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CS 453 Introduction to Data and computer communications Syllabus Vinod Kulathumani West Virginia University.

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1 CS 453 Introduction to Data and computer communications Syllabus Vinod Kulathumani West Virginia University

2 2 Objectives Provide introduction to the design of computer networks Internet used as a case study Study of  layered architecture for the design of computer networks  network protocols for the design of each layer. Particular emphasis on principles behind designing protocols that are scalable and fault-tolerant Study of some recent advances and research topics in the field of networking

3 3 Outline Internet: History, Overview Application layer protocols client-server model, peer-peer model Socket programming in C / Java Transport layer: TCP, congestion control Routing layer: IP, Principles of routing Link layer: Error detection including checksums and CRC, Ethernet, Token ring, ATM, switching and bridging Wireless and mobile networks Recent advances and research topics in networking

4 4 Reference Materials James E. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Fifth Edition Average 3-4 hours of reading per class

5 5 Prerequisites CS 350 or equivalent is recommended Time & dedication Programming assignments usually in C / Java

6 6 Policies Assignments / Homework  Usually One assignment per week (due before Tuesday class) Academic integrity Social Justice Office hours: TR (11 am -12 noon ) ESB 727 or by appointment

7 7 Grading Work load  4 Homework assignments (10%)  4 Lab assignments (20%)  6 Quizzes (20%)  1 Mid-term (20%) – March 4, 2014 [Tentative]  1 Final (25%) Grading structure  90 and above = A  Between 80 and 90 = B  Between 70 and 80 = C  Between 55 and 70 = D  < 55 = F Make-up exams only after prior arrangement

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