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讲 座 提 纲讲 座 提 纲 1 什么是分子育种 2 历史回顾 3 全基因组策略 4 基因型鉴定 5 表现型鉴定 6 环境型鉴定 (etyping) 7 标记 - 性状关联分析 8 标记辅助选择 9 决策支撑系统 10 展望.

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Presentation on theme: "讲 座 提 纲讲 座 提 纲 1 什么是分子育种 2 历史回顾 3 全基因组策略 4 基因型鉴定 5 表现型鉴定 6 环境型鉴定 (etyping) 7 标记 - 性状关联分析 8 标记辅助选择 9 决策支撑系统 10 展望."— Presentation transcript:

1 讲 座 提 纲讲 座 提 纲 1 什么是分子育种 2 历史回顾 3 全基因组策略 4 基因型鉴定 5 表现型鉴定 6 环境型鉴定 (etyping) 7 标记 - 性状关联分析 8 标记辅助选择 9 决策支撑系统 10 展望

2 G Geno + typing = Genotyping P Pheno + typing = Phenotyping E Environmental + typing = Etyping Etyping ≈ Environmental Assay 环境型鉴定 Xu et al. 2012, Mol Breed 29:833–854 Etyping should be treated equally as Genotyping and Phenotyping !!!

3 Environmental Assaying or Etyping as a Key Component for Integrated Plant Breeding Platform 6 th International Crop Science Congress August 6-10, 2012, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil Yunbi Xu International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China Workshop 16: Marker-Assisted Selection

4 E Soil Texture Water content Fertility Nutrient content Production index Air Pollutants Emission of CO2 Light Light intensity Day length Temperature Effective temperature Length of available growing period Average, maximum, minimum daily temperature Water Humidity Precipitation Ground water Water quality Potential evapotranspiration Cropping systems Intercropping Previous crop Accompanying organisms Root microorganisms Weeds Pathogens Insects Xu 2010, Molecular Plant Breeding, CABI Publisher External Environmental Factors

5 Internal Environmental Factors Intercellular temperature moisture chemicals Intracellular Micro-environments associated with organelles, cytoplasm, nucleus, water, proteins, and other chemicals. Contribution to variation in genetics genomics metabolism transcription

6 Light : intensity, day length Air: pollutant, Co 2 emission Temperature: effective, average, maximum, minimum Water: humidity, precipitation, ground water, water quality, evapotranspiration Accompanying organisms: root microorganisms, weeds, pathogens, insects Cropping system: intercropping, previous crop Soil: texture, moisture, fertilizer, nutrient Geogaphic information system External environments Internal environments Intercellular Temperature Moisture Chemicals Intracellular Micro-environments associated with organelles, cytoplasm, nucleus, water, proteins, and other chemicals. All Environmental Factors

7 Ecological Diversity Deserts, Sahel, Savana Rain Forest, Plateaus Woodlands Etype Data from Global Information System (GIS)

8 Etyping for Soil Properties Chiredzi, Zimbabwe Jill Cairns, CIMMYT Revised from

9 Determination of field properties and within-site variability

10 Kiboko, KenyaTlatizapan, Mexico Placement of trials to avoid/minimize field gradients Use as a covariate (heritability, without covariate: low N 0.59, optimal N 0.79, with covariate: low N 0.60, optimal N 0.80) Error Control for CIMMYT Maize Sites Jill Cairns, CIMMYT

11 Identifying Field Gradients for Drought Screening Jose Luis Araus

12 Integration of Phenotype Information Morphological & physiological phenotypes Canopy temperature Leaf and stem Root Spectroradiometrical reflectance Canopy Root properties Physical and chemical properties + Molecular phenotypes

13 Phenotyping High-throughput Non destructive In situ measurement Etyping Managed environments Improved data acquisition Multi-environment trials Canopy temperature Environmental factors Light : intensity, day length Air: pollutant, Co 2 emission Temperature: effective, average, maximum, minimum Water: humidity, precipitation, ground water, water quality, evapotranspiration Accompanying organisms: root microorganisms, weeds, pathogens, insects Cropping system: intercropping, previous crop Soil: texture, moisture, fertilizer, nutrient Geogaphic information system Leaf and stem Root Spectroradiometrical reflectance Canopy Root properties Physical and chemical properties P & E together Xu et al 2012 Mol Breed 29:833–854

14 Integration of G-P-E Information Various G-P-E Models for Plant Breeding G X E Interaction across genomes and environments Prediction of variety and hybrid performance using integrated genotypic and environmental information MAS models with environmental information incorporated

15 Etyping is needed to zoom into the plots and individual plants An example can be found from Masuka et al 2012 Cell

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