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Semester Programming Project for CS 356

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1 Semester Programming Project for CS 356
George Blank University Lecturer

2 Semester Long Project This is the specification for the programming project for CS 356. The final project will require four programs running separately over a network, emulating four routers with predefined connections and route costs, that communicate with each other to update Distance Vector Routing Tables at each router, while displaying changes and resulting tables for Router 0.

3 Implementation Options
You may choose the programming language to implement the project from C++, C, Java and Python. NJIT Computer Science majors are strongly encouraged to use C or C++, and will receive a reduced grade for Java or Python. The first deliverable requires the use of sockets. You may choose datagram or stream sockets. If you are using Java, you may switch to RMI for parts two and three. If you are using C, you may switch to RPC.

4 Special Requirements for NJIT Computer Science Majors
You are strongly encouraged to use C or C++, and will receive a reduced grade for Java or Python. The final deliverable should be multi-threaded. These requirements are optional for non-CS majors, such as IS, BIS, CIS, and IT. They also optional for students from Rutgers. CS majors are expected to be able to program in C, C++ and Java by graduation.

5 Network and Costs to be used
Stage 1 and 2: Client is Router 0 Server is Router 1 Final Project: Each Router is represented by a separate program running independently and communicating across a network.

6 Initial Values for Router 0
Destination Router Interface Link Cost Local 1 2 3 7 This table represents the initial least cost known path from Router 0 to each of the other three routers. Initially, each router knows only the direct cost on each of its directly connected interfaces. The initial table for each of the other routers can be obtained by examining the network diagram on the preceding page. After routers exchange information, new paths will be discovered and the tables will be updated with new least costs using the Bellman – Ford distance vector algorithm.

7 Stage One Functionality
Create a client and a server, communicating over a network, and pass the following information. Client displays its initial known least cost to each other router. Client sends its own Router number, and its initial known least cost to each other router. Server sends its own Router number, and its initial known least cost to each other router. Client displays information received from server.

8 Stage One Deliverables
Listings of all code Screen shots that prove code compiled and ran correctly without errors Output from client, as specified. If possible, a screen shot from Wireshark showing the socket data passing across the network. Otherwise, use screen shots of client and server to prove that information was on different hosts and passed across a network.

9 Stage Two Functionality
Routers 0 and 1 will maintain a least cost table to all routers (0, 1, 2, 3). Router 0 will display the initial table. Routers 0 and 1 represented by separate communicating programs will exchange information as specified in stage one. Using the information received from the other program, the least cost to the other routers will be updated using the Bellman-Ford distance vector algorithm. Router 0 will display its updated table.

10 Stage Two Deliverables
Listings of all code Screen shots that prove code compiled and ran correctly without errors Before and after tables for Router 0, as specified. If possible, a screen shot from Wireshark showing the data passing across the network. Otherwise, use screen shots of each router program to prove that information was on different hosts and passed across a network.

11 Stage 3: Final Functionality
Extend the functionality of stage two to four separate programs, representing routers 0, 1, 2, and 3 on the network diagram and communicating across the network. Exchange data between routers 0 and 1, as in stage two. But this time, every time a router changes the data in its table, it sends its entire table to all directly connected routers, which also do the same. Display the initial data table and the new tale after each change for router 0. Find a way to terminate the program when complete.

12 Final Deliverables Listings of code for Router 0 and one other router.
Screen shots that prove code compiled and ran correctly without errors Initial and each changed table for Router 0, as specified. (Should be three separate tables.) Proof that router programs were on at least two different hosts (four preferred) and passed across a network.

13 Verification of final output
If your programs are working correctly, router 0 will have an initial cost of 7 to get to router 3. After the first update, that cost should be 5. After the second update, the cost should be 4.

14 Resources on Moodle PowerPoint Presentation on Java Socket programming. The sample programs can easily be adopted to stage one. PowerPoint Presentation on C Socket programming. The sample programs can easily be adopted to stage one. Sample Python programs. These can be adapted or converted to C, C++ or Java to provide ideas for implementing stages one, two, and three.

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