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BUTLER HOMELESS INITIATIVE, INC.. WHO IS BUTLER HOMELESS INITIATIVE, INC.? Founded and incorporated in 2007 Founded and incorporated in 2007 Received.

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2 WHO IS BUTLER HOMELESS INITIATIVE, INC.? Founded and incorporated in 2007 Founded and incorporated in 2007 Received 501c3 status in 2008 Received 501c3 status in 2008 Mission: to locate and operate a transitional home for people meeting the HUD homeless definition. Mission: to locate and operate a transitional home for people meeting the HUD homeless definition. Diverse board with 12 members Diverse board with 12 members Many other community supporters. Petitions with over 450 signatures Many other community supporters. Petitions with over 450 signatures

3 WHO IS BUTLER HOMELESS INITIATIVE, INC.? Member of the El Dorado, Augusta, and Andover Chamber of Commerce Member of the El Dorado, Augusta, and Andover Chamber of Commerce Member of the Kansas Coalition for the Homeless and adhere to the principles of the National Coalition for the Homeless Member of the Kansas Coalition for the Homeless and adhere to the principles of the National Coalition for the Homeless

4 WHY DO WE NEED TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN BUTLER COUNTY? In Butler County, the 2009 Point in Time Count showed us that we have a homeless population of 120 In Butler County, the 2009 Point in Time Count showed us that we have a homeless population of 120 In 2011, 56% of all students in El Dorado public schools were on assisted lunches. In 2011, 56% of all students in El Dorado public schools were on assisted lunches.

5 In 2011, 60% of students in El Dorado schools were classified as impoverished by Federal income standards. (40% in 1980) In 2011, 60% of students in El Dorado schools were classified as impoverished by Federal income standards. (40% in 1980) In the last 3 years, children in El Dorado schools meeting the Federal definition of homeless have ballooned from 3 - 5 to 25 confirmed in this current school year (Sue Givens) In the last 3 years, children in El Dorado schools meeting the Federal definition of homeless have ballooned from 3 - 5 to 25 confirmed in this current school year (Sue Givens) WHY DO WE NEED TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN BUTLER COUNTY?

6 The Salvation Army & MidKap have helped over 75 individuals/families with overnight housing in 2011 (at least double from 2010) The Salvation Army & MidKap have helped over 75 individuals/families with overnight housing in 2011 (at least double from 2010) Churches have also been providing far more overnight stays than past years. Churches have also been providing far more overnight stays than past years. WHY DO WE NEED TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN BUTLER COUNTY?

7 Government funding for public assistance & social services has been cut back and will likely continue to be cut back. Government funding for public assistance & social services has been cut back and will likely continue to be cut back. WHY DO WE NEED TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN BUTLER COUNTY?

8 WHY TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN EL DORADO? As County Seat, there are a large number of social services already existing. EG: WorkForce Center, Social Services, Community Mental Health. As County Seat, there are a large number of social services already existing. EG: WorkForce Center, Social Services, Community Mental Health. Strong partnerships with current resources, social services, Ministerial Alliance, Numana and other organizations Strong partnerships with current resources, social services, Ministerial Alliance, Numana and other organizations

9 Available educational resources Available educational resources Greatest number of displaced individuals and greatest number of potentially displaced individuals Greatest number of displaced individuals and greatest number of potentially displaced individuals Greatest opportunities for employment Greatest opportunities for employment Strong community support Strong community support WHY TRANSITIONAL HOUSING IN EL DORADO?

10 Marion Nichols, Director Mid Kansas Community Action Program

11 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Experienced, paid coordinator on duty, fully versed in social services available to assist transition to independent living Experienced, paid coordinator on duty, fully versed in social services available to assist transition to independent living Up to 1 week “pure” emergency shelter provided Up to 1 week “pure” emergency shelter provided

12 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Within 48 hours of arrival, coordinator will conduct an interview with new residents to determine root cause of homelessness Within 48 hours of arrival, coordinator will conduct an interview with new residents to determine root cause of homelessness Coordinator will utilize and access partnership contacts to develop a plan for independent living. Plan may include SRS, MidKap, Social Security advocacy, health care, education, employment, budget counseling, parenting classes and other life skills training. Coordinator will utilize and access partnership contacts to develop a plan for independent living. Plan may include SRS, MidKap, Social Security advocacy, health care, education, employment, budget counseling, parenting classes and other life skills training.

13 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? BHI will work closely with school officials and resident parents to aid children in school attendance and studies. BHI will work closely with school officials and resident parents to aid children in school attendance and studies. Weekly progress reviews and resident interviews will be conducted for continued occupancy Weekly progress reviews and resident interviews will be conducted for continued occupancy

14 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Residents may remain up to 4 months in the transitional living arrangement. After 4 months, a review will be conducted to determine progress and a board decision will determine longer lengths of stay. Residents may remain up to 4 months in the transitional living arrangement. After 4 months, a review will be conducted to determine progress and a board decision will determine longer lengths of stay.

15 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Residents will have a plan for the business day and will be expected to make continued progress towards independent living. A bagged lunch will be provided as needed. Residents will have a plan for the business day and will be expected to make continued progress towards independent living. A bagged lunch will be provided as needed. Residents will have a curfew of 6 pm except in the case of employment, approved meetings, other approved circumstances. Doors locked at 9 pm Residents will have a curfew of 6 pm except in the case of employment, approved meetings, other approved circumstances. Doors locked at 9 pm

16 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Residents will share in maintenance and upkeep of facility Residents will share in maintenance and upkeep of facility Community service will be required of all residents who are not prohibited by work or disability Community service will be required of all residents who are not prohibited by work or disability

17 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Loitering will not be allowed around the building Loitering will not be allowed around the building A backyard recreation area provided for residents with privacy fencing A backyard recreation area provided for residents with privacy fencing Drug and alcohol use will not be tolerated. Random drug testing and personal property searches will be authorized by resident signature upon registration. Drug and alcohol use will not be tolerated. Random drug testing and personal property searches will be authorized by resident signature upon registration.

18 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Partnership will be developed with EDPD for safety concerns and coordination. Partnership will be developed with EDPD for safety concerns and coordination. Facility will have outside lighting and adequate parking. Facility will have outside lighting and adequate parking.

19 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Background checks will be conducted on all residents and volunteers/staff. Any open arrest warrants will be respected Background checks will be conducted on all residents and volunteers/staff. Any open arrest warrants will be respected

20 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? Meals will be provided by churches and other community organizations Meals will be provided by churches and other community organizations Trained volunteers will staff facility overnight Trained volunteers will staff facility overnight

21 HOW WILL TRANSITIONAL HOUSING BE RUN? This preliminary plan of operation is subject to board review prior to opening and BHI welcomes input from partnerships This preliminary plan of operation is subject to board review prior to opening and BHI welcomes input from partnerships

22 IMPACT ON NEIGHBORHOODS Studies show no decrease in property values or increase in criminal activity in neighborhoods surrounding supportive housing –Urban Land Institute Report, 1999 (Study in Denver) Studies show no decrease in property values or increase in criminal activity in neighborhoods surrounding supportive housing –Urban Land Institute Report, 1999 (Study in Denver)

23 IMPACT ON NEIGHBORHOODS Other studies show steady increase in property values surrounding transitional housing --Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, 2008 Other studies show steady increase in property values surrounding transitional housing --Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, 2008

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