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TRANSPORT of ICARUS from LNGS to CERN Alberto Scaramelli INFN-Milano Following the meeting at LNGS on 11-12/9 Last News 102/10/2014A. Scaramelli.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSPORT of ICARUS from LNGS to CERN Alberto Scaramelli INFN-Milano Following the meeting at LNGS on 11-12/9 Last News 102/10/2014A. Scaramelli."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSPORT of ICARUS from LNGS to CERN Alberto Scaramelli INFN-Milano Following the meeting at LNGS on 11-12/9 Last News 102/10/2014A. Scaramelli

2 Exit route 2 02/10/2014 A. Scaramelli

3 To be removed in Tir Gallery 3 02/10/2014 A. Scaramelli

4 Some actions, dates and responsibilities 1 lFrom now on Chiara V. blows clean air inside the cryostat to remove all Argon. The Lab has to find a technical solution. lBy 7 October, Chiara V. opens the welds and unscrew some bolts protecting with plastic the front face. l9 October the box arrives from Spain and by the 10 th it will be pre-positioned in front of the TPC (J. L. Grenard) during the night 9-10 Oct). l13 th October the door (towards ICARUS) of the box will be removed (F. Noto procedure) and the box opening is protected with plastic to avoid dust. l13 th October Claudio M. put in place the plastic tunnel between the cryostat and the box. All electrical services enter there. l14 th Oct – 7 th November: Pavia & Milano groups will install the extraction tools and insert the TPC into the box. Slide: 4A. Scaramelli

5 Some actions & dates 2 l7 th November the Transport Frame will be closed, ready for moving. l10 Th November the Transport Frame will be out of the GS Lab., traveling to CERN: the truck enters into the tunnel in the early morning and is assembled inside the Hall B, leaving GS in the afternoon. l13 th November in the night, the second TF arrives and is positioned in front of the cryostat. Then we have to decide what next, because it is very difficult to be ready for a second transport to CERN for the 10 th of December. Slide: 5A. Scaramelli

6 Second Transport Frame: scenario 1 We give priority to insert the first TPC into the clean room at CERN lWe have to move the insertion tools from GS to CERN together with the Pavia Tecs lInsertion week of 24 th November l4 th December tools and Tecs back in GS and insertion work into the 2 TF can restart lTransport to CERN probably at the end of January or February Slide: 6A. Scaramelli

7 Second Transport Frame: scenario 2 We give priority to insert the second TPC into the Transport Frame in GSasso lAll insertion operation between 17 th Nov and 9 th December lTransport leaves GS to CERN the 10 th. Last possible date. Or leaves end of January lFirst TPC insertion into the clean room at CERN in the week of the 15 th December or in January. Slide: 7A. Scaramelli

8 Actions & Responsible Persons lLNGS to organize the argon flushing of the ICARUS detector before any operation in October lCERN to confirm with the IRMA-GRU the transport dates + plate F. Noto lCERN to confirm the transport with the firm Allieni C Bertone lJ.L. Grenard to provide to GS Lab the list of tools and people he will bring, with all necessary certificates lF. Noto to provide a written procedure for the removal of the box doors lC. Montanari to to provide a written procedure for the extraction and insertion procedure, with all the tools lM.Nessi to order the missing support lCh. Zarra to start the procedure to remove all material for the entrance and exit of the trucks from the bypass towards L’Aquila (2 dewars, guardian barrack, various small material, several lights and signs) lCh. Zarra to organize the removal of the Lab signs inside the freeway tunnel lCh. Zarra to write a letter to the freeway authorities informing of the need for such special transports and agree on the dates and operations lC. Montanari to inform Ch. Zarra of the electrical power needs during operation lC. Montanari at LNGS on the 2 Oct. to tune last details Slide: 8A. Scaramelli

9 Ready to go 02/10/2014 A. Scaramelli9

10 Ready to start 02/10/2014 A. Scaramelli10

11 From 19 September 02/10/2014 A. Scaramelli11

12 At CERN 12 185 22m 10m 7m Clean room for TPC assembly lA bldg. (185) is being adapted and dedicated to assemble the TPCs in the new cold vessels. A. Scaramelli

13 Conclusions Slide: 13 lDisassembly of a complex plant as ICARUS and the removal of the main components in such a difficult environment represented very hard work, demanding appropriate procedures/organisation, and care for safety. lActions listed in the previous slides are all performed or in the way, with some problems, essentially formal, still open. lThe choice between scenarios 1 & 2 is still pending. lThe transport of the TPCs from LNGS to CERN will be performed without interferences on the critical path of the future overhauling program. A. Scaramelli

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