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Technological and financial aspects of URAN project Dr. Vladimir Galagan Head deputy of URAN Technical Commitee.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological and financial aspects of URAN project Dr. Vladimir Galagan Head deputy of URAN Technical Commitee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological and financial aspects of URAN project Dr. Vladimir Galagan Head deputy of URAN Technical Commitee

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3 3 Structure Star equal structure with center in Kiev Regional nodes in the bigger regional cities Regional nodes in the technical Universities of Ukraine as rule Clear channel digital leased connection between nodes

4 4 Long distance channels Digital clear channel lines Ukrtelecom is Network operator E1 to E3 or ATM over STM155 Channel speed from 64 KBPS at start and up to 2 MBPS Special price for budget organization (<2.4 times)

5 5 Internet connection Main symmetrical IP connection over Ukrtelecom Bandwidth from 64 KBPS at start and up to 2 MBPS Multichannel connection with downstream over satellite Asymmetrical bandwidth (4:1)

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8 8 User connection solutions (1) 64...128 K connection to users in Kiev 64...128 K connection to users in cities with E1 network on the next steps (Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa) Leased physical line inside of cities (64...128K)

9 9 User connection solutions (2) Short range synchronous modems based on HDSL technology Leased tonal channels for long distance user connections Microwave channels Ethernet bridges

10 10 Equipment Cisco routers in backbone Cisco routers and PC based routers in users. Intel platform for servers Short range modems based on HDSL technology

11 11 Software Cisco Internetworking operating system on IP and TCP level. FreeBSD and Linux for servers. Linux and Microsoft intranet in users networks

12 12 Protocols TCP/IP Frame relay PPP SNMP Ethernet BGP, OSPF

13 13 Network services for users (1) “Secondaring“ users name servers. “Relaying “ the E:mail flow (on users demand). Network addresses Translations (on users demand)

14 14 Network services for users (2) Including undepended IP addresses users blocks in AS URAN (on users demand) Access lists (on users demand) Shaping of bandwidth (on users demand)

15 15 Conditions of payment for users Payment for the traffic Different prices for day and night time traffic (1:4). Connections over E1 Network without start payment. Average month payment for the 64K connection with 30% traffic - $380 (compare to $600 in commercial providers in Kiev)

16 16 Financial aspects - planned Stage 1 – (steps 1 and 2) - $150000 from NATO, $58000 from Ukraine universities, Stage 2 – (steps 3 and 4) - $100000 from NATO, $220000 – from Ukraine

17 17 Financial aspects - details of implementation

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