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Kuali OLE Implementation at University of Chicago Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library Systems and Administrative and Desktop Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali OLE Implementation at University of Chicago Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library Systems and Administrative and Desktop Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali OLE Implementation at University of Chicago Frances McNamara Director Integrated Library Systems and Administrative and Desktop Systems

2  Crescat scientia; vita excolatur Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched.  Founded: 1890  Students  5,369 undergraduate students  9,850 graduate, professional, and other students  Faculty  2,188 full-time faculty  Academics  49 majors and 29 minors in the undergraduate College  4 graduate divisions  6 graduate professional schools  Research  Manager of Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (in partnership); also affiliated with the Marine Biological Laboratory  89 Nobel Prize winners, including 8 current faculty  Campus  In Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood on Lake Michigan University of Chicago

3  By the Numbers, 2012-2013  Size  9 th largest research library in North America  11.19 million volumes in print and electronic form  51,760 linear feet of archives and manuscripts  117.5 TB of University electronic archives and research data  Facilities  6 campus libraries with capacity to store approximately 11 million print volumes on campus  205 miles of shelving  Average Mansueto book retrieval time: 3 minutes  Services  306,445 volumes circulated to 14,499 unique individuals  26,258 Scan & Deliver requestsScan & Deliver  16,087 UBorrow requestsUBorrow  9.1 million successful responses to full-text article requests  1,246,969 entries into Regenstein and 116,452 entries into Crerar  31,813 visiting researchers unaffiliated with the University  20,432 questions to reference librarians  5,800 attendees at training sessions  University of Chicago Library

4  Campus Libraries  D'Angelo Law Library: U.S., foreign, and international law D'Angelo Law Library  Eckhart Library: Mathematics, statistics, and computer science Eckhart Library  Joe and Rika Mansueto Library: Interdisciplinary, automated storage and retrieval Joe and Rika Mansueto Library  John Crerar Library: Science, medicine, and technology John Crerar Library  Joseph Regenstein Library: Humanities, social sciences, business Joseph Regenstein Library  Social Services Administration Library: Social welfare, social work Social Services Administration Library  Special Collections Research Center Libraries

5 Mansueto Library

6 Automated Storage Retrieval

7  LDMS homegrown mainframe  SirsiDynix Horizon 1995  III Acquisitions 1997  Webpac, ipac, HIP  SFX  Aquabrowser better keyword searching and facets 2007  EDS “Articles Plus” 2012  Kuali OLE project 2008 Mellon grant regional meetings Open Library Environment Automation at the library

8 Horizon Cataloging/AuthCirculationSerials ControlOPAC Other vendors AcquisitionsCourse ReserveSpecial CollectionsInterlibrary LoanAutoStorage Retrieval OPAC Discovery tools LENSEDS CURRENT SYSTEMS

9 OLE Cataloging/AuthCirculationSerials ControlAcquisitions Interface to Course ReserveSpecial CollectionsInterlibrary Loan AutoStorage Retrieval OPAC Discovery tools Vufind Open Source OPAC Ebsco Discovery Service Kuali OLE Systems

10  VUFIND  Public Beta – Last week of Nov. 2013  Go Live Jan. 2013  Shutdown HIP and LENS  HIP continues My Account/Z39.50/NCIP  Develop and test My Account/Z39.50/NCIP against OLE  Go Live against Kuali OLE July 2014 Public Catalog

11  Nov. 2013 OLE v. 1.0  Nov-Feb. Data conversions –Bibs, Holdings, Items –Circ patrons, blocks, circ records –Acq funds, open orders, standing and subscriptions, vendors –Serials receipt records –No ERM currently, will start with OLE Integrated Library System

12  Dec.-Jun. Integrations  Jan.- Apr. Customizations  Jan. Full db running in test in production IT environment  Feb-Mar Performance tuning  Mar. 2014 OLE 1.5  May-June Staff training  July GO LIVE  July-Jan. Set up Reporting  July-Jan. archive/store historical data  Dec. 2014 shut down Horizon/III systems Implementation Schedule

13  Mansueto Automated Storage Retrieval system  Course Reserve  Comptrollers electronic vouchers  ILL CIC and Borrow Direct so Z39.50 and NCIP  HathiTrust and Google Books Project processing Critical Integrations

14  Staff on development teams, writing specs, testing  Fit/Gap analysis –Circ has done one round –Cataloging has looked at data conversion –Acq beginning a review/Serials heavily involved in development/testing  Some addons like Print spine labels, print labels for serial issues as checked in  Minimize customizations to keep it supportable  Reporting is very customized now Critical Customizations

15  MySQL vs. Oracle  Default installation currently has data used in testing and development. Locations, setup from IU, Duke, Chicago  Might have a few hundred Chicago bibs/holdings  Plan to provide an empty db but not there yet, you need some sample data to even play around Local installation


17  Locations  Level 1INSTITUTIONUC  Level 2 CAMPUS  Level 3LIBRARYJRL, JCL, ASR, etc.  Level 4 COLLECTION  Level 5 SHELVINGGen, Sci, RR4, etc. Local setup

18  dev2 logon  Patron type, Item type, Location  Circulation Desk mapped to Locations  KRMS rules file has to match above info to work  Scheduled jobs (overdues, notices) Local setup - Deliver

19  admin logon  Bibs, Instances Holding(s) + Item(s), Einstances  Loading data  Editor Create new bib/holding/item/ Einstance  Import in Describe (1 by 1)  Batch Bib Import in Admin/Batch Profile Admin/Batch Process  Docstore Ingest  S&A Staff Upload (marc + edi files)  Docstore Bulk loader (format documentation being worked on) Local setup - Describe

20  ole-khuntley logon  Chart of Accounts (etc.)  Various other KFS tables (lots and lots) a challenge  Requisition CREATE Blanket Approve = REQ and PO  Staff Upload (marc + edi) has an xml file with defaults (there will be marc + 9xx loaders for 1.5)  Serials Receiving add to an existing bib/holding  Scheduled jobs Local setup – Select & Acquire

21  Batch Export Batch Profile, Batch Process, Schedule  Data mapping for exports  Incremental exports including Deletes file  API’s for Availability, also Renew, Request, etc.  Villanova writing a Vufind “OLE Connector”  SRU in 1.0; Z39.50 use IndexData’s Metaproxy  NCIP messaging in 1.0; more NCIP messaging in 1.5 Local setup – Discovery Layer

22  Added 2 programmers, support for solr/lucene and java for Kuali OLE  Existing staff retrained. Kuali Rice.  Technical Lead, 2 senior programmers, 2 junior programmers, Systems Librarian, Library Systems Analyst  Digital Library Development Center – 2-3 programmers helping with Vufind customization PHP, 1 Web program librarian  Learning and changing How to support it all

23  Kuali Commercial Affiliates HTC and Vivantech possible contractors  Atlas Systems and Dematic for integration with their systems  Vufind community Kuali OLE community  OLE project support for early implementer library External assistance

24  Aging technologies, need platform to change as needed in the future. Increase in Eresource use, integration  Frustration with vended solutions, private equity takeovers of library vendors  Control costs  Control choice of enhancements  Open Source is not Do It Yourself, it is Do It Together  Expect continuing change Why do it?

25  Chicago a good candidate for early implementer –Unusually centralized for a large research library –Large database to test limits of software –Beta testing experience of library staff –Anxious to renew aging legacy systems  Success depends on community –OLE partner contributions of staff expertise as well as money –OLE platform can be shaken down and enhanced as more partners go live –Plan for the future together, linked data, more emphasis on electronic resources –The more the merrier! Happy Ending

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