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WHO WANTS TO BE A LEADER? Jana Champion, CPM Deputy Director-WI State Crime Laboratory Bureau.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO WANTS TO BE A LEADER? Jana Champion, CPM Deputy Director-WI State Crime Laboratory Bureau."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO WANTS TO BE A LEADER? Jana Champion, CPM Deputy Director-WI State Crime Laboratory Bureau

2 CANDIDATE DEVELOPMENT  Who is a good candidate?  may not always have a title  may not know how to move forward  What behaviors should you look for?  communicates well  models professional behavior  honest & ethical

3 KNOW YOUR PEOPLE  What are their individual strengths & weaknesses?  What do they need & desire to be successful?  What is their temperament characteristics?  Do they ask for feedback?  Do they volunteer willingly?  How do they best like to communicate?  What do they find boring?

4 DELEGATION AS EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT  Try to build on people’s strengths, not weaknesses  Take a broad, long-term view of professional development  Look to develop all employees, not just a “crown prince/princess”  Use them as teachers  Think of lateral and downward delegation for development

5 STEPS IN A DELEGATION INTERVIEW  State specific assignment-dates, numbers, quality requirements  State level of empowerment, decision making authority  Explain resources available-time, money, staff, computers  Clarify reporting back to you-how often, about what  Clarify how you want information presented to you  Clarify employee understanding  Set follow up, specific dates & times-progress reports

6 HOW DO WE LEARN ABOUT PEOPLE?  ASK….  What was the best day at work for you in the last few months?  What were you doing that day?  Why did you love it?  What have you learned quickly?  What is your greatest satisfaction at work?

7 HOW TO FIND THE TRIGGER-FOR GREAT PERFORMANCE  OBSERVE…  Ask what type of management style works best for them  Ask what is the best relationship you have had with a manager or supervisor  Ask what made it so good  Ask what is the best kind of recognition they have had  Ask what their preferred learning style is

8 PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK  Both positive and negative  Ongoing; regular basis  Specific, behavioral based; refers to actions  Timely  Something the receiver has the power to change  Objective & achievable  Deliver when emotions are not high

9 BE A COACH  Organizational benefits of coaching:  Attraction and retention of quality employees  Increased motivation  Increased productivity  Planned growth

10 COACHING TIPS  Set clear performance standards and expectations  Provide regular performance feedback  Observe performance on the job (external and internal clients)  Help employees develop self-improvement action plans  Recognize and reward excellent performance  Provide training, guidance and support  Build relationships  Maintain the big picture  Provide opportunities for employees and expose them to strong leaders  Determine if the employee has a “skill” or “will” problem

11 EMPOWERED RELATIONSHIPS  Characteristics:  Most trustworthy source of authority comes from within  Autonomy in decision making  Help people make their own decision & take responsibility  Let them fail  Expectation: People will treat the organization as their own

12 BEHAVIOR WHICH SUPPORTS EMPOWERMENT  -coaching  -communicating/listening  -delegating  -making decisions  -managing performance

13 RESULTS OF EMPOWERMENT  People take responsibility for their actions  People are allowed more self expression and are more committed to the results  Creates ownership because they have input into the path to achieving results  Sometimes risky but…


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