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2 What are your top 3 leadership challenges?

3 Agenda Learn 6 skills for transformational leadership Self-assessments, discussion, group discovery Role plays & practice Leadership Action Plan iRespond Interactive Learning Devices Keeper Points

4 Six Leadership Skills

5 Leadership Skill #1: Listening

6 “The #1 skill of the 21 st century leader is listening.” Peter Drucker Author & Management Guru

7 “99% of the best ideas we ever had came from our people.” Sam Walton, Founder WalMart

8 Listening Self-Assessment

9 Vital Link to Effective Communication Hearing Listening Communicating

10 8 Reasons Listening is Critical to Effective Leadership 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

11 Top 5 Leadership Listening Pitfalls 1. Pride 2. Know it all 3. Don’t have the time 4. Think others are idiots 5. Don’t care

12 How can you tell? 1. When others ARE carefully listening to you? 2. When others are NOT listening to you?

13 Three Levels of Transformational Listening 1.Listen with your Ears Listen with your Eyes Listen for the Voice 3

14 A) Listen with your Ears 1. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2. 3. 4. 5.

15 A) Listen with your Ears 1. __ l __ i __ s __ t __ e __ n __ 2. Noah was on the ark 3. Match 4. White – it’s a Polar Bear 5. Answer = 2

16 B) Listen with your Eyes Non-verbal Cues o Space(Proxemics) o Time(Chronemics) o Touch(Haptics) o Body Language(Kinesics)

17 C) Listen for the Voice Rate – fastness or slowness Pitch – highness or lowness Volume – softness or loudness Tone – overall quality

18 Ten Things Great Listeners Do 1. Listen for Ideas 2. Focus 3. Minimize Distractions 4. Take Notes & follow-up 5. Ask Clarifying questions. 10

19 Ten Things Great Listeners Do 6. Listen for Core themes 7. Ignore loaded words 8. Think while you Listen 9. Keep an Open Mind 10. Interrupt to clarify. 10

20 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Listening To a Higher Level.

21 Leadership Skill #2: Envision

22 “A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision without a task is but a dream. But a task with a vision is the hope of the world.” Inscription circa 1770 Church in Sussex, England

23 Two Keys to Envisioning 1. Clarify 2. Connect

24 15 Clarifying Questions 1. Where is “there?” 2. Why do we need to go there? 3. What do we stand for along the way? 4. How will we get there? 5. What is our key goal?

25 15 Clarifying Questions 6. Who must be involved? 7. What must we start doing? 8. What must we stop doing? 9. How must we continue doing? 10. Where must we be the most successful?

26 15 Clarifying Questions 11. How does this fulfill the needs of those we serve? 12. How will be measure our progress? 13. What are our top priorities? 14. What are the first steps we must take? 15. What are the alternatives available to us?

27 “What’s Next” Worksheet

28 Two Keys to Envisioning 1. Clarify 2. Connect

29 “The role of a leader is to find a thousand different ways to say the same thing.” Harry Quadracci, Founder Quad Graphics

30 PREP Connection Model P oint: Where we are going R eason(s): Why we are going there E xample(s): What must happen P oint: restate/reinforce the where

31 PREP Practice Time P oint: Where we are going R eason(s): Why we are going there E xample(s): What must happen P oint: restate/reinforce the where

32 11 Powerful Leadership Connection Strategies

33 Post It What made you mad today? What takes too long? What costs too much? What is just plain silly? What involves too many actions?

34 Line Ups

35 Two Minute Summaries

36 Ten Minute Huddles

37 One a Day

38 What Would You Do?

39 One Thing Better

40 Book of 100 Questions

41 Dual Missions

42 Napoleon Technique

43 No Messenger Rule

44 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Envisioning To a Higher Level.

45 Stand Up!

46 Leadership Skill #3: Adapt



49 Change Leader’s Mindset

50 Change Leaders Mindset 1. Change is here to stay. 2. If it ain’t broke – break it! 3. No news is not good news during change.

51 Change Leaders Mindset 4. Change is a personal issue, not an intellectual issue. 5. Change so not fear change but the lose associated with the change. 6. It’s impossible to work out all the details before a change initiative.

52 Change Leaders Mindset 7. It’s impossible to keep everybody happy during changes.. 8. We must remember that it is the adaptable that survive. 9. Our job is to make the changes work.

53 Inability or unwillingness to: 1. Reject conventional wisdom. 2. Embrace unconventional realities. 3. Transform systems, practices, and procedures. 3 Reasons Why Organizations Fail

54 How to Catch a Monkey

55 Change Readiness Scale You 1234567 Team 1234567 Front-line 1234567 Willingness to Change (Attitude) Low High You 1234567 Team 1234567 Front-line 1234567 HighLow Ability to Change (Skill)

56 “But the core of the matter (leading change) is always about changing behavior of people, and behavior change happens in highly successful situations mostly by speaking to people’s feelings.” John Kotter, Author Leading Change and The Heart of Change

57 Leading Change Model Change Event

58 Leading Change Model Change Event Positive Negative

59 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Reinforce the idea Prepare for hurdles Change Event

60 Change Event Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: DOUBT “OK” the feelings Provide direction

61 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Acknowledge progress Provide support Change Event

62 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Celebrate success Recognize growth Prepare for next change Change Event

63 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Ask “What Hurts”? (Re)affirm change

64 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 2: Resistance Let them vent Encourage attempts Stage 1: Denial

65 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance

66 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 3: Acceptance Catch them doing it right Tolerate mistakes Set short-term goals Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance

67 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Acceptance

68 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Acceptance Stage 4: Commitment Celebrate success Recognize growth Prepare for next change

69 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Acceptance Stage 4: Commitment

70 Positive Cycle Stage 1: Excitement Stage 2: Doubt Stage 3: Hope Stage 4: Commitment Change Event Negative Cycle Stage 1: Denial Stage 2: Resistance Stage 3: Acceptance Stage 4: Commitment Change Event

71 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 1. Mark the passage of the old ways. Remember the glory of the past, but promise a better future. Celebrate the new way through stories, and heroes, successes.

72 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 2. Establish a sense of urgency. Avoid analysis paralysis.

73 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 3. Go where the energy is. Find groups already moving in the right direction. Make them your heroes.

74 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 4. Create risk-taking teams. Be tolerant of mistakes but intolerant of inaction.

75 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 5. Transfer ownership for success. Emancipate – don’t abdicate.

76 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 6. Create positive momentum through quick successes. Aggressively go for the low-hanging fruit. When successful, transfer that energy to tougher challenges.

77 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 7. Re-recruit your peak performers. Don’t ignore or overload your best people. Remind and reinforce their value to your organization.

78 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 8. Champion your purpose. Justify the struggle. Find a thousand ways to say the same thing.

79 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 9. Focus on results – not overcoming resistance. Remember that results beget results beget results…

80 Ten Keys to Leading Transformational Change 10. Keep your perspective. Maintain your humor and joy. Remember – even God cannot please everybody.

81 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Adapting To a Higher Level.

82 Leadership Skill #4: Develop

83 Two Keys to Developing Your Team 1. Training: develop competencies 2. Coaching: develop confidence

84 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 1: Assess the Need A. Clarify the desired result What specific results need to be achieved? What are the specific skills, knowledge, attitude? B. Determine Individual’s SKA Do they know HOW to do it? (Skill) Do they know WHAT to do? (Knowledge) Do they WANT to do it? (Attitude)

85 Remember: training is only appropriate if an employee needs a specific Skill, Knowledge, or Attitude that he/she does not currently possess to successfully fulfill their role.

86 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 2: Choose the Training Option  Self-paced learning  Small group interaction  CBT (computer-based)  Job sharing  Job shadowing  Coaching  Job switch  Hands-on training  Cross training  Reading (books, manuals)  Seminars  Video-based learning  Audio-based learning  Interviewing  Mentoring  Simulations

87 3 Steps to Effective Training Step 3: Measure the Results Skills learned Knowledge gained Attitude improved

88 Two Keys to Developing Your Team 1. Training: develop competencies 2. Coaching: develop confidence

89 What is Leadership Coaching? Equips people with the SKA to develop themselves. Process – not an event. Something you do with them – not to them. Not about “fixing” people – it’s about unleashing potential. Two-way relationship – not a one-way event. Mindset and approach for improvement.

90 Four Common Coaching Mistakes 1. Explaining or talking before listening. 2. Advising before understanding 3. Problem solving 4. Seeing their world through your eyes. 4

91 Ten Great Coaching Questions 1. What excites you about your work? 2. What do you find the most meaningful and rewarding aspects of your work? 3. Where do you naturally inject you greatest energy and enthusiasm? 4. What are your goals and why? 5. What do you see as your greatest strengths?

92 Ten Great Coaching Questions 6. Do you think you tend to inflate or undervalue your abilities? 7. What are your greatest current challenges? 8. Are you truly willing to change to make your work life better? 9. What do you believe you need to improve now? 10. How can I best help you achieve your goals?

93 Coaching Role Play

94 Final Coaching Tips 1. Use “And” – no “Buts” when suggesting improvements. 2. Focus on one improvement at a time. 3. Stretch their comfort zone. 4. Give fast and specific feedback. 5. Use a GAPS © coaching plan: What’s your Goal? What Actions will you take? How will we measure the Performance improvement? What Self-Improvement did you achieve?

95 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Developing To a Higher Level.

96 Leadership Skill #5: Execute

97 “A good plan violently executed today is better than a perfect plan next week.” General George S. Patton, Jr. WWII Commander

98 “Vision without execution is an hallucination.” Thomas Edison Inventor

99 Two Keys to Execution 1. Delegate 2. Emancipation

100 Delegation Delegation Quiz: In groups, determine the best answer to each of the six questions.

101 1. Delegating a task means: a. Getting someone else to do my work. b. Giving someone your responsibility. c. Appointing another to act in your behalf. d. Allowing an employee to take over for you in your job.

102 2. The ultimate goal of delegation is to: a. Grow your employee’s skills. b. Eliminate clutter from your desk. c. Give you more free time. d. Test your ability to tolerate stress and ambiguity.

103 3. The first step in good delegation is: a. Choose the right person. b. Choose the right task. c. Set delegation checkpoints. d. Communicate with the person.

104 4. The second step in good delegation is: a. Choose the right person. b. Choose the right task. c. Set delegation checkpoints. d. Communicate with the person.

105 5. The third step in good delegation is: a. Choose the right person. b. Choose the right task. c. Set delegation checkpoints. d. Communicate with the person.

106 6. The fourth step in good delegation is: a. Choose the right person. b. Choose the right task. c. Set delegation checkpoints. d. Communicate with the person.


108 Monkey Management What is a Monkey? Any task that requires Action. Who’s got the Monkey? The person who decides to make the Next Move.

109 Monkey Truths Many well-meaning bosses proudly go on Monkey Round-ups! Monkeys are tricky & can disguise themselves as “Boss, We’ve got a problem.” When bosses accept an employee’s monkey, they then become subordinate to the employee.

110 Monkey Truths Monkey’s sleep just as soundly on the backs of Employees. Monkeys need to be with their rightful owners. o If the task is yours, then you have two choices: keep it or Delegate it. o If the task belongs to the employee, give it Back.

111 The Care & Feeding of Monkeys Rule #1: Monkeys should be fed or Shot. Rule #2: The monkey population should be kept below the Maximum number the manager has time to feed. Rule #3: Monkeys should be fed by Appointment only. Rule #4: Monkeys should be fed face-to-face or by telephone but never my mail or E-mail.

112 Two Keys to Execution 1. Delegate 2. Emancipation

113 Emancipation Def: Giving people the Freedom to Succeed.

114 Brainstorm 10 Reasons Leaders Don’t Emancipate

115 Goal of Emancipation Goal of emancipation is NOT to completely eliminate bureaucracy, but to energize success!

116 Key Emancipation Question NOT: How Much control do I need? Is: How Little control do I need?

117 Leader’s Emancipation Mindset Give people freedom to experiment Shift from forcing compliance to inspiring excellence Shift from preventing failures to maximizing successes Create freedom from bureaucracy Encourage challenges of the status-quo Give everyone input in to making it happen

118 Leader’s Role in Execution 1. Guide 2. Inspect 3. Redirect

119 My Action Plan List 2-3 actions to take your Executing To a Higher Level.

120 Leadership Skill #6: Reward

121 “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” Mark Twain Humorist & Author

122 Realities of Motivation Conventional Wisdom Bosses motivate employees. Unconventional Reality Employees motivate themselves.

123 Conventional Wisdom People do what they do for their organization’s or boss’ reasons. Unconventional Reality Employees do what they do for their own reasons. Realities of Motivation

124 Conventional Wisdom Great leaders look for people to pump up. Unconventional Reality Great leaders look for the roadblocks to motivation. Realities of Motivation

125 Conventional Wisdom Our job is to lead our horses to water. Unconventional Reality Our job is to make our horses thirsty! Realities of Motivation

126 Motivation vs. DeMotivation What motivates you to put forth your best effort?

127 Motivation vs. DeMotivation What demotivates you to put forth your best effort?

128 Two Keys to Transformational Rewards 1. Environmental Rewards 2. Individualized Rewards

129 Environmental Rewards  Ask your team what motivates them.  Ask you team what demotivates them.  Simplify processes.  Eliminate fear.  Match your leadership style to their development level.

130 Environmental Rewards  Tear down speed bumps to productivity.  Listen – really listen.  Ask for help when you need it.  Allow employees to rearrange the environment to best meet their needs.  Reward teamwork.

131 Environmental Rewards  Align rewards to your mission.  Break the monotony.  Delegate career enhancing projects.  Serve the front-line first.  Give fast feedback.

132 Environmental Rewards  Celebrate failures.  Empower employees to solve their own problems.  Do something unexpected.  Stay focused.

133 Environmental Rewards  Check 3 that you need to implement &/or refocus on right now!

134 Two Keys to Transformational Rewards 1. Environmental Rewards 2. Individualized Rewards

135 Individualized Rewards FACT: Greatest change in motivation in past 25 years is the absolute necessity to individualize rewards to the unique needs and wants of each employee!

136 Tell your partner your favorite: Candy bar Color Sports team Speaker

137 Favorites List

138 Michelin Approach

139 L isten E nvision A dapt D evelop E xecute R eward

140 Leadership Action Plan




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