistical Area  Budget will be requested separately

18 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2013-14 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

19 Summary Capital improvements to buildings must be funded to keep County facilities operational and safe Cost of fuel in a volatile fuel market Disparity Study funding

20 Administrative Services Department FY 2013-14 Budget Worksession July 15, 2013

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