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Migration to NSM r11. © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration to NSM r11. © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration to NSM r11

2 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 2 Agenda -Migration Overview -In-place Upgrade -Parallel Upgrade -Pre-Migration Considerations -Worldview Migration -Agent Technologies Migration -Enterprise Management Migration -Q&A

3 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 3 Migration Overview -Unicenter NSM R11 supports direct in-place and parallel upgrades from Unicenter NSM 3.x -Component data previously stored within multiple databases of MS SQL will be migrated to the new Ingres MDB -Top-down and parallel migration approach continues to be a best practice

4 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 4 Migration Outline 1)Know your current architecture 2)Check hardware and software levels 3)Plan the new Unicenter NSM r11 architecture 4)Plan the migration approach 5)Backup! 6)Setup a test lab to simulate production environment 7)Deploy test machines to the production environment

5 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 5 Unsupported 3.1 NSM Components -EM Problem Management -EM Report Management -EM File Management -Worldview 3D Map -Cleverpath Reporter -GCU (Replaced by UCM). -GCU supported for Agents that cannot be managed by UCM -EM Security Management (Only file and logon based security policies are no longer supported)

6 In-place Upgrade

7 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 7 Migration – In-place

8 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 8 Upgrade System automatically detects presence of NSM 3.x and force upgrade

9 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 9 Unsupported Components

10 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 10 Upgrade Considerations

11 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 11 Upgrade Considerations -Unsupported Components -System Performance -CleverPath -> WRS

12 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 12 Pre-Selected Components NSM 3.1 components automatically selected and cannot unselect them

13 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 13 eTrust Antivirus eTrust AntiVirus will also be selected as it is installed on NSM 3.1 Watch the colour code for component selection

14 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 14 Ingres Server Ingres server / client will be required

15 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 15 Components Selection

16 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 16 Ingres Configuration

17 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 17 MDB Configuration

18 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 18 3.1 Database Configuration

19 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 19 Directory Configuration

20 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 20 Reboot Reboot will be required as some of the NSM 3.1 files will be in use

21 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 21 dbMigrate -dbMigrate to migrate 3.1 databases to MDB

22 Parallel Upgrade

23 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 23 Dummy Registry

24 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 24 Parallel Upgrade

25 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 25 MDB configuration

26 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 26 3.x Database Configuration

27 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 27 3.x Database Selection

28 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 28 Response File – Enterprise Management

29 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 29 Response File - Worldview

30 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 30 Parallel Upgrade

31 Unicenter NSM Worldview Migration

32 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 32 Worldview Upgrade -Parallel approach is recommended -Increasing hardware requirements against expanding infrastructure -Preserve existing NSM 3.1 Worldview -Database Migration from MS SQL to Ingres MDB -Dbmigrate utility can be used to migrate NSM 3.x TNGDB to a remote freshly installed Ingres MDB -Upgrade CORes before the DSMs that report to them -If running multiple CORes, upgrade central CORes before remote CORes.

33 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 33 Backing up Worldview -Backup the TNGDB using MS-SQL backup utility -If any customizations were made, backup the following WV directories: -NSM\ICONS\ -NSM\IMAGES\ -NSM\MODELS\ -NSM\MAP\ -Unicenter Bridge -Backup configuration.ini file (NSM\Bridge\Config) -Configuration will require changes before they can be used in r11 -Unicenter BPVM -Backup configuration.ini file

34 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 34 Worldview Migration Steps 1)Backup the NSM 3.x CORe (MS SQL Server Utility) 2)Backup any customized files, maps, icons, methods or cursor configuration 3)Note any customized environment variables 4)Designate a machine as the target NSM R11 MDB/Worldview server. Be certain that the server meets the proper prerequisites.

35 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 35 Worldview Migration Steps 5)Begin the NSM R11 installation  For in-place upgrades, the migration will automatically be initiated and the TNGDB will be migrated to the Ingres MDB  For parallel migrations, following a clean NSM R11 installation, the dbmigrate utility should be used to import Worldview data to new Ingres MDB

36 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 36 Worldview Migration Steps 7) After installation has completed, copy over the necessary customized WV files (icons.ico, bitmaps.bmp, etc) 8) Upgrade remote DSMs and Agents as needed.

37 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 37 Worldview Upgrade Considerations -Upgrade the NSM 3.x CORes to R11 MDB prior to any Remote Admin Client (RAC) or Unicenter Explorer upgrades -In a bridged environment, upgrade the “central CORe” to which other repositories are bridging first.

38 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 38 Worldview Migration Process -By default, all classes and object will be migrated to the MDB except for the agent objects -Agent objects will be recreated at time of DSM discovery

39 Unicenter NSM Agent Technology Migration

40 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 40 Agent Technology Upgrade -The NSM r11 level DSM and Worldview are backwards compatible, able to manage 3.x Agents -NSM 3.x DSMs can not communicate to an R11 Worldview server -Database and other NSM 3.x Agents will be preserved and continue to operate within the r11 AT Common Services

41 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 41 Agent Technology Upgrade Overview -First, upgrade the NSM 3.x WorldView/CORe to NSM r11 Worldview/MDB -Then, the DSMs to which the Agents communicates -Lastly, the Agents

42 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 42 Agent Technology New Functionality -Gwipfltii.dat and Pollset Browser moved to DSM Configuration within MCC -UCM – Enhanced GCU -UCM uses DIA for delivery -Migration allows GCU to operate against MDB to accommodate pre-R11 agents -Adaptive Configuration (AC) -Agents upgrades that include AC will retain configset and enter into Self- Adaptation mode -DIA

43 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 43 Backing up Agent Technologies -The following directories should be backed up: -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\aws_nsm (DSM Policy) -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\aws_wvgate (.WVC File -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\aws_sadmin (sadmin store Config File) -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\aws_snmp (SNMP Gateway Config File) -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\aws_store (Object Store Config File -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\config\awservices (Awservices config File) -$AGENTWORKS_DIR\services\mibs (Agent MIB File)

44 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 44 Backup Agent Configuration Sets -While the upgrade will retain the 3.x agent configurations, you may want to create a backup -You may use the mkconfig utility: -mkconfig agentName[@host] [-i instances] [name1….,nameN] >filename -To load a configset, use the ldconfig utility: -ldconfig [-h host] filename [-d level] [-f logfile] [mibname:configName]

45 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 45 NSM R11 Agent Conversion Utility -If the caiWinA3 System Agent migration was not in-place, you may want to manually apply a NSM 3.x configset to a newly installed caiWinA3 System Agent. -A utility must to be run to convert the configset to R11 standards: caiW2kOsCvt 3.xConfigSetFile R11ConfigSetFile Location: %AGENTWORKS_DIR%\AGENTS\BIN -The Log Agent and Active Directory Agent do not require configset conversions

46 Unicenter NSM R11 Enterprise Management Migration

47 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 47 Enterprise Management Migration -Enterprise Management now consists of: -Event Management -Event Manager -Event Agent -AEC -Universal Job Management Agent -Job Management Option -Alert Management

48 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 48 Backing up Event and Workload Management -During in-place upgrades, database migration occurs during NSMR11 EM installation. -Parallel migrations of Event and Workload policy require the backing up and restoring of data using the oprdb/cauexpr/cautil utilities -Backup EM and Workload databases using MS SQL utilities or cadbbkup -Event Console logs should be backed up and restored

49 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 49 Upgrading Enterprise Management -Multiple Event Managers -Upgrade central Event Manager first -Multiple Event Workstations -Upgrade Event Manager prior to upgrading Event Consoles -Message Forwarding -If you are forwarding messages from one or more consoles to a target console, upgrade the target console first -Message Records/Actions are stored in the MDB -Import NSM 3.x Event and Workload policy into NSM R11 using the cautil command

50 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 50 Event Agents 1)Upgrade Event Managers and Consoles first 2)Upgrade the Event Agent machine itself, or install a new Event Agent on a fresh machine. 3)Verify that the “master policy” Event server (the server from which the Event Agent gets its DSB) is correctly identified (especially if it has changed). 4)Execute an OPRELOAD to obtain an updated copy of the DSB

51 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 51 NSM Security Migration -It is recommended as a best practice to install eAC over NSM 3.x prior to performing an upgrade of NSM -On a machine with NSM 3.x security installed and no eTrust Access Control present, the install will: -Upgrade automatically -Create new security tables in CA-MDB -Migrate asset rules from CADB to CA-MDB -Access rules are preserved

52 © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 52 Summary -Goal is to make migration easy and organized -Review current architecture and plan for the future -Top-down, parallel migration is best practice -Remember to backup -Migration Guide will be available to assist in upgrading environments and preserving configurations -Migration Guide will be available on

53 Questions & Answers

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