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Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates English 105, Meeting 4 by Teri Tosspon, Heald College.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates English 105, Meeting 4 by Teri Tosspon, Heald College."— Presentation transcript:


2 Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates English 105, Meeting 4 by Teri Tosspon, Heald College

3 Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Meeting 4 Review of thesis statements Body Paragraphs Narrative Pre-Writing our own narrative

4 Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Guidelines for a good thesis (pg 33) States the writer’s clearly defined opinion on some subject/topic Assert ONE main idea Have something worthwhile to say Limit thesis to fit the assignment State thesis clearly, in specific terms In first or second paragraph.

5 Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Thesis Statement off! (on a strip of paper I will provide)Each person create a thesis statement based on topics on Pg 40. I will read the thesis statements anonymously. Classmates comment on how to improve You will have a chance to rewrite the thesis statement until you get it right. 1 HW exemptionWinning statement gets 1 HW exemption

6 Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Blurnsball (sorta like Baseball!) Teams choose a “batting order” in the dugout (their table). Come to the front w/ your quiz Draw a card to determine your question Answer the questions on the quiz to “hit” –You strike out if you get it wrong - no 3 chances! –A Single – Identify Sentence or Fragment –A Double – if F, Fix it! –A Triple – 2 nd inning only – tell what is wrong (F’s) –Players move around the bases, when they cross “home plate” they score a point! –Each team gets one (1) 30-second time out.

7 Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Combining Sentences Coordinating 1.Use a comma & a coordinating conjunction The speaker rose to his feet, and the room became quiet. 2. Use a semicolon, an adverbial conjunction, and a comma – I worked hard; therefore, I expected results. 3. Use a semicolon I worked hard; I expected results Subordinating 1. Subordinating Conjunctions While he was eating breakfast, the news came on. 2. relative pronoun. (Who, whose, whoever, what, whatever, whichever, when, that…) The researcher who was studying diabetes had a breakthrough.

8 Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Clauses A clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb SubjectVerb Youstink. Sallyis talking. SubjectVerb Ilovegrammar Sallyis talkingloudly wMost clauses have further information after the verb

9 Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Two Types of Clauses Independent clause (Main clause) –Can stand alone as a sentence –Can be joined to another clause –Fred filled a cardboard tube with gunpowder. Dependent clause (Subordinate clause) –Cannot stand alone as a sentence –Must be joined to an independent clause –Because he wanted to make his own firecrackers. A word that joins clauses is a conjunction

10 Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Joining Clauses A dependent clause can be joined to an independent clause to make a sentence –Fred filled a cardboard tube with gunpowder because he wanted to make his own firecrackers. Or –Because he wanted to make his own firecrackers, Fred filled a cardboard tube with gunpowder. When the sentence starts with the dependent clause, it must have a comma before the independent clause

11 Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Run-ons Run-ons are independent clauses that have been combined incorrectly. There are several types: –The AND run-on –The Fused run-on –The comma splice We will be going into detail on each one

12 Powerpoint Templates Page 11 The and run on (pg 146) two or more relatively long independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction without any punctuation. Goal 1 AND per sentence (some situations warrant 2) (Because this has no punctuation, we have to read it in one breath.) –I met Charlyce in a yoga class at the YWCA and we liked each other immediately and we soon became friends and we often hang out at each other’s houses.

13 Powerpoint Templates Page 12 The Fused run on two or more independent clauses run together without any punctuation. –The girls made the fire the boys cooked the steaks.

14 Powerpoint Templates Page 13 The comma splice run-on The comma splice: two or more independent clauses run together with only a comma. –I met Charlyce in a yoga class at the YWCA, we soon became friends. –Sounds right? It is actually two separate independent ideas/clauses. We COULD add a ; (semicolon) to make it correct, or we could separate into two sentences.

15 Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Run-ons In the story of Fred, identify what kind of run-on these are! Fred didn’t throw the firecracker, he placed it between his legs, he wanted to put the lighter away first. Comma splice Fused The fuse burned too quickly before he could throw it the explosive blew up between his legs.

16 Powerpoint Templates Page 15 There are 3 ways to fix Run- Ons 1.Make into 2 (or more) separate sentences. 2.Make a compound sentence *using the methods of coordination* 3.Make a complex sentence *using the methods of subordination*

17 Powerpoint Templates Page 16 Practice- Packet 1. I'd like to buy a piano, but I really don't have the money right now. 2. She gives wonderful parties, I can't wait for her next one. 3. The people on the park bench who meet every day and eat lunch together. 4. I'm saving money for a trip to Oklahoma my brother lives out there. 5. He was beaming he got an A on the exam. 1. No Change! I'd like to buy a piano, but I really don't have the money right now.. 2. Run On! She gives wonderful parties. I can't wait for her next one. 3. Fragment! The people on the park bench who meet every day and eat lunch together. ; 4. Run on! I'm saving money for a trip to Oklahoma ; my brother lives out there. 5. Run on! He was beaming. He got an A on the exam.

18 Powerpoint Templates Page 17 Body Paragraphs (p 47) Chpt 3, Turn to pg 50 Think of your essay like a Hamburger …. Mmm Without all of the pieces… it’s just not complete! Introduction/Hook Paragraphs prove your thesis. Your thesis is the MEAT!!! Conclusion

19 Powerpoint Templates Page 18 Each Paragraph has a part to play Your individual paragraphs are like pieces of pie. Topic sentence Prove your point: Evidence, a story, a quote, data, research Why does this point matter to your topic???

20 Powerpoint Templates Page 19 Topic Sentence (pg 50) Supports the thesis by clearly stating a main point in the discussion Announces what the paragraphs will be about Controls the subject matter of the paragraph Its like an umbrella for the paragraph –All of the information in the paragraph should RELATE to the topic sentence –The Topic sentence should “prove” or discuss a portion of the thesis!

21 Powerpoint Templates Page 20 Focusing & Placing (pg 53) Focusing – be specific (read examples pg 53) Placement – usually the first sentence in the body paragraph, but does not HAVE to be (read examples pg 54-55)

22 Powerpoint Templates Page 21 Paragraph Development (59) Include enough supporting info/evidence to make readers understand the topic sentence Make the information clear and specific Avoid vague generalities and repetitious ideas

23 Powerpoint Templates Page 22 Paragraph Length (pg 62) Long enough to accomplish its purpose and short enough to be interesting. Avoid one- or two-sentence paragraphs Divide long-ish paragraphs at a logical point. Use transitional phrases

24 Powerpoint Templates Page 23 Paragraph Unity Stick to the subject Unify sentences around a central or main idea- the topic sentence Unify paragraphs around a thesis

25 Powerpoint Templates Page 24 Paragraph Coherence Use a recognizable order –Time –Space –Deductive –Inductive Use transitional phrases Use examples, compare/contrast, sequence, results Avoid whiplash – maintain coherence!

26 Powerpoint Templates Page 25 Paragraph Tournament Each person write a Paragraph about Job Interviews. These WILL be read aloud to the class Get peer feedback because You could WIN a homework exemption!

27 Powerpoint Templates Page 26 1.In groups of 2 discuss whose paragraph is the best. Why? Why should it move on to the next round? 2.Take the “winner” of the partners to a group of 4 people. Discuss whose paragraph should move on to round 3. 3.Take the winner to a group of 8… Etc. 4.We will do this until we arrive at the top 4, then the class will hear each one, vote for the top 2. Hear again and vote! The class winner will earn a 1 HW exemption Paragraph Tournament

28 Powerpoint Templates Page 27 Narrative Comparison Choose a partner. You will choose 1 narrative story from online and your partner will choose a different story. from online Answer the questions on the handout (front and back) Come up with a definition of “Narrative”

29 Powerpoint Templates Page 28 Narrative (Chpt 12) A narrative is a story with characters and there is a definite plot line. A narrative normally has a beginning, a middle and an end. Pg 343 (new book) Pg 333 (old book) Telling a story- can be fact or fiction.

30 Powerpoint Templates Page 29 Writing the Narrative Essay Know your purpose Make your main point clear Follow a logical time sequence Use sensory details to hold interest Create authentic characters Use dialog realistically (pg 344-345)

31 Powerpoint Templates Page 30 Choose your subject carefully Limit your scope Don’t let your story lag with insignificant detail Problems to avoid

32 Powerpoint Templates Page 31 Practice (336 old OR 346 new) Look at a painted scene (in book or online/handout) List as many specific details as you can –Describe the setting and character’s appearance –What unusual noises, colors, smells –What does facial |expression show? –What might each person SAY –What mood/tone do the colors create? –Ask yourself MORE questions

33 Powerpoint Templates Page 32 Narrative essay assignment Tell a story. Can base it on your painting OR one of the topics on pg 347-348, OR propose a topic to me Worth 100 points Rough Draft is due next week Final draft due the following week

34 Powerpoint Templates Page 33 Homework Narrative Essay 1st draft DUE @ beginning of NEXT MEETING (50 points) Read: “Salvation” pg 352 Vocabulary 2

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