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Alexandria C. Ms. Lowery Science Presentation February 13, 2015

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1 Alexandria C. Ms. Lowery Science Presentation February 13, 2015
Body Systems in Ballet Alexandria C. Ms. Lowery Science Presentation February 13, 2015 The Sport of Ballet Dancing

2 Body Systems in Ballet Muscular System -
The first body system that is involved in ballet is the muscular system, which includes quadriceps and hamstrings. (muscles in your leg.) Ballet dancers develop strong quadriceps, the muscles that help with full knee extension and hip flexion. At the same time, dancers understand the functional advantage of deep knee bends. The plie – or knee bend – is a basic move in ballet, and every time a dancer bends her knees into plie, her hamstrings contract. Consequently, a dancer's hamstrings become increasingly strong and powerful as she progresses in her training. Muscular System -

3 Body Systems in Ballet Muscular System -
The turnout of the legs at the hip socket is also a key element of classical ballet technique. Dancers use their external hip rotator and gluteal (bottom) muscles to rotate their legs outward and to sustain that rotation during leg extensions, leaps and turns. Ballet dancers learn to engage these muscles regularly to maintain their turnout, whether they are standing in basic first position at the barre, holding a difficult pose, pushing off from the floor in a jump or traveling across the floor. With consistent effort, dancers who work to increase their turnout develop strong external rotator and gluteal (bottom) muscles.

4 Body Systems in Ballet Skeletal System -
The skeletal system helps with posture, which is always a good sign of a great ballet dancer. The skeletal system is also important because a lot of injuries among ballet dancers happen to their lower leg, ankle and foot. Ways to prevent these injuries are to make sure a ballet dancer is using the right techniques, equipment and is training the right way. A ballet dancer’s feet must be very strong as well as have flexibility in his or her spine (backbone) and neck. Skeletal System -

5 Body Systems in Ballet Digestive System –
Another important body system important to ballet dancers is the digestive system. Ballet dancers need protein and lots of fruit and vegetables in their diet to help their digestive system. They maintain a strict diet so they can be very slender. This way it is easier for the male ballet dancers to pick up the female ballet dancers during leaps and turns. They always have healthy snacks with them so they will have enough energy while training or practicing.

6 Body Systems in Ballet Digestive System –
A healthy digestive system, comes from a healthy diet and prevents ballet dancers from having tummy aches. Ballet dancers need to stay away for fatty foods, at all times. Instead they should eat healthy foods, such as, fish and carrots. To help with a healthy digestive system, ballet dancers should not eat greasy foods. These types of foods do not provide ballet dancers with the energy they will need to dance. Digestive System –

7 Body Systems in Ballet Circulatory System –
As ballet dancers dance, their hearts begin to beat faster, increasing the blood flow to their muscles. As the blood is pumped through their bodies at a quicker pace, more oxygen is delivered to their muscles. Additionally, rapid blood flow helps remove any metabolic waste from their cells. Metabolic waste is what is left over after cells create energy. Substances like excess water, and carbon dioxide need to be carried away from the cells and eliminated from the body. The circulatory system helps with this.

8 Body Systems in Ballet Respiratory System –
 The main role of the respiratory system is to bring fresh air into the body and to get rid of waste gases.   The short-term benefits include, an increase in breathing rate and tidal volume (which is the amount of air inhaled or exhaled from the lungs in one breath) which is a good thing, as the more clean, fresh oxygen breathed, the better the ballet dancer feels, both inside and out.   Some of the long-term benefits include an improvement of the respiration by strengthening the diaphragm and inter-costal muscles (the tiny muscles in between the ribcage which aid in breathing) as well as increasing the total number of alveoli (the tiny air-filled sacs where gas exchange occurs). Respiratory System –

9 Body Systems in Ballet Nervous System –
The study of ballet relies on the central nervous system, composed of the brain and spinal cord, provides functional support to a dancer. The motor system allows for both movement planning and execution. Cognitive aspects of the brain provide a dancer with the motivation and memory necessary to perfect and perform movement. The activation of multiple central nervous system motor and sensory systems allows for the masterful execution and finesse associated with ballet.

10 Body Systems in Ballet Immune System –
The following are important to a ballet dancer’s immune system: Protein - is essential to building and healing muscle. But it’s also a powerhouse for repairing bones, improving muscle contraction, maintaining fluid balance and restoring collagen, which is part of connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Vitamin D – Yogurt and fortified milk are good food sources of vitamin D, as well as, tuna and salmon, and the yolks of eggs. Vitamin C - Is a master healer, aiding everything from the rebuilding of ankle ligaments after a sprain to the repairing of skin wounds, like blisters. Immune System –

11 The Sport of Ballet Dancing
Body Systems in Ballet Websites Cited: The Sport of Ballet Dancing

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