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Ida Reynolds Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation / “All students can learn and succeed,

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Presentation on theme: "Ida Reynolds Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation / “All students can learn and succeed,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ida Reynolds Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation / E-Mail E-Mail “All students can learn and succeed, but not on the same day in the same way.” William G. Spady

2 Mrs. Ida Reynolds Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education from Reinhardt University Candidate Teaching at Little River Elementary School Placement in First Grade Collaborating Teacher - Mrs. Dana West All Subjects taught including: – Calendar Time – Language Arts – Mathematics – Science – Social Studies

3 Little River Elementary School K-5 school Located in Woodstock, GA Approximately 900 students Student Diversity – 35% minority (20% Hispanic, 10% African-American, 5% Asian) Principal: Christian Kirby Assistant Principals: Abbey Philpot and Loraine Ward Image from:

4 My Class 25 Students 13 girls, 12 boys – 3 African American – 2 Hispanic – 2 Asian – 2 EIP – Reading – 1 ESOL – 5 recently tested for gifted

5 My Schedule

6 My Thoughts, Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses As I Began Candidate Teaching Am I ready? How will I manage my time? How will I manage 20+ first graders? Will my collaborating teacher be open to differentiation? Will I remember all that I have learned? BUT - I’m excited to begin the next step!

7 Planning for Differentiated Instruction Math Estimation Social Studies Continents and Oceans Reading Character and Setting

8 Planning for Differentiated Instruction Planning Process Collaborative meetings with First Grade Team Mrs. West’s plans and ideas Basal Teacher’s Editions

9 My Lesson Plans Reading: Character and Setting in Chapter Stories – EQ: How do characters change in different stories? – Sample Reading Lesson Plan Sample Social Studies: Continents and Oceans – EQs: What are the oceans of the world? – What are the continents of the world? – How is Earth’s surface divided into large areas of land and water? – Sample Social Studies Lesson Plan Sample Mathematics: Estimation – EQ: How do I estimate? – Sample Mathematics Lesson Plan Sample

10 Student Inventories

11 Providing for Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Pass the Globe Asia Word SearchInformation Book and Puzzle Choice

12 Providing for Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Readiness

13 Providing for Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Multiple Intelligence

14 Impacting Student Learning NamePrePost A.J.32 Amber22 Bella12 Catherine33 Charlie12 Charlotte11 Chloe33 Colin11 Danielle33 Fardin32 Hannah12 Hunter31 Josiah31 Josue32 Journey13 Juan Daniel32 Julie2Absent Kenneth11 Lexi32 Lucas32 Maddie12 Olivia32 Reed33 Samuel2 Absent Sarah13

15 Impact on Student Learning Impact for this lesson Observational and post assessment data Additional formative assessment task Re-teaching Teaching this lesson again Use manipulatives first day Better explaining using “finger circles” and grouping by 10 Webquest for those who already grasped the idea

16 Professional Development Activities Faculty Meetings Grade Level Meetings SIP Meetings Teacher/Parent Conferences Singapore Math Training

17 Professional Organization Memberships SPAGE Kappa Delta Pi Alpha Chi National Honor Society

18 My Philosophy Constructivism/Behaviorism Nurturing and Loving Environment Differentiated Instruction Planning Lessons based on Pre-assessment Classroom Management Time Management

19 Conclusion Plan to Develop as a Professional Educator Full-time teaching in a K-5 class Substitute teaching Attending PAGE workshops and Kappa Delta Pi meetings Continuing research on differentiated instruction and class room management philosophies and strategies

20 Special Thanks Dr. Nancy Carter Dr. Ann Smith Dr. Georgann Toop Dana West Tim, Grace, and Ashlee Reynolds

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