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Teaching vocabulary to young learners
Суханова Ольга Николаевна учитель английского языка ГБОУ Гимназии № 1599 г. Москвы, лауреат городского этапа профессионального конкурса педагогического мастерства и общественного признания «Учитель года Москвы », победитель конкурса лучших учителей в рамках приоритетного национального проекта «Образование»
Young learners: Respond to meaning even if they don’t understand individual words; They learn indirectly (take in information from all sides); Their understanding comes not just from explanation, but also from what they see and hear and, crucially, what they touch; They find abstract concepts (grammar) difficult to grasp; They generally display enthusiasm for learning; They have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher; They are keen on talking about themselves; They have a limited attention span.
P P P Presentation Practice Production
How many words to teach?
When the vocabulary is presented and defined – drill pronunciation
Presentation: synonyms / antonyms pictures actions (TPR) translation When the vocabulary is presented and defined – drill pronunciation
Meaning (only picture):
Name after the teacher; Clever parrots; What’s missing? Looking through the key-hole; Перевертыш; Disappearing pictures; Crosses and noughts; Chinese whispers; Rush; A what? Stepping stones; Around the world; TPR – for verbs (Simon says, miming)
Meaning (picture + word card) на соотнесение:
Matching; What’s wrong? – matching; Pelmanism; Bingo; Show me, give me…
Упражнения на воспроизведение формы и звучания (чтение):
Picture dictation; Word halves – matching; Unscramble the word; Word search; Snakes; Missing letters; Team races; Match the words with the sound; Spelling/ misspelling; Give me the word with the sound…; Odd sound out; I spy…
Упражнения на установление связей:
Grouping; Four corners; Odd one out; My favourite word; Synonyms / antonyms; Continue the succession.
Practice (word combinations and sentences):
Matching; Spidergrams; Pelmanism; Snap; gap filling (one extra). Sentence drill: matching halves; Guessing games (questioning techniques); Picture story; Building blocks; Describing pictures (finding differences).
Суханова Ольга Николаевна
Контакты Суханова Ольга Николаевна
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