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1/11/11 4/17/2010 1
Disclaimer The opinions and recommendations presented here are strictly my own and are not those of ASME, IAEC, NAESAI or any organization of which I may be a member. All references to the Code are from A17.1a-2005 Copyright © 2004 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. JSRearick 1/11/11
From Code Data Plate to Acceptance Inspection Tag
From Code Data Plate to Acceptance Inspection Tag
Scope of a Modernization What is Retained What is New What is Altered Scope of Acceptance Inspection What was Retained What was New What was Altered 1/11/11
Courtesy of Bill Synder
Scope of Alteration Start With This 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
? Scope of Alteration End With This Destination Dispatch
EcoSpace / MonoSpace Compass Destination Entry MRL Gen 2 Synergy ? Synchron Hoisting Machine 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder 6
Scope of Modernization or Alteration
Entrance and Door Work Cab Work Shaft or Hoistway Work Motor or Machine Room Work Changes in Speed, Rise/Travel or Capacity Changes in Operation or Use 1/11/11
Scope of Alteration Retained Equipment New Equipment Altered Equipment
Hoistway, Rails, Counterweight Buffers and Other Pit Equipment Platform, Safeties and Governor New Equipment Controls Door & Cab Equipment Rope Brake Altered Equipment Machine 1/11/11
Harmonization A17.1b-1998 (25 Parts) A17.1a-2005 (9 Parts)
Introduction (Scope & Definitions) Part 1 & Part 2 ( HW & Traction) Part 3 (Hydraulic Elevators) Parts 6, 16 and 18 (Hand, R&P, SC) Parts 4, 5, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23 and 25 Parts 8 and 9 (Esc. & MW) Parts 7 and 14 (DW & ML) Parts 10, 11, 12 and 13 (Insp, Alts, etc) Introduction (Reference Codes) Appendices Parts 20 and 21 (Chair & Platform Lifts) A17.1a-2005 (9 Parts) Part 1 (General) Part 2 (Electric) Part 3 (Hydraulic) Part 4 (Other Mach.) Part 5 (Special App.) Part 6 (Esc. & MW) Part 7 (DW & ML) Part 8 (General Req.) Part 9 (Reference) Appendices A 1/11/11
A17.1-2004 Code Organization Part 1 - Scope, Purpose and Definitions
Part 2 - Electric Elevators Part 3 - Hydraulic Elevators Part 4 - Other Types of Machines Part 5 - Special Applications Part 6 - Escalators & Moving Walks Part 7 - Dumbwaiters & Material Lifts Part 8 - General Requirements Section 8.7 – Alterations Section 8.10 – Acceptance Inspections 1/11/11
A17.1 Code Organization Part 9 - Referenced Documents Figures Tables
Non-Mandatory Appendices Index 1/11/11
Parts 1 & 2 Part 1 Scope, Purpose & Definitions Part 2 requirements:
2.1/2 Hoistways & Pits 2.3 Guarding of Cwt. 2.4/5 Clearances 2.6 Under Hoistway 2.7/10 Machinery 2.11/13 Doors 2.14/16 Cars 2.17 Safeties 2.18 Governors 2.19 ACOS/UIM 2.20 Ropes 2.21 Counterweights 2.22 Buffers 2.23 Rails 2.24 Machines 2.25 Limits 2.26 Controls 2.27 Emerg. Oper. & F/S 2.28/9 Drawings & Ident. 1/11/11
Parts 3 through 8 Part 8 General Part 3 Hydraulic
8.1 Security 8.4/5 Seismic 8.6 Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Testing (in’08) 8.7 Alterations 8.8 Welding 8.9 Code Data Plate 8.10 Acceptance Inspections (new and alterations 8.11 Periodic Inspections Part 3 Hydraulic Part 4 Rack & Pinion, Screw Column, Hand Part 5 Special App. LULA Residence Sidewalk Part 6 Escalators Part 7 Dumbwaiters 1/11/11
Parts 9 and Appendices Part 9 References
L=Index of Alteration Requirements N=Recommended Inspection and Test Intervals in “Months” Q=Explanatory Figures for the Definitions of Elevator Machinery Space, etc R=Inspection Operation and Hoistway Access Switch Operation Hierarchy Index Part 9 References Nonmandatory Appendices (A - R) A=Control System B=Door Landing and Unlocking Zones F=ACOS/UIM J=Relationship of Pit Ladder to Hoistway Door Unlocking Means 1/11/11
8.9 Code Data Plate Guide to Acceptance Inspection
Guide to Periodic Inspections Original Installation Code Alteration Code Section 8.7 Requirements complied with Appendix L is Guide to 8.7 Requirements 1/11/11
Controller Replacement
8.9 Code Data Plate Door Operator Plunger Gripper Wiring Valve Re-opening Devise Tank Door Restrictor Limits Controller Replacement Top of Car Insp.. Emergency Operations Leveling 1/11/11
19 Applicability of Alteration Requirements
When any alteration is performed, regardless of any other requirements of 8.7, the installation, as a minimum, shall conform to the following applicable Code requirements: (a) the Code at the time of installation (b) the Code requirements for the alteration at the time of any alteration (c) ASME A17.3 if adopted by the authority having jurisdiction 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Courtesy of Bill Synder
Items Not Covered in 8.7 Where an alteration not specifically covered in 8.7 is made, it shall not diminish the level of safety below that which existed prior to the alteration. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Courtesy of Bill Synder
Testing Where alterations are made, acceptance inspections and tests shall be conducted as required by for electric elevators, for hydraulic elevators, or for escalators and moving walks. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Courtesy of Bill Synder
Code Data Plate A data plate shall be provided as required by In jurisdictions enforcing NBCC, the data plate required by shall include the code and edition in effect at the time of alteration and the requirements in 8.7 that were applicable to the alteration. A data plate that indicates the Code and edition in effect at the time of installation and any alteration shall be provided. The data plate shall also specify the Code and edition in effect at the time of any alteration and the applicable requirements of 8.7. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Machine Room Work – Rope Gripper, New Motor, Controls and Fire Service
Entrance and Door Work Cab Work Hoistway Work - Wiring Machine Room Work – Rope Gripper, New Motor, Controls and Fire Service 1/11/11
Hoistway Work – Hoistway Enclosures – Pits
through H/W Cwt. Items – Machine Room – Wiring 1/11/11
Hoistway Work Typical Items and What gets Dragged in
Pits {1203.1f} Alterations made to the pit shall conform to Strength of Pit Floor All of Section Pits See also Vertical Car and Counterweight Clearances and Runbys Note: Often Pit Alterations are required when a Jack is replaced. Red is rule in 1996/7/8 code. Black is current in 2004/5 1/11/11
Hoistway Work Typical Items and What gets Dragged in
Control of Smoke and Hot Gases {1201.1e} (Hoistway Ventilation) shall conform to: 2.1.4 Control of Smoke and Hot Gases When required by the building code, hoistways shall be provided with means to prevent the accumulation of smoke and hot gases. Where air pressurization of the hoistway is utilized as a means of smoke and hot gas control, the air shall not be introduced into the hoistway in such a manner as to cause erratic operation by impingement of traveling cables, selector tapes, governor ropes, compensating ropes, and other components sensitive to excessive movement or deflection. 1/11/11
Red is rule in 1996/7/8 code. Black is current in 2004/5
Hoistway and Machine Room Work Typical items and what else gets dragged in or Wiring { or c} Electrical Equipment, Wiring, Pipes, and Ducts in Hoistways and Machine Rooms. The installation of any new, or the alteration of existing, electrical equipment, wiring, raceways, cables, pipes, or ducts shall conform to the applicable requirements of 2.8 (…shall conform to NFPA 70) Red is rule in 1996/7/8 code. Black is current in 2004/5 1/11/11
Door Specifications - Entrances
Hoistway Door Locking Devices Interlocks Door Restrictors Door Operators Reopening Devises 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace H/W Door Tracks & Hangers
& { a & b} (c) Where an alteration is made to any hoistway entrance, it shall conform to , , , , and The entire installation shall also conform to 2.12 and 2.13. (b) Hanger tracks and track supports shall conform to (d) Hangers shall conform to 9 Requirements 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace H/W Door Tracks & Hangers
Shall conform to: Closing of Hoistway Doors Projection of Entrances and Other Equipment Beyond the Landing Sills Glass in Hoistway Doors Weights for Closing or Balancing Doors Marking of Entrance Assemblies 2.12 Hoistway Door Locking Devices and Electric Contacts, and Hoistway Access Switches 2.13 Power Operation of Hoistway Doors and Car Doors Hangers, Tracks, and Track Supports Hangers 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace H/W Door Tracks & Hangers
Hangers, Tracks, and Track Supports Hangers, tracks, and their supports and fastenings for doors shall be constructed to withstand, without damage or appreciable deflection, an imposed static load equal to four times the weight of each panel as applied successively downward and upward at the vertical centerline of the panel. (See and ) 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace H/W Door Tracks & Hangers
Hangers. Hangers shall conform to Means shall be provided to prevent the hangers from jumping the track. Stops shall be provided in the entrance assembly to prevent hangers from overrunning the end of the track. 1/11/11
Door Specifications - Entrances
Hoistway Door Locking Devices Interlocks Door Restrictors Door Operators Reopening Devises 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace Interlocks & Install Restrictor
Interlocks. Where the alteration consists of the installation of hoistway door interlocks, the installation shall conform to , , through , and Restricted Opening of Hoistway Doors or Car Doors of Passenger Elevators. Where a device that restricts the opening of hoistway doors or car doors is altered or installed, the device shall conform to 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace Interlocks Install Restrictor
Shall conform to: Hoistway Door Locking Devices Requirements 2.12.1, , through , and Driving-Machine Brake Install Restrictor Hoistway Door Locking Device Requirement 2.12.5 1/11/11
Door Specifications - Entrances
Hoistway Door Locking Devices Interlocks Door Restrictors Door Operators Reopening Devises 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace Door Operator {1201.12}
Power Operation of Hoistway Doors. Where the alteration consists of the addition of, or alteration to, power opening or power closing of hoistway doors, the installation shall conform to , , , and Note: This doesn’t take you right to 2.13 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Power Operation of Hoistway Doors
Shall conform to: Entrances and Hoistway Openings > – Horizontal Slide-Type Entrances – Vertical Slide-Type Entrances – Marking of Entrance Assemblies (c) Where an alteration is made to any hoistway entrance, it shall conform to , , , , and The entire installation shall also conform to 2.12 and 2.13. 1/11/11
Door Specifications - Entrances
Hoistway Door Locking Devices Interlocks Door Restrictors Door Operators Reopening Devises 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replace Door Reopening Device {1200.5d}
Door Reopening Device. Where a reopening device for power-operated car doors or gates is altered or added, the following requirements shall apply: (a) requirement Closing Limitations (b) requirement Reopening Device Requirements (c) when firefighters’ emergency operation is provided, door reopening devices and door closing on Phase I and Phase II shall comply with the requirements applicable at the time of installation of the firefighters’ emergency operation. 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Door Reopening Device 2.13.4 Closing Limitations
Shall conform to: Closing Limitations Where Required Closing Mechanism Kinetic Energy Door Travel in the Code Zone Distance Door Force Data Plate 1/11/11
Cab Work - Car Enclosures – New Cab
Cab Alteration – Cab Interiors - USA – Cab Interiors - Canada 1/11/11
Cab Work - Car Enclosures – New Cab
the installation shall conform to 2.14, 2.15, and 2.17 – Cab Alteration (a) through (h) Shell, Lights, Fan, Exits, etc. – Cab Interiors – USA (a) through (e) Panels and Flooring required to meet ASTM E 84, UL 723, or NFPA 255: (1) flame spread rating of 0 to 25 (2) smoke development of 0 to 450 1/11/11
Cab Work ( – Car Top Railing)
Railing and Equipment on Top of Cars A standard railing conforming to shall be provided on the outside ... TN (look for this in the next edition) Addition of Car Top Railing Where a car top railing is installed, the installation shall conform to Where conformance to is not possible due to existing overhead conditions, an alternative solution providing equivalency to shall be permitted. 1/11/11
MACHINES & CONTROLS While we are heading for the Machine Room pick-up the Pocket Guide to Alterations and a sample Plate. 1/11/11
Machine Room Work Rope Brake
Ascending Car Overspeed and Unintended Car Movement Protection The requirements of 2.19 shall be conformed to where a device for protection against ascending car overspeed and unintended car movement is altered or installed. 1/11/11
Machine Room Work Replace DC motor with AC Motor
Alterations to Driving Machines and Sheaves (a) – New Machine (b) – Alterations to Machine (c) – Alteration to Sheave 1/11/11
Machine Room Work Control Items
– Top-of-Car Operating Device – Car Leveling Device – Change in Type of Motion Control – Emergency Operations and Signaling Devices 1/11/11
Other Control Changes Controllers – Change in Power Supply
– Replace Control – Change in Type of Motion Control – Change in Operation Control 1/11/11
Control Changes Power – Supply to controller is altered in type, phase or voltage (not a new Main Line) Controller is replaced without a change to Motion or Operation Control (and this could be a change from relay to microprocessor) Type of Motion - such as MG to SSD or VVVF Type of Operation – Car Switch to Automatic, Simplex to Duplex or Group Note: These 4 requirements are often mixed up. 1/11/11
Control Changes Emergency Operations
Emergency Signaling Devices Emergency or Standby Power Firefighters Service Emergency Operations (a) Emergency Signaling Devices (b) Emergency or Standby Power (c) Firefighters Service Note: Hydro control change may not require change to fire service. 1/11/11
What gets Dragged in Replacement of a controller
No change in type of motion control Change in type of motion control Where a controller for the operation of hoistway doors, car doors, or car gates is installed as part of an alteration, all new and modified equipment and wiring shall conform to and Emergency or Standby Power System Firefighters’ Emergency Operation: Automatic Elevators Firefighters’ Emergency Operation: Non- Automatic Elevators – Automatic Elevators With Designated- attendant Operation Firefighters’ Emergency Operation: Inspection Operation Firefighters’ Emergency Operation: Operating Procedures Switch Keys 2.25 Terminal Stopping Devices Normal Terminal Stopping Devices Final Terminal Stopping Devices Emergency Terminal Stopping Device Emergency Terminal Speed-Limiting Device Where Required and Function Location Electrical Equipment and Wiring System to Monitor and Prevent Automatic Operation of the Elevator With Faulty Door Contact Circuits Phase Protection of Motors Installation of Capacitors or Other Devices to Make Electrical Protective Devices Ineffective Release and Application of Driving-Machine Brakes Control and Operating Circuits & Inspection Operation Location Switch for Transferring Control of the Elevator to the Operating Devices Continuous Pressure Type Maximum Speed 0.75 M/S (150 Ft/Min) Used Only by Elevator Personnel Inspection Operation With Open Door Circuits thru Electrical Equipment and Wiring All electrical equipment and wiring shall conform to NFPA70 or CSA-C22.1, whichever is applicable. Electrical equipment shall be listed/certified and labeled/marked. thru & 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder 53
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
No change in type of motion control What is a change in the type of motion control? Motion control: that portion of a control system that governs the acceleration, speed, retardation, and stopping of the moving member. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Types of Traction Motion Control
AC motor control: control, AC motor, DC injection control, single speed AC control, two speed AC control, variable voltage, variable frequency (VVVF) control, variable voltage AC (VVAC) DC motor control: control, dual bridge thyristor converter control, generator field control, multivoltage control, rheostatic control, single bridge thyristor converter 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Work in Progress A X 1/11/11 Courtesy of Rob Kramer
Work in Progress A X 1/11/11 Courtesy of Rob Kramer
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
No change in type of motion control Change in type of motion control Now we will replace the controller and change the type of motion control. Replace the Motor Generator with Static Drive. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (a) The protection of the hoistway landing openings shall conform to through , 2.12, and 2.13. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (b) Car enclosures and car doors or gates shall conform to 2.14, except that where existing car enclosures and/or car doors or gates are retained, conformance with the following requirements is not required: (1) requirements , , and (2) requirements , , and (3) requirement (4) requirements and 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder 60
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (c) The car safety, the counterweight safety (where provided), and the governor shall conform to 2.17 and 2.18, except that the pitch diameter of speed governor sheaves and governor tension sheaves are not required to conform to (d) The capacity and loading shall conform to 2.16. (e) The terminal stopping devices shall conform to 2.25. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (f) The operating devices and control equipment shall conform to The requirements of , , and shall not apply to electrical equipment unchanged by the alteration. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (g) In jurisdictions not enforcing NBCC, emergency operation and signaling devices shall be provided and shall conform to In jurisdictions enforcing NBCC, emergency operation and signaling devices where required by NBCC shall be provided and shall conform to 2.27. 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control Where there is a change in the type of motion control, the installation shall conform to the following: (h) Car overspeed protection and unintended movement protection shall conform to 2.19. What about the platform guard? The guard plate shall have a straight vertical face, extending below the floor surface of the platform, conforming to one of the following: (a) where the elevator is required to conform to (b) the depth of the truck zone, where provided, plus 75 mm (3 in.), but in no case less than mm (48 in.) 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Control Changes Replacement of a controller
Change in type of motion control All we had to do was to read what the code requires. Did we forget about anything? 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
Alteration Acceptance Inspection
– Alterations to Electric Elevators – Alterations to Hydraulic Elevators Also note: General Electric Hydraulic Escalators Other Equipment 1/11/11
8.10 Required Tests Applicability of Inspection
and Test Requirements. Inspections and tests required by through are to determine that the equipment conforms with the following applicable requirements: (a) the Code at the time of installation (b) the Code effective as applicable to and for each alteration (c) the ASME A17.3 Code if adopted by the authority having jurisdiction Do these words look familiar? 1/11/11
68 Applicability of Alteration Requirements
When any alteration is performed, regardless of any other requirements of 8.7, the installation, as a minimum, shall conform to the following applicable Code requirements: (a) the Code at the time of installation (b) the Code requirements for the alteration at the time of any alteration (c) ASME A17.3 if adopted by the authority having jurisdiction 1/11/11 Courtesy of Bill Synder
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Traction Alterations shall be inspected for compliance with the applicable requirements specified in 8.7. Check code data plate for compliance with Under A this was Rule Also see for items not covered by Hydro Alterations shall be inspected for compliance with the applicable requirements specified in 8.7.Check code data plate for compliance with Under A this was Rule Also see for items not covered by 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Door Operator 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
Hydro {1006.3} (a) Where the alteration consists of the addition of power operation to the door system ( {1203.1m}), tests shall be performed as specified in (a), (h), (i), (j), and (t); (g); (r); (b), (d) through (g); and {1002.2h – see Item 1.10 in A17.2} Red is rule in 1996/7/8 code. Black is current in 2004/5 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
Traction {1003.3} Where the alteration consists of the addition of power operation to the door system (see { }), tests shall be performed as specified in (h), (i), (j), and (t); (c)(3); (j) and (w); (b), and (d) through (g); and {1002.2h – Power Operation } And what happened to (a) Door Reopening Device (2.13.5) (Item 1.1)? 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
Traction (a) Power operation to the door system tests: (h) – Door Closing Force Test (in ’96) (i) – Door Closing Time Test (j) – Door Opening & Zone Tests (t) - Door Monitoring Systems (c)(3) – Inspection Operation with open door circuits (j) - Car Leveling Devices (w) - Door and Gate Equipment 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
Traction (a) Power operation to the door system tests - continued: (b) - Hoistway Doors (d) - H/W Door Locking Devices (e) - Access to Hoistway (f) - Power Closing of H/W Doors (g) - Sequence Operation Firefighters’ Emergency Operation Test 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
1002.2h – Power Operation of Door System 112.3a Power Closing (A /7) Item 1.8 Door Closing Force (30 lbf) (h) – Door Closing Force Test Closing Limitations for Power-Operated Horizontally Sliding Hoistway Doors and Horizontally Sliding Car Doors or Gates 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(i) – Door Closing Time Test Power Closing per Data Plate Item 1.9 Power Closing of Doors or Gates (j) - Power Opening of Doors (1) Power Opening of Doors (2.13.2) (2) Leveling Zone & Leveling Speed ( ) (3) Inner Landing Zone ( ) 1/11/11
A17.1a-2005 Acceptance Category 1 Category 5
A Item Anti-creep 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(t) - Door Monitoring Systems System to Monitor and Prevent Automatic Operation of the Elevator With Faulty Door Contact Circuits (c)(3) – Top of Car Inspection Operation with open door circuits Inspection Operation With Open Door Circuits (Test operation of Bypass Switches on the controller for Car and Hoistway Doors) 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(j) - Car Leveling Devices Operation in Leveling or Truck Zone Item Car Leveling and Anticreep Devices Periodic Inspections (no separate Acceptance) Electric Elevators Hydraulic Elevators (w) - Door and Gate Equipment 2.11, 2.12, and Hoistway Doors Emergency Doors 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(w) - Door and Gate Equip. (cont.) and Hoistway Door Labels Door safety retainers, location, and function and Door closed position and Hoistway Door Hanger , , , , , and Hoistway Door Locking Device 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(b) - Hoistway Doors (2.11) (1) test of closed bi-parting doors ( and ) (2) hoistway door (2.11) Item Acceptance Inspection Examine hoistway doors...measure the distances between the hoistway face of the hoistway doors and the car door or gate.... Note: Items are from Inspector Guide A 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(d) - Hoistway Door Locking Devices ( , , , , , , and ) Item Acceptance Inspection …Verify that the interlocks, or the mechanical locks and electric contacts, are of a type that have been tested and approved, and are marked for identification… 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(e) - Access to Hoistway (1) access for maintenance ( and ) (2) access for emergency (2.12.6) Item (no unique acceptance inspection) (a) Unlocking Devices (b) Hoistway Access Switches 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(f) - Power Closing of Hoistway Doors (type), (horz), and (v/l) Item Acceptance Inspection Where both a hoistway door and a car door or gate are opened and/or closed by power, check that the hoistway door and the car door or gate are (a) both of the horizontally sliding type; or (b) both of the vertically sliding type So then horizontally sliding hoistway doors and vertically sliding car door on the same car won’t pass! 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
(g) - Sequence Operation Sequence Operation for Power-Operated Hoistway Doors With Car Doors or Gates Power Closing of Vertically Sliding Hoistway Doors and Vertically Sliding Car Doors or Gates by Momentary Pressure or by Automatic Means Item (no unique acceptance inspection) (a) hoistway door 2/3 open before car door starts (b) car door 2/3 closed before hoistway door starts 1/11/11
8.10 New Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Door Operator
Firefighters’ Emergency Operation. Verify conformance with through And on Hydro and on Traction (presumably omitted by accident) (a) Door Reopening Device Item (no unique acceptance inspection) (a) Mechanical Reopening Device (Safety Edge). (b) Electronic Reopening Device.. (c) Photoelectric Reopening Device. 1/11/11
Door Operation Tests TN 10-962 (work in progress)
A permanent test record showing the test dates, the requirement number for each test, the name of the person or firm performing the test, inspector’s name, QEI-1 number and certifying organization that witnessed the tests shall be made a permanent part of the maintenance records. ( ) The test record/tag shall document all applicable acceptance tests shown in the following tables: 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Machine Alterations 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Traction (i) Machine Alteration tests: (i) Where the location of the driving machine has been changed ( ), for alterations as described in (a) (no change in rise), tests shall be performed as specified in (d), (i), (n), and (v)(3). For alterations as described in (b) (change in rise), tests shall be performed as specified in NOTE: These tests apply to change of location 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Traction (r) Machine Alteration tests: (r) Where an alteration is made that results in a new drive machine (see ), tests shall be performed as specified in (j), (n) through (s), (v), (w), (cc), and (dd); and (q). Also see (t) Change in Type of Motion Control for new motor. So that’s it for machine, right? 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
NOT SO FAST: How about are made to other driving machine Components (b) Traction (h) Machine Alteration tests: (h) Where alterations are made to a driving machine brake (see ), tests shall be performed as specified in (o) and (v)(3). 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Rope Brake 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Traction (cc) Ascending Car Overspeed, and Unintended Car Motion Protection (1) Ascending Car Overspeed Protection. The means to prevent ascending car overspeed shall be inspected and tested with no load in the car to verify conformance with (2) Unintended Car Motion. The means to prevent unintended car motion shall be inspected and tested to verify conformance with 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests
Control Alteration 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Controller
Tests shall be performed when the following alterations are made: (s) Where a controller is installed as part of an alteration without any change to the type of operation or control (see ), tests shall be performed as specified in (c), (j), (q), and (t); (k), (l), (m), (t), (u), (y), (z), (cc), and (dd); and 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Controller
Tests shall be performed when the following alterations are made: (t) Where an alteration is made that results in a change in the type of motion or operation control ( and ), tests shall be performed as specified in (l) and (m). All electrical protective devices shall be tested for proper operation. 1/11/11
8.10 Required Alteration Tests for Alteration to Controller
Tests shall be performed when the following alterations are made: (u) Where an alteration is made that results in a new replacement of a hoistway door, car door, or car gate controller without any change to the operation or control [see (b)], tests shall be performed as specified in (i) and (j); and (l)(1), (l)(2), (l)(3), and (l)(5). 1/11/11
Acceptance Inspection Tag
Contact Information office:281/ cell: 832/ 1/11/11
What Code to use for Inspections?
A17.1a-2005? Installation Code? A ? A ? A ? FBC? 1/11/11
If Alteration, What Rules Apply?
When is Code Effective? Date of Contract? Date of Permit? Date of Inspection? If Alteration, What Rules Apply? Only work done by Elevator Contractor now? All alterations since installation? Only alterations now part of the installation? 1/11/11
Edition/Amendment Effective Dates
Florida 1/11/11
Requirement 8.9 contains requirements for all new and existing equipment within the Scope of this Code. 8.9.1 Required Information Data plate shall be provided and maintained that shall indicate the Code to be used for inspections and tests (see ). The data plate shall indicate the Code and edition in effect at the time of installation. The data plate shall also indicate the Code in effect at the time of any alteration and indicate the applicable requirements of 8.7. 8.9.2 Location The data plate shall be in plain view, securely attached to the main line disconnect or on the controller. 8.9.3 Material and Construction The data plate shall be of such material and construction that the letters and figures stamped, etched, cast, or otherwise applied to the face shall remain permanently and readily legible. The height of the letters and figures shall be not less than 3.2 mm (0.125 in.). 1/11/11
SECTION 8.9 CODE DATA PLATE (2007, a-08 & b-09)
Requirement 8.9 contains requirements for all new and existing equipment within the Scope of this Code. 8.9.1 Required Information Data plate shall be provided and maintained that shall indicate the Code to be used for inspections and tests (see ). The data plate shall indicate the Code and edition in effect at the time of installation. The data plate shall also indicate the Code in effect at the time of any alteration and indicate the applicable requirements of 8.7. 8.9.2 Location The data plate shall be in plain view, securely attached to the main line disconnect or on the controller. It shall also be permitted to locate the data plate in the controller as long as it is in plain view with the controller door open. An additional data plate shall be installed in the vicinity of the starting switch on the exterior of escalators and moving walks 8.9.3 Material and Construction The data plate shall be of such material and construction that the letters and figures stamped, etched, cast, or otherwise applied to the face shall remain permanently and readily legible. The height of the letters and figures shall be not less than 3.2 mm (0.125 in.). (b) (07) 1/11/11
105 Check for any Missing or Damaged Signs and Data Plates
Machine Room Brake Plates Governor Plate Code Data Plate Ambient Air Plate Hydro Data Plates Warning Signs Fire Service Signs Hoistway and Pit Crosshead Data Plate Rail Lube Instructions Warning Signs Safety Plank Plate Buffer Plate Counterweight Runby Freight & Capacity 1/11/11
Products 1/11/11
Courtesy of Don Rosenberger
1/11/11 Courtesy of Don Rosenberger
where existing car enclosures and/or car doors or gates are retained, conformance with the following requirements is not required… Strength and Deflection of Enclosure Walls requirements for top car exit design N.B. Top car exit required by Glass in Elevator Cars Material for Car Enclosures, Enclosure Linings, and Floor Coverings Ventilation Headroom in Elevator Cars Freight-Car Enclosure Type and Material for Doors Strength of Doors, Gates, and Their Guides, Guide Shoes, Tracks, and Hangers 4/21/2017 110
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