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Carbon Compounds. (Hydrocarbons) Functional Groups -CH 3 -OH -NH 2 -PO 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Compounds. (Hydrocarbons) Functional Groups -CH 3 -OH -NH 2 -PO 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Compounds

2 (Hydrocarbons)

3 Functional Groups -CH 3 -OH -NH 2 -PO 3

4 Functional Groups Consequences of Substitution w Functional Groups Ethane CH 3 -CH 3 toxic, flammable gas Ethanol CH 3 -CH 2 -OH ethyl alcohol, potable Propanoic acid CH 3 -CH 2 -COOH toxic liquid - “fixative” mercaptan CH 3 -CH 2 -SH "rotten eggs" - smell of natural gas

5 Isomers Structural Isomers

6 Isomers Geometric Isomers –Around a double-bonded Carbon

7 Isomers Enantiomers (optical isomers) –Around a single Carbon

8 Building Larger Molecules Condensation (Dehydration Synthesis) OH-C-C-C-OH Monomers OH-C-C-C-O-C-C-C-OH + H2OH2O Polymer

9 Breaking Down Large Molecules Hydrolysis OH-C-C-C-OH Monomers OH-C-C-C-O-C-C-C-OH + H2OH2O Polymer (ENZYMES)

10 Carbon Compounds Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

11 Monomers & Polymers

12 Carbohydrates Short-term energy-storage Some structural Bigger molecules = more energy! –(energy is stored in bonds)

13 Carbohydrates Sugars – saccharides. Monosaccharides (monomers) –Simple sugars –Glucose, Fructose, Ribose, Deoxyribose Disaccharides (simple polymers) –Two monomers combined –Sucrose, Lactose Polysaccharides (complex polymers) –Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose

14 Lipids Long-term energy-storage (reserves). –Bigger molecules = more energy! Membrane structure Hormones

15 Lipids With Fatty Acids Glycerides Phospholipids Waxes Without Fatty Acids Steroids

16 Lipids with Fatty Acids 1.Glycerides = Fats & Oils Glycerol + 1, 2, or 3 fatty acid chains. –Monoglycerides –Diglycerides –Triglycerides

17 Lipids with Fatty Acids 1.Glycerides –Saturated vs Unsaturated

18 Geometric Isomers of Fatty Acids Oleic acidElaidic acid Oleic acid is a cis unsaturated fat that comprises 55-80% of olive oil. Elaidic acid is a trans unsaturated fat and a major trans fat found in hydrogenated vegetable oils.

19 Examples of fatty acids Oleic - mono-unsaturated - varying quantities in most oils Linoleic - poly(2) unsaturated - Sunflower oil, Olive oil, Rice bran oil, Corn oil

20 Lipids with Fatty Acids 2.Phospholipids –Membranes – “phospholipid bilayer”

21 Lipids with Fatty Acids 3.Waxes –VERY hydrophobic molecules –Water repellent Protection from water gain and loss Bees Wax Ear Wax (Squalene) Plant wax (Ursolic acid)

22 Lipids without Fatty Acids 1.Steroids – 4 carbon rings Hormones, Vitamin D

23 Proteins Structural Membrane Function Enzymes Hormones Antibodies/Antigens Energy (as a last resort) Proteins get things done!

24 Proteins (Acid group) Made up of Amino Acids = monomers

25 Proteins 20 Amino Acids: Some simple, Some complex

26 Peptide Bonds Condensation Reaction (dehydration synthesis) Acid groupAmino group

27 Peptide Bonds Condensation Reaction (dehydration synthesis)

28 “Polypeptide” formation Primary (1 o ) Structure

29 Polypeptide Chain

30 Polypeptide Folding & Spiraling Secondary (2 o ) Structure

31 Polypeptide 3-D Shape Tertiary (3 o ) Structure –Covalent Bonds –Ionic Bonds –Disulfide Bonds –Hydrogen Bonds –Van der Waals Interactions

32 Polypeptide 3-D Shape Conformation

33 Multiple Polypeptides Quaternary (4 o ) Structure

34 Proteins = Enzymes

35 Nucleic Acids Carriers –Information Carriers* (DNA, RNA) –Electron Carriers (NAD +, FAD +, NADP + ) –Energy Carriers (ATP)

36 Nucleic Acids Nucleotides = monomers –5-carbon sugar –N-base –Phosphate

37 Nucleic Acids DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA – Ribonucleic Acid Nucleic Acids call the plays!

38 DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid Double Helix connected by N-bases.

39 Nucleic Acids Nucleotide Coenzymes NAD + NADH FAD + FADH 2 NADP + NADPH

40 Nucleic Acids Adenosine Phosphates ATP – Adenosine Triphosphate

41 Select 3 functional groups… –Name them. –Chemical structures of each. –Examples of actual molecules that include them. –Properties that make them do what they do. Homework…


43 For NEXT WEEK … Distinguish between: simple proteins & conjugated proteins

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