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Using PII to Support Multi- College FA Processing Presented by SMCCD/SIG.

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Presentation on theme: "Using PII to Support Multi- College FA Processing Presented by SMCCD/SIG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using PII to Support Multi- College FA Processing Presented by SMCCD/SIG

2 2 Introduction

3 3 In order of appearance: Edgar Coronel Dave Neil Laurie Neil Sheela Mamillapalli

4 4 Background San Mateo County Community College District includes three colleges: –College of San Mateo –Canada College –Skyline College Approximately 25,000 students attend all three colleges Over $6.5 Million in Financial Aid disbursed annually.

5 5 Background Each college has a unique Federal Pell ID Home/Host Concept - Enrollment home vs FinAid home. Consortium agreements exist among all colleges. At the time, Banner™ baseline was unable to support this functionality. Local modifications were made to Banner™.

6 6 Environment Institutional issues –Campus code “floats” based on enrollment –Differences in packaging philosophies Campus based aid Loans Student issues –Change enrollment constantly Banner™ issues –SGASTDN campus code drives Pell/COD

7 7 What is the problem? Modifications to Banner™ were needed to support multiple Federal Pell IDs Eventually the mods became –Numerous, complex (COD!) –Required evaluation with each upgrade –Difficult, time consuming and required significant resources to support –Hindered the ability to take advantage of many baseline functions Financial Aid module not supported by SunGard ActionLine (COD!)

8 8 Banner 7™! New features in FA –Enhanced multi-college processing for multiple Federal Pell IDs New features in General Module –Personally Identifiable Information (PII) restricts access to a group of pidms –Value Based Security (VBS) restricts access to a group of records

9 9 Development Process A lot of help from Laurie/Dave Constant communication with the users Numerous testing sessions Users were very supportive and willing to accept change

10 10 Technology Background

11 11 FGAC Overview – Oracle™ FGAC FGAC Overview VBS PII Implementation

12 12 FGAC Overview – Oracle™ FGAC Banner™ VBS (Value Based Security) and PII (Personally Identifiable Information) are based on Oracle’s™ Fine Grained Access FGAC is an Oracle™ Database feature. –Row-level security on any Oracle™ table –Restricts access to an entire row based on a column’s value

13 13 FGAC Overview – Oracle™ FGAC Based upon Oracle™ Table Policies –When a table is accessed, Oracle™ checks to see if there is a policy on that table –If there is a policy, the function assigned to that policy is executed

14 14 FGAC Overview – Oracle™ FGAC Policy functions determine restriction criteria and create predicate clause Predicate clause is appended to WHERE clause of the DML (select, insert, update, delete) statements Restricts ALL applications accessing the database table data, not just Banner™

15 15 FGAC Overview – Banner™ VBS Oracle ™ introduced FGAC in Oracle 8 VBS is the Banner 7™ interface used to manage Oracle™ FGAC –Create the function and the restriction criteria via Banner™ forms Does not replace Banner™, Finance or HR Security

16 16 FGAC Overview – Banner™ VBS Based on functional processing area (domain) –Payroll –Admissions –Registrar –Financial Aid

17 17 FGAC Overview – Banner™ VBS Restrict access to objects assigned to that domain –Printers –Address types –Accounting strings –Not PIDMs, that’s PII!

18 18 FGAC Overview – Banner™ PII PII is a Banner™ interface that is also used to manage Oracle™ FGAC –Create the function and the restriction criteria via Banner™ forms Restricts access to person data only

19 19 FGAC Overview – Banner™ PII Oracle™ FGAC select policy on SPRIDEN table Based on functional processing area (domain) –Payroll: PEBEMPL –Student: SGBSTDN –FinAid: RCRAPP1, RORSTAT

20 20 FGAC Overview – Banner™ PII Common Matching Process is exempt from PII ID Search forms are exempt from PII For all other forms, it’s as if the person doesn’t exist

21 21 Implementation

22 22 Implementation Created applicant tables, one for each college Table contains PIDM and Aid Year –Current, previous and next aid year PII and VBS are based on applicant tables –Driver tables for each college’s FinAid domain

23 23 Implementation – Driver Tables Criteria to populate tables –Highest College choice on FAFSA –BOG –SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE Each criteria overwrites the previous criteria –Campus code overrides all (COD!)

24 24 Implementation – PII PII – can only view personal information for students (PIDMs) in the college’s table –Three domains WHERE RXXXXXX_AIDY_CODE = DriverTable_AIDY_CODE AND RXXXXXX_PIDM = DriverTable_PIDM –Assign domains to business profiles –Assign business profiles to users

25 25 Implementation – VBS VBS – created VBS on every FinAid table that has aid year and PIDM –Three groups for each table WHERE RXXXXXX_AIDY_CODE = DriverTable_AIDY_CODE AND RXXXXXX_PIDM = DriverTable_PIDM –Can only process records for the aid year and PIDM in the college’s table

26 26 Implementation – PopSels PopSels –Re-enter for each college, referencing that college’s applicant table WHERE RXXXXXX_AIDY_CODE = DriverTable_AIDY_CODE AND RXXXXXX_PIDM = DriverTable_PIDM

27 27 Implementation – RORRULEs RORRULE –Re-enter for each college, referencing that college’s applicant table WHERE RXXXXXX_AIDY_CODE = DriverTable_AIDY_CODE AND RXXXXXX_PIDM = DriverTable_PIDM

28 28 Implementation – Data Conversion Convert EDE2, EDE3, EDE4 to EDE Constraint violations –Same Banner SEQ_NO for different transaction numbers –Had to delete duplicate records –Inserted comment into RHRCOMM –ISIR record still exists

29 29 Implementation – Data Conversion Duplicate delete order: –RCRLDS8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 –RCRIMP1 –RCRAPP4,3,2 –RCRESAR –RCRAPP1

30 30 Implementation – Data Conversion New Form: RZAPIIM –ID and Aid Year in Key Block –Radio Buttons show assigned college –Change college –Reset to original assignment

31 31 Implementation – Data Conversion

32 32 Implementation – Data Conversion New Reports RZRPIIA: PII Audit Report –Lists manual (RZAPIIM) changes along with original assignment RZRPIIL: PII Log Report –Lists changes made to each PII table through each step of the table population process FAFSA, BOG, CAMP_CODE

33 33 Business Process Changes

34 34 Business Process Changes Multi-campus (multiple Pell IDs) vs multiple locations Regulations allow consortium agreements COD considerations –Routing ID Source Entity ID Destination Entity ID Reporting School ID Attend School Entity ID

35 35 Business Process Changes Banner™ 7.x improvements on Multi- Campus processing ROAINST – Campus/EDE tab RORCODI – Setup ID relationships RERPLxx – RORCODI and CAMP_CODE REAORxx – Origination tied to CAMP_CODE

36 36 Business Process Changes

37 37 Business Process Changes

38 38 Business Process Changes

39 39 Business Process Changes Changes: –Dataloads Reduced from three (EDE2, EDE3, EDE4) to one (EDE) –Suspense Reduced multiple copies of a record down to one

40 40 Business Process Changes Changes: –Campus Code (SGASTDN) Now drives Pell, so cannot be enrollment specific –Disbursement More tightly controlled; disbursement rules prevent payment from wrong fund/campus combination

41 41 Business Process Changes Changes: –Campus Assignment Changes made to student campus assignment, not user campus assignment –Data consistency Campus code frozen, drives COD; controlled by PII

42 42 Business Process Changes Tasks remaining: –Update AppWorx –Develop a routine for working suspense on a rotating schedule –Finalize procedures for student “ownership” and method for transferring –Determine if frozen campus and PII assignment supports student service

43 43 Benefits Back to baseline – no mods!!! –FinAid Upgrades easier –More functionality –Actionline support!!! COD Consistent procedures across colleges VBS and PII are easy to maintain once they’re set up

44 44 Conversion Update So far so good A few minor issues (data conversion, PII rule for prior year, form not exempted, etc.) A small “surprise” with a form where PII prevented a record from being seen and caused a unique key violation

45 45 Questions?

46 46

47 47 Contact Information Edgar Coronel 650-358-6866 Dave Neil 541-350-0190 Laurie Neil 541-350-6268 Sheela Mamillapalli 650-358-6735

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