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Name: Year: Read Judges 3:1-11 (1) As a consequence of breaking their covenant with the Lord, the children of Israel were forced to dwell with individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Year: Read Judges 3:1-11 (1) As a consequence of breaking their covenant with the Lord, the children of Israel were forced to dwell with individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Year: Read Judges 3:1-11 (1) As a consequence of breaking their covenant with the Lord, the children of Israel were forced to dwell with individuals from which 6 nations? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) What happens when we forget about God? (Hint-verse 7) ___________________________________________________________________ (3) In angering the Lord, who were the Israelites forced to serve for 8 years? ______________________________________________________ (4) Which judge delivered Israel from this person? (a)Gideon (b) Othniel (c) Ehud (d) Samson Read Judges 3:12-31 (5) When the Israelites again did evil, who did the Lord strengthen against them? _____________________________________________________________________________ (6) The Israelites were forced to serve this person for _____________ years (7) When the Israelites cried out to the Lord, who did the Lord send out to help them? _____________________________________________________________________________ (8) What physically was different about Ehud? (a)He had 6 toes (c) He was left handed (b)He was very fat (d) None of the above (9) What tool did Ehud make for himself to use in defeating Eglon? _______________________ (10) What physically was different about Eglon? (a)He had 6 toes (c) He was left handed (b)He was very fat (d) None of the above (11) Following the death of Eglon, Israel had rest for _______________ years (12) Following Ehud, __________ delivered Israel by killing _______ men of the Philistines with an ____________

2 Read Judges 4:1-24 Fill in the blanks to retell today’s bible story and then find the missing words in the word search puzzle Following their sin, the Lord sold Israel into the hand of __________ king of Canaan who reigned in ________. The commander of his army was __________. The children of Israel cried out to the _________ for Jabin had 900 __________ of iron and for __________ years he had harshly oppressed them. Judging Israel at that time was _____________. Deborah called for __________ and ordered that he go to Mount ___________ to conquer the forces of Jabin and Sisera. Barak took with him 10000 men. He pursued the chariots and army of Sisera as far as _____________ Hagoyim and all fell by the edge of the ________, not a man was left. Sisera fled on foot to the tent of _________, the wife of ________ the ________. Jael took a tent _____ and a _________ in her hand and drove the peg into his __________ killing him. On that day ______ subdued Jabin King of __________ in the presence of the children of _____________ Read Judges 5:1-31 (13) What did Deborah & Barak do after their victory? (a)Danced (c) Shout (b)Sang Praises to the Lord (d) Run (14) Why did the angel of the Lord curse Meroz? (a)Blasphemy (c) They did not come to the help of the Lord (b)Idolatory (d) Witchcraft (15) In her song, who does Deborah single out as being most blessed among women? ______________________________________________ (16) What did the mother of Sisera cry out? (a)Why have they done to my son? (b)Why is his chariot so long in coming? (c)Why tarries the clatter of his chariots? (d)Both B&C (17) According to verse 31, those whose Love God are like ____________ ___________________________________________________________ (18) Following the defeat of Jabin and Sisera, the land of Israel had rest for how many years? __________________________________________ ABKENITEMPLEC DDEFGHIIJGKLM SAWVUTSSWORDN DXLJALBRCDRQO EDHAZORAEFSGP BHEBIRJEKLIMT OCBIDDLLOPSNA RAENDSARJAELB ANRIDSAERGRLO HALAINABARAKR AAAHAROSHETHZ MNYTRPUOIGHMX MSATWENTYFJNC EWEWEGPASDKLV RQSQCHARIOTSB I will sing praise to the LORD God of Israel (Judges 5:3)

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