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Job Fair Pervasive Computing System

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1 Job Fair Pervasive Computing System
Design Report Project Team: Dec0912 Client: Iowa State University Faculty Adviser: Daji Qiao PhD Course Coordinator: Jason Boyd Team Members: Adam Lee Kartik Subbu Nicholas Oakman Gabriel Semonis

2 Problem/Need Problem Career fair management becomes complex given the large number of students and employers involved. Long queues at certain employers lead to inefficient use of time. Need System to automate the selection process of which employer to visit next based on student and employer criteria and line lengths.

3 Proposed Solution Create a system where students can “check in” at employer booths to inform centralized server (database) that he/she is waiting in that booth’s respective queue. Provide students information such as in which order they should visit employer booths if they want to save time using a matching algorithm.

4 Operating Environment
Indoors (65-75˚F) 2000 students and 300 employers at any point Windows Laptops Pentium III Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web Browser 802.11b/g, or combo Ethernet cards Free and usable USB Slot AC Power Available 120 Volts 60 Hz Wireless Internet Available Speed 11 Mbps to 54 Mbps

5 Deliverables Functional Prototype System (small-scale)
Developer-friendly and Reusable Code and Schematic User Manual

6 Overall System Design

7 Actual System Layout

8 Physical System Components
Touchatag RFID readers Touchatag RFID tags Server PHP script support MySQL database Terminal Computers (USB compatibility) Employer Station Laptops

9 Touchatag RFID Reader Interface Constraints USB connection
Must have active internet connection Online applications launched Must be logged in to a Touchatag account Frequency & Detection Range Compatibility Microsoft Windows 13.56MHz & < 4 cm Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer

10 Touchatag RFID Sticker
Proximity card standard (High Frequency RFID (ISO 14443) used. Tags only store their unique ID so all associations must be done on a higher level Have adhesive on the back so can be easily attached to business cards. Temporarily could be appended to ISU card.

11 System Design Student Registration Employer Registration
Main Entrance Check-In Employer Booths Terminals

12 Student and Employer Registration
Prior to the career fair, a few things need to be done: Tags must be associated with a unique ID independent of student who will obtain it later. Students must input their information online to associate their username with their major, year, and interest (full-time or co-op) Information of employers must be input based on what majors they accept, school year classification(e.g. junior, senior) they take, and type of position they offer (full-time or co-op)

13 Registration and Assoctiation
Student Pre- Registration Student associates address with his information including: major, year, full-time/co- op selection Student Tag Association Student can, after entering the career fair, obtain a tag and associate it with their username using a password Employer Registration Associate employer ID with their job opportunities based on major, year, full-time/co- op offerings Employer IP/Scanner Association Associate Employers to IP addresses of laptops provided or their unique scanners

14 Students Adding Information
Students will go to a website, for example Here they will be able to create an account based on their ISU username f.e “john doe” and then securely submit their major, year, and desired position to obtain a password used for entry through the main entrance check-in.

15 Employer Information We will be able to input this information based on what information is already available from these employers. This data will be added to the database before the fair starts. Employer name Majors Grades Opportunities Apple Computer Computer Engineering Computer Science Software Engineering Junior Senior Full Time Co- Op

16 Example of Employer Registation GUI
NOTE: The employer registration screen will be scripted using PHP

17 Example of Student Registration GUI
NOTE: The student registration screen will be scripted using PHP

18 Main Entrance Check-in
The main entrance check-in is a term used to describe arriving at the career fair and associating your tag with your username and password. Authentication performed pertaining to the username and password that was obtained by registering earlier. Since each tag is already associated with an ID, we can check the ID for a username association. If none, then we can simply prompt for a username and password. F.e. Print out of list of most-suited employers to go to based on matching algorithm handed out

19 Associating ID with Tag
This procedure can be done using Touchatag’s easy to use interface on their “control panel”. We will configure each tag to be associated with a certain URL f.e. This data will be used later throughout the career fair in associating the user with that tag.

20 Associating ID with Tag
Control Panel to associate tags to URL’s

21 Employer Station Checkin
This is the most important feature of our system. It is when a student swipes his RFID card to indicate that he is in a queue for an employer(updates database) Functionality: Check Into Employer Queue Indirectly Check out of Other Employer Queue

22 Employer Station Checkout
After a student is done visiting a employer, there are 3 ways he can checkout: Manually swipe the tag again, which will check whether he is currently in a queue and remove him from it. Swipe into another booth, which will lower the number of students in the previous booth and enter him into the new booth Timeout – after an hour he will be automatically checked out

23 Employer Station Dataflow

24 Matching Algorithm The Matching Algorithm is used in three components of the system: Main Entrance Check-In Terminals Text-Messaging System

25 Terminals Terminals are several desktop computers with Touchatag readers positioned all across the career fair. They query the database using the Touchatag reader to get employer list which can be printed. Functionality: Query for Next Visit List Print Out Next Visit List Indirect Checkout

26 Terminals Dataflow

27 Text Messaging System Alternative to Terminals
If student status in the database shows “checked out” of all employer queues text message passively sent to student using SMPT server. Text message contains list of next best-suited employers based on the algorithm. Students may opt for this service since receiving text messages costs money.

28 Test Plan Touchatag Testing Using multiple units Code Unit Testing
Testing boundary cases, invalid inputs, etc. Server Stress Testing Rapid and multiple requests to server simulations

29 Testing Requirements Testing the Touchatag
We will be testing the Touchatag system using more readers (currently working with two) and check for conflicts etc. when using single or multiple IDs. Unit Testing on PHP code Create simple test programs to run each function on the script, taking care to test boundary conditions and anomalies

30 Resource Requirements
Cost Resource Requirements Item Number of Items Cost Explanation Poster 1 $40 Touchatag Readers 3 $120 Employer Station Laptops free Borrowing, Checking out Terminal Computers Server Computer CSG is letting us use one Totals $160

31 Conclusion Using RFID technology, PHP scripts and MySQL database the system will help students visit more prospective employers by keeping track of how many people are in the various employer’s lines and sending students to the shortest line based on set criteria.

32 Questions???

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