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Parallel Processing LAB NO 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Processing LAB NO 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Processing LAB NO 1

2 Parallel Processing Ability to carry out multiple operations/tasks at the same time using more than one processors or processor cores Differs from multitasking or multiprogramming in which a single CPU executes several programs at the same time

3 Distributed Computing
Multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a computer network to achieve a common goal In parallel computing, all processors have access to shared memory, which can be used to exchange information between processors In distributed computing, each processor has its own private memory (distributed memory); info can be exchanged by passing messages between processors

4 Cluster Computing Computer cluster is a set of loosely connected computers that work together so that they can be viewed as a single, highly available system Used for either load balancing or high availability

5 Grid Computing Applying resources of many computers (from multiple administrative domains) in a network to a single problem at the same time Although a grid can be dedicated to a specialized application, it is more common to use a single grid for a variety of different purposes

6 Cluster vs Grid Homogeneous system vs heterogeneous system
Tight coupling vs loose coupling Grids are inherently distributed and spread over LANs, Man or WAN Single system image vs independent, autonoumous nodes In a cluster, entire system behaves like a single system with resources managed by a centralized resource manager In a grid, every node is autonomous, has its own resource manager and behaves like an independent entity.

7 Parallel Computing Memory Architectures
Shared Memory Can be simultaneously accessed by multiple processes Programs may run on single or multiple processors In multi-processor systems, large block of RAM can be accessed by several CPUs Distributed Memory Each processor in a multi-processor computer system has its own private memory MPI or socket programming are main tools used for distributed memory environment

8 MPI- Message Passing Interface
A library of functions or an API Allows communication between processors in a distributed memory architecture Allows portability Uses either a C or a FORTRAN compiler

9 MPI Data Types MPI datatype handle C datatype MPI_INT int MPI_SHORT
MPI_LONG long MPI_FLOAT float MPI_DOUBLE double MPI_CHAR char MPI_BYTE unsigned char

10 MPI Program # include <stdio.h> # include <mpi.h>
main(int argc, char **argv) { //coding MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Finalize(); }

11 MPI Init O 4 1 Network 3 2

12 MPI Finalize O 4 1 Network 3 2

13 Compiling and running mpicc –o <executable file name> <source file name> mpirun <executable file name> mpirun –np <no> <executable file name>

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