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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 CharactersCommand ments Major Events Literary Elements Symbols/ History Wild Card.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 CharactersCommand ments Major Events Literary Elements Symbols/ History Wild Card

6 The only animal to leave the farm voluntarily A 100

7 Who is Mollie? A 100

8 The animal who designed the windmill A 200

9 Snowball A 200

10 The animal responsible for coining the phrase: “Napoleon is always right.” A 300

11 Who is Boxer? A 300

12 The smartest and most stubborn animal on the farm; the one who could read fluently but chose not to help out his fellow animals until the end A 400

13 Who is Benjamin? A 400

14 The animal that always talks about Sugarcandy Mountain. A 500

15 Who is Moses? A 500

16 Napoleon broke this commandment first when he added the words “with sheets.” B 100

17 What is the fourth commandment, “No animal shall sleep in a bed?” B 100

18 This commandment was revised in the eighth chapter after Napoleon was thought to be dying B 200

19 What is the commandment that stated “No animal shall drink alcohol?” B 200

20 The animal responsible for making the changes to the commandments B 300

21 Who is Squealer? B 300

22 The maxim the sheep kept repeating because they couldn’t remember all of the commandments B 400

23 “Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad!” B 400

24 The final maxim that replaced all seven commandments B 500

25 “All Animals Are Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others” B 500

26 The proper name of the first major battle C 100

27 What is the “Battle of the Cowshed?” C 100

28 Napoleon breaks the sixth commandment “No animal shall kill another animal” by betraying this character C 200

29 Who is Boxer? C 200

30 The humans’ attempt to recapture the farm is known as this battle C 300

31 What is the “Battle of the Windmill?” C 300


33 These actions prompted the rebellion C 400

34 Either of the following responses are correct: Jones did not feed the animals Jones and his men did not care for the animals C 400

35 This animal was injured and was sent to the glue shop C 500

36 Who is Boxer? C 500

37 The animals find Squealer lying stunned by the barn with a broken ladder and an overturned paint can nearby D 100

38 What is dramatic irony? D 100

39 The pigs celebrate Boxer’s death with liquor purchased with money from his sale D 200

40 What is situational irony? D 200

41 A story that is told usually by using animals as the central characters and some kind of moral D 300

42 What is a fable? D 300

43 Napoleon becomes a tyrant and the animals blindly accept him as an all-knowing prophet D 400

44 What is satire? D 400

45 A story that can be read on two levels D 500

46 What is an allegory? D 500

47 Mr. Jones represents by this character in history E 100

48 Who is Czar Nicholas II? E 100

49 Snowball represents this historical figure E 200

50 Who is Leon Trotsky? E 200

51 This man was represented by Napoleon E 300

52 Who is Josef Stalin? E 300

53 Sugarcandy Mountain represents this idea that serves as a distraction for the animals E 400

54 What is heaven? E 400

55 Squealer represents this by spreading ideas and rules of Napoleon E 500

56 What is propaganda? E 500

57 This is the Russian equivalent of Animalism F 100

58 What is communism? F 100

59 This character is the only human to help establish trade with Animal Farm F 200

60 Who is Mr. Whymper? F 200

61 This was the name of the song all the animals sang F 300

62 What is Beasts of England? F 300

63 The deliberate attempt to influence a large group of people to act or think a certain way F 400

64 What is propaganda? F 400

65 The pigs learned to do these two things at the end of the novel F 500

66 What is walk on their hind legs and whip other animals F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: EVENTS Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 Final Jeopardy Question What was the final argument between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington about? Click on screen to continue

69 They both cheated at cards Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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