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Analysis of Alert Messages formats for Environmental Disaster Management 1 Raffaela Cefalo, Simone Maver, Claudia Paparini GeoSNAV Laboratory Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Alert Messages formats for Environmental Disaster Management 1 Raffaela Cefalo, Simone Maver, Claudia Paparini GeoSNAV Laboratory Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Alert Messages formats for Environmental Disaster Management 1 Raffaela Cefalo, Simone Maver, Claudia Paparini GeoSNAV Laboratory Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Trieste, ITALY

2 Numbers of natural disasters in Europe 2

3 Number of Disasters in European countries 3

4 Natural Disasters Typologies 4

5 Disaster Management 5

6 1. Risk knowledge Systematic collecting of data relative to the events Risk evaluation 2. Environmental Monitoring and Alert Services Development of monitoring systems Creation of a quick and accurate Alert service at international, national and local level 3. Diffusion and communication Maximum alert distribution Clear and simply Alert format 4. Answer Capacity Creation of national and local systems able to front the emergiencies. 6

7 Informations Management 7

8 Obiectives  Analysis of the format to be used for the Alert Messages  Make the alert message available on mobile devices. 8

9 CAP – Common Alerting Protocol :  Simple ad general format based on XML for the exchange of Alert Messages on every kind of network  Permits the creation of Messages: To be distributed on different Alert Systems To be used to normalize the information coming from different sources. 9

10 Functionalities  Flexible Georeferencing – models based on: Latitude/longitude 3D Geospatial representation  Messages transmission Multilanguages and with multiple targed users  Validation and time out of messages 10

11 Functionalities  Messages cancelling/updating functions  Models for the definition of complete and valid Alert Mesages  Compatibility with systems based on digital signature  Support for digital images and audios 11

12 CAP - Structure of Alert Message 12

13 Requirements of the realised prototype 1. Management and extraction from an XML document. 2. Independency from the execution platform. 3. Visualization on mobile devices. 13

14 Applied Technologies  Java Micro Edition System Development Kit 3.0 Management and information extraction from a XML document  kXML Library 14

15 Application Structure 15

16 Graphical Interface 16

17 Conclusions and future developments  Management and extraction of informations from a XML document.  Independency from the execution platform.  Execution and visualization on a mobile device.  Future developments: Correct management of multiple occourencies. Selection of the resource containing the messages. Complex graphycal visualization of the informations contained in the messages. 17

18 Sources  OASIS Common Alerting Protocol version 1.2 http://docs.oasis-  Vos F, Rodriguez J, Below R, Guha-Sapir D. Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2009: The Numbers and Trends. Brussels: CRED; 2010  European Environment Agency, Mapping the impacts of natural hazards and technological accidents in Europe — An overview of the last decade. Copenhagen: EEA; 2010 18

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