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 1- Name one Washington appointee & his office  2- Which gov. official championed the idea of a national bank?

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Presentation on theme: " 1- Name one Washington appointee & his office  2- Which gov. official championed the idea of a national bank?"— Presentation transcript:

1  1- Name one Washington appointee & his office  2- Which gov. official championed the idea of a national bank?

2  3- Identify 1 tool the gov. used to raise $$$ to pay interest on the national debt  4- What prompted Pennsylvanians to rebel in 1794?

3  5- Who became the leader of the Democratic Republican (Anti- Federalist) political party?

4 1789  demographics –  Washington is a federalist  Washington’s cabinet Jefferson (State) Hamilton (Treas.) Knox (War)

5 Bill of Rights  James Madison  2/3 of states rat.  1 – 8 -  9 -  10 -

6 Judiciary Act (1789)  created Supreme Court and Fed. Court System  John Jay (federalist) Chief Justice

7 Hamilton’s Econ. Policies  “trickle-down” economics–  “funding at par” –  assume state debts –  made deal w/ Virginia -

8  national debt as “blessing” –  pay interest with 1. protective tariff – 2. excise tax on select goods  including...

9  National Bank (BUS) – benefits -  Jefferson argued -

10 Strict Construction v. Loose Construction  Jefferson – Strict – Bank unconstitutional what not permitted was forbidden literal or “strict” interpretation 10 th Amendment  Hamilton – Loose – Bank OK what not forbidden was permitted “necessary & proper (elastic) clause” “implied powers” who wins? –

11 The Whiskey Rebellion (1794)  who –  why –  Washington calls up the militia –  no revolt to crush  importance -

12 First Two Parties Emerge  Federalists - (Hamiltonians)  Democratic-Republicans - (Jeffersonians)

13 The French Revolution (1789)  radical republican revolution Jeffs. – Hams -

14 Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation(1793)  France & Eng. go to war  Jeffs. want -  Hams. want -  NP =  Why?

15 Britain tests the NP  violates our neutrality 1. 2. 3.  impressment –  Jay’s Treaty (1794) –  Pickney’s Treaty (1795) -

16 Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)  2 term example -  avoid “permanent alliances” –  Washington’s legacy –  John Adams (Federalist) elected – Jefferson (D-R) runner up =

17 Undeclared War with France  French angry about -  XYZ Affair (1797) - Importance –  Fed. reaction –  D-R reaction –  skirmishes at sea (1798-1800) –  Adams avoids War - Convention of 1800 -

18 Stuff!  Key Points for Docs – Wed.  Chart & Test – Wed. 10/12 page 206  Reading Quizzes: TONIGHT - p.222-231 from Chapter 11 TUES. - p.233-243 from Chapter 12 WED. p.243-254 from Chapter 12

19 Document ___  Main Point –  During or After?  What kind of change?  R or C?

20 Democratic –Republicans (Jeffs.) role of fed. gov. – demographics – economic policy – foreign policy – quote - Federalists (Hamiltonians) role of fed. gov. – demographics – economic policy – foreign policy – quote -

21 Alien & Sedition Acts (1798) -  Purpose of Acts –  Virginia & Kentucky resolutions–  assert nullification –  compact theory -

22 The United States in 1800

23 1800  drama in EC –  “revolution of 1800” –  “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists  TJ –  showed “restraint” –  except for -

24 Revolution of 1800 & The Midnight Judges

25 TJ !

26 Marshall Empowers the Judiciary  “the midnight judges” -  John Marshall -  Marbury v. Madison –  judicial review –  Samuel Chase impeachment -

27 Marbury v. Madison

28 TJ’s Foreign Policy -  reduced military -  Pirates! (1801) –  “mosquito fleet” -  France gets LA back from Spain (1800)  Napoleon sells because –  Louisiana Purchase (1803) –  Lewis & Clark -

29 ARRRRRR... We Be Pirates Mateeee !!!

30 The Louisiana Purchase

31 The Lewis & Clark Expedition

32 TJ’s Foreign Policy -  reduced military -  Pirates! (1801) –  “mosquito fleet” -  France gets LA back from Spain (1800)  Napoleon sells because –  Louisiana Purchase (1803) –  Lewis & Clark -

33  Jefferson reelected in 1804  France & Britian at war again “Tiger & Shark” -  British Orders in Council (1806) -  French response -  Impressment -  Chesapeake incident (1807) -

34 Trying to Stay Neutral  Embargo Act of 1807 –  rationale -  enraged public -  Non-Intercourse Act of 1809-1812 -  Unintentionally promoted: revival of Federalist Party manufacturing in New England

35 James Madison (1809-1817)  Macon’s Bill No. 2 - 1810 -  Napoleon complies, seduces us towards the French –  Young Hotheads of the 12 th Congress from the South & West “Hawks” – Henry Clay (KY)

36 The War Hawks’ Reasons  1.) Nationalism -  2.) “Free Trade” -  3.) Chance to eliminate Indian threat in West  Tecumseh & Prophet – Tippecanoe (W.H. Harrison) –’11 Thames (Tecumseh killed) – ‘13 Horseshoe Bend (Andrew Jackson) – ’14  4.) Expansion into Canada & Florida

37 Congress Declares War  Close, SECTIONAL vote (229)  Why France & not England?

38 War of 1812  poor preparation & poor strategy  failed invasion of Canada (p.234)  British invasion from Canada repelled in 1814  2 nd force lands on the Chesapeake burns Washington  Star-Spangled Banner –

39  Battle of New Orleans (Jackson) – sad part -  Overall navy = good army = bad  Treaty of Ghent = reset button -  Why did Britain Deal?

40 Hartford Convention  Federalists meet in late 1814  angry about -  demanded –  laughed at in DC –  end of -

41 After The War of 1812  HOT - ssssiizzzzsssssssssssssssssszzzszzzz…. nationalism war heroes (Jackson & Harrison) new manufacturing  NOT – like Britney Federline sectionalism Federalist Party Britain Indians Owning Land

42 The American System ~ 1824  Henry Clay’s idea –  1. Strong banking system purpose –  2. Protective Tariffs Purpose –  3. Network of Roads and Canals Purpose – Erie Canal (1825)

43 Presidential Review  89-96 – Washington – no party but...  96-00 – Adams (Federalist)  00-08 – Jefferson (D-R)  08-16 – Madison (D-R)  16-24 – Monroe (D-R) The Era of Good Feelings?

44  panic of 1819 Cause –  impact: 1- 2-  Growth of the West 9 new states added alternately – free & slave

45 slavery sectionalism temporarily silenced  Tallmadge Amendment – South worried -  Missouri Compromise (1820) Henry Clay – “The Great Compromiser” 1. MO = slave 2. ME = free ( 12 / 12 ) 3. 36 o 30’ EFFECTIVENESS of MC -

46 John Marshall Expands Federal Power  McCulloch v. Maryland + “implied powers” & loose construction (A8)  Cohens v. Virginia + judicial review  Gibbons v. Ogden + fed. control of interstate commerce  Dartmouth College v. Woodward + fed. protection of business  Daniel Webster  Marshall’s legacy -

47 Nationalism in Foreign Policy  Treaty of 1818 -  The Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819 -

48 The Monroe Doctrine (1823)  What is a doctrine? -  What prompted the MD? –  Monroe Doctrine 1. 2.

49 Reaction  at home -  in Europe -  in Latin America –  The Russo-American Treaty of 1824-

50  Jay’s Treaty (1794)  We Get re-promise to evacuate NW forts $$$ for past seized ships  they get repayment of rev. war debts  enrages Jeffs. & Southerners  prompts Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) -

51  1.) What US city was burned by the British in The War of 1812?  2.) What decisive US victory was won AFTER the treaty was signed?  3.) What new land, if any, did the US gain in The Treaty of Ghent?  4.) What type of people met at the Hartford Convention?  5.)Who was the mastermind behind “The American System”?

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