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1 Delivering Value for Money July 2015 Paul Underwood

2 2 “All education organisations are continuing to seek value for money, whilst delivering an improved student experience by finding smarter ways of doing things”

3 Drivers 3 Funding Cuts Opportunities Competition Student expectations Capital investment Good management

4 What is it? Economy Efficiency Effectiveness Student Experience Staff Experience Sustainability

5 Questions being asked… 5 How do we match our income streams and costs? Are we providing student services in the best way? Do we have the right structures in place? How efficient are our processes? Are we ‘gold plating’ any of the support services? Are staff utilised in the best way (both teaching and non teaching)?

6 Questions being asked… 6 What alternative income streams can we generate? How effective is our marketing and communication? Are staff and students sufficiently engaged? Do we have the right sustainability focus e.g. carbon and energy? What is ‘Open data’ and how does it impact us?

7 In practise 7 Support and admin activities across the college incl. student hub Curriculum support VfM Strategy and reporting Process Improvement/ Lean Workshops College wide transformation process design and implementation 19+ faculty review Estates & Facilities / Shared Services review and implementation Capital projects review Activity Based Costing Learner support Salary sacrifice

8 Typical Short Comings Project Management Dashboard/ scorecard Alignment to budgets Reporting mechanisms Collaboration and insight Link to student and staff surveys VfM Steering composition Scope of initiatives Lack of commercial or business skills 8

9 Lean Education!! Transport Movement of paperwork. Excessive email, cc/bcc, attachments. Hand-outs Inventory Brochures and marketing material. Hand-outs. Induction packs. Stationery Motion Paperwork being manually passed between people/ departments. Walking to computers, copiers and printers. Potential Staff not effectively utilised. Staff doing jobs not trained for. Waiting Systems down. Information from students not received on time. Over processing Re-entering data and information. Unnecessary reports. Multiple hand offs. Over production Duplicate data entry. Printing when not required. Defects and rework Students enrolled on wrong course. Incorrect personal details. Wrong classroom How can we do things better and eliminate waste in what we do?

10 In summary 10 More Sustainable College Lower Cost Better Service

11 Questions 11

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