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Paradigms Universidad de Costa Rica Posgrado en Computación e Informática Diseño de interfaz humano-computador.

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Presentation on theme: "Paradigms Universidad de Costa Rica Posgrado en Computación e Informática Diseño de interfaz humano-computador."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paradigms Universidad de Costa Rica Posgrado en Computación e Informática Diseño de interfaz humano-computador

2 Overview Introduction of the notion of a paradigm. Ubiquitous computing Menu design Icon design

3 Paradigms Refers to a particular approach that has been adopted by a community in terms of shared assumptions, concepts, values and practices. –Questions to be asked and how they should be framed –Phenomena to be observed –How findings from experiments are to be analyzed and interpreted

4 Paradigms Predominant theoretical frameworks or scientific world views –e.g., Aristotelian, Newtonian, Einsteinian (relativistic) paradigms in physics

5 Paradigms in HCI Understanding HCI history is largely about understanding a series of paradigm shifts. –Not all listed here are necessarily “paradigm” shifts, but are at least candidates. –History will judge which are true shifts.

6 Paradigms in HCI The predominant 80s paradigm was to design user-centred applications for the single user on the desktop. Shift in thinking occured in the mid 90s. Many technological advances led to a new generation of user–computer environments. –e.g., virtual reality, multimedia, agent interfaces, ubiquitous computing Effect of moving interaction design ‘beyond the desktop’ resulted in many new challenges, questions, and phenomena being considered.

7 The initial paradigm Batch processing Impersonal computing

8 Example Paradigm Shifts Batch processing Time-sharing Interactive computing

9 Example Paradigm Shifts Batch processing Timesharing Networking ??? @#$% ! Community computing

10 Example Paradigm Shifts Batch processing Timesharing Networking Graphical displays % ABORT dumby!!! C…P… filename dot star… or was it R…M? Move this file here, and copy this to there. Direct manipulation

11 Example Paradigm Shifts Batch processing Timesharing Networking Graphical display Microprocessor Personal computing

12 Example Paradigm Shifts Batch processing Timesharing Networking Graphical display Microprocessor WWW Global information

13 Example Paradigm Shifts A symbiosis of physical and electronic worlds in service of everyday activities. Batch processing Timesharing Networking Graphical display Microprocessor WWW Ubiquitous Computing

14 “The most profound technologies are those that disappear.” Mark Weiser, 1991 Late 1980’s: computer was very apparent. How to make it disappear? –Shrink and embed/distribute it in the physical world –Design interactions that don’t demand our intention

15 Ubiquitous Computing Filling the real world with computers –Would radically change the way people think about and interact with computers. –Computers would be designed to be embedded in the environment. Major rethink of what HCI is in this context.

16 Ubiquitous Computing Any computing technology that permits human interaction away from a single workstation Implications for –Technology defining the interactive experience –Applications or uses –Underlying theories of interaction

17 Ubiquitous Computing Devices Weiser proposed this size scale: –Inch –Foot –Yard Implications for device size as well as relationship to people

18 Ubiquitous Computing Devices Inch –PDAs –Voice Recorders –Smart phones Individuals own many of them and they can all communicate with each other and environment.

19 Ubiquitous Computing Devices Foot –notebooks –tablets –digital paper Individual owns several but not assumed to be always with them.

20 Ubiquitous Computing Devices Yard –electronic whiteboards –plasma displays –smart bulletin boards Buildings or institutions own them and lots of people share them.

21 Ubiquitous Computing Defining the Interaction Experience Implicit input –Sensor-based input –Extends traditional explicit input (e.g., keyboard and mouse) –Towards “awareness” –Use of recognition technologies –Introduces ambiguity because recognizers are not perfect

22 Ubiquitous Computing Context-aware computing –Sensed phenomena facilitate easier interaction Automated capture and access –Live experiences stored for future access Toward continuous interaction –Everyday activities have no clear begin-end conditions

23 Ubiquitous Computing New thinking How to enable people to access and interact with information in their work, social, and everyday lives Designing user experiences for people using interfaces that are part of the environment with no controlling devices What form to provide contextually-relevant information to people at appropriate times and places Ensuring that information, that is passed around via interconnected displays, devices, and objects, is secure and trustworthy

24 Ubiquitous Computing New opportunities Knowledge in the world –Ubicomp places more emphasis on the physical world Activity theory –Goals and actions fluidly adjust to physical state of world Situated action and distributed cognition –Emphasizes improvisational/opportunistic behavior versus planned actions Ethnography –Deep descriptive understanding of activities in context

25 Ubiquitous Computing Ethical problems –Privacy –Security –Trade-offs –Limits

26 Interface types Many, many kinds now 1980s interfaces Command WIMP/GUI 1990s interfaces Advanced graphical (multimedia, virtual reality, information visualization) Web Speech (voice) Pen, gesture, and touch Appliance 2000s interfaces Mobile Multimodal Shareable Tangible Augmented and mixed reality Wearable Robotic

27 Menus Set of options displayed on the screen Options visible –Less recall - easier to use –Rely on recognition so names should be meaningful Selection by: –numbers, letters, arrow keys, mouse –combination (e.g. mouse plus accelerators) Often options hierarchically grouped –Sensible grouping is needed.

28 Menus A number of menu interface styles –Flat lists, drop-down, pop-up, contextual, and expanding ones, e.g., scrolling and cascading Flat menus –Good at displaying a small number of options at the same time and where the size of the display is small, e.g., iPods –But have to nest the lists of options within each other, requiring several steps to get to the list with the desired option –Moving through previous screens can be tedious

29 iPod flat menu structure

30 Expanding menus Enables more options to be shown on a single screen than is possible with a single flat menu More flexible navigation, allowing for selection of options to be done in the same window Most popular are cascading ones –Primary, secondary and even tertiary menus –Downside is that they require precise mouse control –Can result in overshooting or selecting wrong options

31 Kinds of Menus Menu Bar at top of screen (normally), menu drags down –Pull-down menu Mouse hold and drag down menu. –Drop-down menu Mouse click reveals menu. –Fall-down menus Mouse just moves over bar.

32 Kinds of Menus Contextual menu appears where you are. –Pop-up menus - actions for selected object –Pie menus - arranged in a circle Easier to select item (larger target area) Quicker (same distance to any option) … but not widely used!

33 Menus extras Cascading menus –Hierarchical menu structure –Menu selection opens new menu –And so in ad infinitum

34 Menus extras Keyboard accelerators –Key combinations - same effect as menu item –Two kinds Active when menu open –usually first letter Active when menu closed usually Ctrl + letter usually different !!!

35 Cascading menu

36 Menus design issues Which kind to use What to include in menus at all Which words to use (action or description) How to group items How to support and facilitate task frequency and order How to choose keyboard accelerators

37 Contextual menus Provide access to often-used commands that make sense in the context of a current task. Appear when the user presses the Control key while clicking on an interface element. –e.g., clicking on a photo in a website together with holding down the Control key results in options ‘open it in a new window,’ ‘save it,’ or ‘copy it’

38 Contextual menus Helps overcome some of the navigation problems associated with cascading menus.

39 Research and design issues What are best names/labels/phrases to use? Placement in list is critical –Quit and save need to be far apart. Why? Many international guidelines exist emphasizing depth/breadth, structure and navigation –e.g. ISO 9241

40 Icon design Icons are assumed to be easier to learn and remember than commands. Can be designed to be compact and variably positioned on a screen. Now populate every application and operating system. –Represent desktop objects, tools (e.g., paintbrush), applications (e.g., web browser), and operations (e.g., cut, paste, next, accept, change)

41 Icons Since the Xerox Star days icons have changed in their look and feel: –black and white -> color, shadowing, photorealistic images, 3D rendering, and animation Many designed to be very detailed and animated making them both visually attractive and informative GUIs now highly inviting, emotionally appealing, and feel alive

42 Icon forms The mapping between the representation and underlying referent can be: –similar (e.g., a picture of a file to represent the object file), –analogical (e.g., a picture of a pair of scissors to represent ‘cut’) –arbitrary (e.g., the use of an X to represent ‘delete’) Most effective icons are similar ones. Many operations are actions making it more difficult to represent them. –Use a combination of objects and symbols that capture the salient part of an action.

43 Early icons

44 Newer icons

45 Simple icons plus labels

46 Activity Sketch simple icons to represent the operations to appear on a digital camera LCD screen: –Delete last picture taken –Delete all pictures stored –Format memory card

47 Toshiba’s icons Which is which? Are they easy to understand? Are they distinguishable? What representation forms are used? How do yours compare?

48 Research and design issues There is a wealth of resources now so do not have to draw or invent icons from scratch. –Guidelines, style guides, icon builders, libraries Text labels can be used alongside icons to help identification for small icon sets. For large icon sets (e.g., photo editing or word processing), use rollovers.

49 Summary Ubiquitous computing is the major rethink of what HCI is. Menus are still an important way of presenting available options to user. –Their design must be carefully done. In order to be effective, icons have to have something to users.

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